1. Higghawker says:

    I hear lots of little sucking noises?

  2. cjohnson says:

    I think there are a few more piglets that should be there.

  3. James says:

    Uh, you forgot to add a pig that says MEXICANS!

  4. platypibri says:

    Well, how about instead of Mexicans we say illegal immigrants. I mean every one from the Chinese to The Croatians are doing the same thing, except in lower doses. Send ’em all home.

  5. DavidtheDuke says:

    Looks like that could’ve been on in paint. Expect to see variations based on the “author’s” political ventholes – if one isn’t already out.

  6. rickm says:

    Or just change the names to this:

    That sums it up for me.

  7. This pic would go good with that bio diesel story this blog is raving about.

  8. FSFunky says:

    Ehh, I think even The Beatles made this joke.

  9. Frank IBC says:

    Loral and Rockwell don’t exist anymore. Most of the former went to Lockheed Martin while the remnants are called L3. Most of Rockwell was bought by Boeing and what was left was split into two companies.

    Who’s the idiot that made this?

  10. Hvacmach says:

    Are Americans just too nice? Don’t say anything you might offend someone, or hurt their feelings. We allow this to happen because we have been made to feel guilty, not guilty for the less fortunate , but guilty for what we have.

  11. joshua says:

    #6….in case your not aware of it section 8 is not just for welfare recievers. It also happens to be used by retired seniors who can’t afford the rents in their area and also utilities and food. Also the disabled use section 8 a lot, because they only recieve 1085.00 dollars from Medicare and still must pay for part of their drugs plus housing, food and utilities. Of course their are abusers, name me any program in this country that dosen’t have it’s abusers, but the vast majority of these people need it, desperatly.
    In this area(San Jose, Ca. ) a small, crappy studio apartment starts at 700.00 a month, plus utilities, try paying that on less than 1100.00 a month income dude or dudette, and still pay high utility rates and extreamly high food prices. If your unlucky enough to be on SSI, your income in California is 836.00 a month, and no food stamps. A lot of people who knock section 8 recipients spend that much a month on beer, chips, salsa and American Idol.
    I deliver meals on wheels to retiree’s and aids patients 4 days a week and also do Senior mentoring 3 days a week, I see what these people have to go through just to get by, there are no extras, no snack foods or trips to McDonalds in their lives, they end up eating carb/fat rich foods because they are cheap enough to buy. Fresh vegtables are almost a luxury item for these folks.
    I would suggest you get off your butt and away from your computor and go into your community and do some good for the poorest among us and less bitching.

    I want to add that not only do large companies suck at the tax payers teat, but politicians and many so called charities do as well, along with most enviromental and consumer groups. We only read about the tax breaks for the likes of Lockheed-Martin…..but the others are there to.
    This country has become one large suction machine for federal tax dollars and the politicians are more than happy to oblige the feeding frenzy.

    There are very few people, advocacy groups, cororations, religious groups, non-religious groups that are willing to say no to what that pig in the picture is showing.

    Waste and corruption all depends on whose ox is being gored.

  12. Higghawker says:

    I’ve been reading about this and I like it! Anybody have any comments?


  13. AB CD says:

    can’t afford the rents in their area

    Then move. Everyone else shouldn’t have to pay for you to live where you want. It would help if places like San Jose would let new apartment buildings get built faster.

  14. Omar Bennani says:

    Personally, I want my money back.
    the only problem with getting rid of illegal immigrants is, do you want to pay 2-3$ more for your food? this country is based on immigrants, and unless you want do their job for as much they’re paid… you really shouldn’t complain
    i’m also generally ignorant on where all my tax money goes. I don’t want it going to illegal immigrants, but i also don’t care if they’re here either.

    fairtax is a great idea, i love it, but it will never happen. absolutely never. congress doesn’t really follow the voters, it follows the money, and this takes it away.

  15. John Schumann says:

    That fairtax thing sounds pretty good to me. I don’t like paying high taxes. I figure with a simple tax that everyone can see, the politicians would be more accountable. Everyone would want the basic rate low. As it is now, everyone wants the taxes raised for the “other” people.

  16. Higghawker says:

    Unfortunately John, I think this is why we will never see it? Your words: “the politicians would be more accountable”

  17. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    The joke is on all of you, because none of you will be expected to pay it. All this deficit is being passed onto our children.

    Joshua, one of your best posts to date. You almost sounded liberal.

  18. ECA says:

    Lets see,
    we HIRED immegrants to build Railroads, and to mine, and to turn our fileds.
    when the jobs were over, we campained to get them Evitcted. we blackballed them and everything else we could find to do.

    this is as bad as the Marines, being Racialy Bias. Thinking that Japaneese are wimps and shouldnt be in our military, because we Whoomped on them in WW2.
    WELL we beat the Italians, and the Germans, and a BUNCH of others also. And the Japaneese, chineese, and other Asians were WITH US doing it. and I will also point out that Blacks have been in Every American War Sence we Stated Waring.
    And considering the Blacks and Asians got more medals and fighting PER GROUP, then the WHITES, in WW2…Go find your HEAD and put it back on, I think its floating ABIT high in the air.

    As to handicaps, and disabled…
    I want to see you LIVE on $400-700 per month, WITHOUT assistance. Unless you’ve had it sence the 70’s and are getting $1200 per month with the 3% increases, you ARE SCREW’d.
    Try to work and they take it away.
    Make to much and you loose your medical coverage, or have to pay 1/2 of it.

    How about the Raise that the politicians Just got.
    The Lowering of taxes to the RICH. I figure the Poor would have spent it faster, and made a BIGGEr impact on sales.
    Inflationary Costs of goods. Farmers are STILL getting

  19. joshua says:

    #13….AB CD….take your head out of your a**. The people I work with worked all their lives, raising families and doing what normal people do. But most of them never made the kind of money that allowed them to put money into stocks and bonds, so they have to live on social security alone. So your answer is, now that your a burden, go live in Idaho. What arrogance. You better hope you never have any bad luck bud…….and you are forced to live on social security, because even in low rent areas, 1100.00 or 1200.00 dollars a month dosen’t go far.

    #$18…Mr. Fusion….naw…..it’s called *traditional conservatism* or in Teddy’s day *progressive republicanism*.
    The problem is that there just are to many people that need help to be done by local organizations and churchs as in the 20’s, 30’s and 40’s. I am a firm believer in fiscal responsability, self sufficency, hard work, and helping those less fortunate, the smallest goverment you can possibly have and as little interferance in our daily lives as is humanly possible.
    Goverment dosen’t have all the answers, in fact goverment rarely has any of the answers, and this becomes truer the higher up the goverment food chain you go.
    I believe that you must protect the enviroment, without it, we don’t survive. This isn’t just a liberal idea, it’s an old Republican idea, that we once practiced.

    To change the subject….there is a race for Congress in the Minnisota 6th district near St. Paul/Minneapolis area that has a great candidate running. It’s for Mark Kennedy’s seat, and 2 woman are running for the Democrays and the Republicans, but the best person running is a 27 y/o guy named John Binkowski, he’s running as the Independent Party’s candidate. He’s really good. If your from that area, check this guy out. We need lots more like him to run as independents to end the 2 party system. Here is a link to a story about the race, he only gets mentioned at the end….but take the link on his name to google and to his site…..I think you will be impressed.



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