Cripes! Are you kidding me?

OhMiBod Music Powered Vibrator – OMB 411 — Did I say cheap thrills? $70 is almost as much as an iPOD. That said, I think someone has finally got the right idea for the iPOD market. Forget skins and leather pouches. This must have been around for awhile since it explains all the jumping around on those commericials. When you see someone with an iPOD give them a big knowing smile — and wink.

Simply plug OhMiBod into your iPod or any music player and it automatically vibrates to the rhythm and intensity of the music. Let your body feel the vibrations as you get down with your favorite tunes. The combination of listening and feeling your music quickly transports you to a place where music, mind and body come together to create an unbeatable sexual experience.

  1. Ross says:

    Guess that explains the song “jerk it out” on the old iPod commercials.

  2. Mark D. VandenBerg says:

    What EQ setting would you use? Bass Booster, Pop or Deep?

  3. Anon says:

    I’m almost disappointed that no photoshop was attempted here. Then again, fact is stranger than fiction I guess.

  4. Mike Voice says:

    And now with CNN and Cartoon Network shows on iTunes, they can use it while watching Wolf Blitzer or Johnny Bravo… [grin]

  5. João PT says:

    Wow!!! an iPod themed dildo…

    I mean… isn’t it funny a dildo iStyled???? LOL
    I bet it comes (no pun) in a black box…does it have DRM ???

  6. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    This is a great product idea. I wish I’d have thought of it.

    I wonder why men are so squeamish about sex toys?

  7. Aaron says:

    In other news:

    “Apple was sued today by millions who became deaf and blind after use of their products…Here’s Tom with the weather.”

  8. Miguel Correia says:

    Why not call it an iDildo?

  9. It’s not the first audio-controlled dildo on the market. It’s just the first iPod-themed one.

  10. Joe says:

    I think that “iRod” would be a more appropriate name.. Anyone? 🙂

  11. Joe says:

    Oh wait! I just got an idea… Don’t use the splitter or the headphones, just plug it in directly, put the iPod on Shuffle and play “Name That Tune!” 😀

  12. bill says:

    Where’s the black one?

  13. Mark T. says:

    This will bring new meaning to Quiet Riot’s “Cum on Feel the Noise”.

  14. #6 — Uh, if you read the comments I don’t think you find any DU reader to be squeamish. Juvenile maybe! But Squeamish, not hardly.

    And I do like the iDILDO or iROD ideas. They blew it, as it were. Gak!

  15. ivor biggun says:

    I’m suddenly hearing the song “I’ve got the music in me” by Kiki Dee from the 70s…

  16. Awake says:

    One more proof that Porn drives the video market.

  17. Senator Stevens says:

    It’s another series of tubes I tell ya! Blocking it all up… it’s blocking everything!! Last month I found one of these tubes on my wife you see. And yesterday, just yesterday, she finally, finally I say, allowed me to uh, umm… err.. deliver my internet!! You see it’s blocking all of us I tell ya! You hear me it’s blocking all of us!!

  18. JoaoPT says:

    The black one is gasoline powered because it can’t draw enough juice from th iPod…

  19. Steph says:

    actually john, $70 is CHEAP for a vibrator … besides, if apple had made this they would’ve charged $120.



    i can’t believe the one time i can contribute something to this blog, it’s the price of a vibrator.

  20. Ballenger says:

    They could have given this a more hi-tech sort of name such as The We-E-nie or maybe the iPud.

  21. tony says:

    lol this is crazy guys but just wanted to let you know you can get mp4s without having to suscribe to anything

  22. Danielle says:

    Yay! A new way to masturbate to 30 Seconds to Mars or From First to Last.

  23. Jeff says:

    my girlfriend was telling me about this and…. hmmm she has an ipod >.<

  24. {Hot H.} says: That is just wrong.

  25. OMG says:

    Well I doubt tuning in the heavy metal is a good idea

  26. I’d like to know how I can invest in the product. It’s obviously going through the roof….along with many women!

  27. Really boys? says:

    Seriously: why so shocked? Did u think that ur the only ones that ENJOY masturbation? This is a “intresting” product to say the least, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t intrested in trying it- really, what girl didn’t have posters of some hot singer on their walls as a teen- and didn’t think” if only I could sleep w/ so&so” and then irony strikes and now u can! Lmao! It’s funny, it’s fun, and if I gets u off- then I say more power to womanhood! Think about it, ur girl every say “put this song on and trust to the pace?” why do u think she did that? As a novelty act?! No she wanted it cause it’s hot and it turned her on! Close those jaws- u knew we liked it!
    I say this product came out as a direct result of this situation . And I’m buying one. Google Adam and Eve and u’ll see this is actually a reasonable deal. Then google stats of sexual active sexual happy woman and u’ll see that “toys” are a GOOD thing. Stop being jealous! Those toys can be used for ur benifit too… Practice makes perfect, the more sex u have the more u want, and these stimulating vibes tighten those love muscles u boys love.
    I think this is a kick ass gift for ur gf- give her a iPod for Christmas and this for V-day and U will have the best most app sex of ur life.
    Women are to often shy about sex! U all are raised to be proud of it u get laid ur a stud, we are raised to think that if we have sex we’re sluts. It’s bigomistic second standards and it does not an active lover make.
    Show ur girl it’s okay for her to be horny. Show her that it makes u hot when she’s confident about wanting sex- and shell BE more confident, WANT more sex and be VERY app with YOU! I don’t mean buy us a dildo every holiday( think new uses for chocolate, feather,) tease us we like it! Think sex we do! Romance isn’t dead, niether is our sex drive. Stop being so close minded!

  28. Savannah says:

    Any body wanna help me with it (.Y.)


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