OK, Brad Meyers, tipped me off to this thing. I signed up but I’m not seeing a true network OS, but an OS (AJAX obviously) that sits under the umbrella of your OS and browser. I don’t know why Meyers thinks it is so cool. I think it’s interesting, maybe. And I must be missing the point. So I’m asking for a reader Open Review. Please dump your comments here. Thanks.

Here is your load link for YouOS. Check it out and tell us all what you think.

  1. Herbie says:

    Do I need another OS within my current OS? Maybe a way to share files from work to home; but why log into something else to do that when I can use a memory stick, burn a CD, send it in e-mail, etc.

    Maybe if open sourced, college profs could use it as a sandbox for students to create their own GUI? Or build out the unix commands? Or add features?

    This is a good example of what else you can do with AJAX, though!

  2. It’s a poster child for AJAX for sure.

  3. volt says:

    Dumb terminals, thin clients, web operating systems? Gosh, I’ve never seen that strategy promoted wildly before, only to vanish without a trace. Of course, I shouldn’t laugh. Where would we be today without bubble memory?

  4. Strange says:

    I already have enough things going on at once with Mac OSX running with Bootcamp. I don’t think another desktop that appears in an internet explorer would be such a nice idea.

    tweaking with one is tiring
    tweaking with two is cumbersome
    tweaking with three… well you get the picture

  5. Another Flavor of
    Scott McNealy Sun Microsystems Vision

    Java script api’s
    Software code that runs on top of any operating system not at the root

  6. Cognito says:

    If I had a cheap/very light/small wireless device that ran a browser only this would be really useful.
    Maybe also when running different systems at different places.
    Not so sure when I have lap-top, desk-tops, work and home with a full OS, I’ll give it a go though.

  7. hombrelobo says:

    You should try eyeOS, it is FAR better.

  8. Randy Mann says:

    WHY??? Interesting? Yes….Useful? No. Just seems a little redundant.

  9. Fabrizio Marana says:

    Well, to be honest: this is something that would work well for people who have limited access to computers…

    All you rich kids, just try doing what you’re used to at home next time you’re at a friend’s place… Oooh, you have OpenOffice, not Micro$oft Office? Oh, you use SharkMail? Opera? FireFox?

    With YouOS, all that is a thing of the past: you don’t even need to upgrade your current computer if you don’t have the money… Watch this closely kick off in the thirld and fourth world… Walk into any Internet cafĂ© or any friend who has a computer and log on!

    These guys are actually making the future happen and not just “designing” a 100$ laptop per child and waiting for 10 million orders before producing a single one. On the flip side: there are no free Internet connections in the jungle of Brazil…


    Fabrizio Marana

  10. faustus says:

    stupid is as stupid does… we have what use to pass as cray supercomputer performance on your desktop now but everyone and their dog ( well may not the chinese dogs) whats you to use crappy slow web based software. go figure

  11. Derik says:

    I could see the promise of this, if more applications came into existance for it, I would put my 4 year old daughter on it without worrying about her getting into any system files and deleting them (which she has seemed to do in Windows even with limitted access) but the issue with that idea is just before I found out about YouOS I found out about Edunbuntu and I have found that to be a great operating system for her, with TuxPaint and several other small child friendly applications it is the perfect solution… so saddly YouOS has to go by the way side for her… but I can see the portability benifits.


  12. GregAllen says:

    This concept seems totally on-track for the future of broadband — or at least as I’d like to see it!

    I want a cheap computer that has a simple crash-proof DOS and no-fail connection to the Internet so that I never, ever have to install software or re-boot. I am MORE THAN WILLING to trade features for an end to buggy bloatware.

    My only job is to surf around the Internet and decide which features I want.

    If another “OS” looks better to me, I just go to that web site and start using it. Same with applications

    I want no-uninstalling or problems with that blankety-blank registry.

    I will probably still need a high-powered stand-alone computer for my work, but for home, everything I need can be done with software that I get over the web.


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