The state’s new commuter train will start running on biodiesel fuel, which is made from the vegetable waste of farm products.

New Mexico officials said the Rail Runner Express is one of the first commuter rail systems in the nation to use such fuel.

“The Rail Runner is fast and clean,” Gov. Bill Richardson said Friday. “With the switch to biodiesel, it will be green, as well.”

State officials said biodiesel fuel is 20 percent less expensive than regular diesel fuel — about 30 cents a gallon cheaper.

Of course, ordinary folks wanting to switch to biodiesel get to pay more than the usual retail cost of diesel. Because of supply and demand they tell us.

  1. chris says:

    your shitting me

  2. “Supply and demand” affecting price? What a crock, next they’ll be saying that gravity is what keeps us on the planet.

  3. god says:

    Traditional conservatives allow for a certain understanding of greed and guile in business. Neo-cons, I guess, still believe in the Tooth Fairy and benevolent oil distributors.

  4. moss says:

    I understand Eideard’s “concern”.

    Price-fixing in NM provokes legislative “investigation” every few years. Another crock.

    One member of my family was (for a few years) the largest purchaser of diesel for state institutions. He worked a deal with a vendor in Texas to get around sleazy “local” prices.

    The response by our state legislature was to try to make such purchases illegal.

    Though, ES probably lives in one of those “ideal” states where there isn’t a hint of collusion between politicians and profiteers.

  5. joshua says:

    Ok…first of all….why does New Mexico need a commutor train? You only have 3 cities above 50,000 people. Most of them live in Albaturkey or Santa Fe. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Bullshit is plentiful in this country, should be a good source of fuel.

  6. Pterocat says:

    Here in the Catskill Mts. we have a historic railroad, mostly abandoned except for an “old train ride” section a few miles long that tries to attract tourists. It’s funny to watch them waving from the windows of a restored passenger car as if they’re actually going someplace, kind of like what you might see in a Twilight Zone episode (The Train To Nowhere).

    But then, you have to wonder if gas prices get a little too out of hand someday, somebody might take a look at whether all this might become useful again.

    Cut to a scene of Victorian era commuters on their way to work, waiting at the station, watching the occasional horseless carriage chug by on the old dirt road.

  7. joshua says:

    I guess I couldn’t bait eideard with that comment. ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Eideard says:

    Chuckle — one of the reasons we love New Mexico, joshua, is that the really bothersome Californians won’t move this far away from LA. They stop when they reach the Phoenix basin. ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. joshua says:

    #8…Oh God do they ever ๐Ÿ™‚


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