1. Uncle Dave says:

    I posted it because it is tasteless, horrific and a whole lot of other things. We as a nation are complacent about what is happening around us. We allow our elected leaders to use 9/11 as an excuse to enact laws for their own ideological ends that would never get anywhere otherwise. We allowed them to get us into a war against the wrong people for the wrong reasons when the people we should be after were allowed to escape into the hills. Sometimes we need a slap in the face to get us back to reality. All the words I could write and all the articles I could link to don’t have the impact something like this video can. At least, I hope, it got some of you thinking. Now, go back to watching reality TV and game shows.

  2. Johnny-Cakes says:

    Thanks James for putting it all into perspective. Yes, I rewatched the video and now I know why we’re in a war with Iraq….um….because they were the country that funded….nope that’s not it. Ok, we’re in a war with Iraq because the terrorists all were from there…nope, that’s not it either. Wait wait, we’re in a war with Iraq because the planes were all made over…nope, not that either. Wait, why are we in a war with Iraq again? Watching a tower fall while a guy was on a cell phone didn’t really make it clear to me.

    Knowing that all but two of the hijackers were Saudis made it clear to me we should be at war with Saudi Arabia, not Iraq? Their leader is Saudi also. Are you sure we’re fighting the right country in retaliation for 9/11? I’m confused. What did Iraq have to do with all this again? Why the hell are we at war with them at all?

  3. James Hill says:

    Johnny Cakes, tell your mother I’m sorry that the abortion was a failure.

    Read my post, then read Dave’s post. You’re incorrectly assuming that my post means I’m in support of the wars going on these days. I’m simply stating that 9/11 is being used as justification for a number of things, rightly or wrongly.

    If you can’t link 9/11 to Iraq logically, without sounding like a hack on either extreme of the political spectrum, then you lack the context to form an intelligent opinion on the subject… like the majority of Americans these days.

  4. Johnny-Cakes says:

    Uncle Dave…it’s showing videos like THAT that makes people vote for monkeys like Bush. It’s the fear of things like THAT that we allow them all to enact laws for their own ideological ends because everyone is focused on that horror.

    After 9/11 the whole country went to sleep. The press laid down, the congress laid down….anything that the President wanted he got with no questions because of this horror. It was all for “national security”. And now, when we’re finally getting back on our feet, the press is waking up, and the public is waking up to what a total moron Bush is and how he’s just crapped all over the Constitution. Then you come along and want everyone to “wake up” and get shocked back into reality? Or do you want them all to run screaming and hiding again and just say “whatever you need to defeat them and keep us save Mr. President is fine by us”.

    We were complacent and submissive right after 9/11. We’re not that way anymore. We don’t need these brain-stems out there that point to this video and shout “see, this is why we’re at war”. No you fricken morons, that’s NOT why we’re at war with Iraq. Iraq had nothing to do with this. The people that DID have something to do with it are all still free in the world. No justice, no nothing. We went in half-assed into Afghanistan and just messed around and they all got away. But NOOOO, we go in like Rambo into Iraq and plunge that country into a civil war. And now, everyone else in that region wants to get in on the civil-war action! Lebanon? Syria? Iran pushing everyone around? The price of oil sky high….do we really need a slap in the face Uncle Dave? We’re slapped everyday!

  5. Salamn says:

    “Read my post, then read Dave’s post. You’re incorrectly assuming that my post means I’m in support of the wars going on these days. I’m simply stating that 9/11 is being used as justification for a number of things, rightly or wrongly.”

    original post: “If you think posting this information is tasteless then you need to watch it again: This is the reason we’re at war, a world war nevertheless, with an ideology on the level of Nazism. You don’t have to like the war, but you sure as hell need to understand what’s going on in the world.”

    original post mean two things, you are for war, or you against reasons for going war. “ideology on the level of Nazism” could mean people of Islam who want to destroy western people, or US government for invading country.

    my english is not the best, but I too was confused by what you ment. sorry.

  6. Steph says:

    if i hear one more person say “we gotta catch the guy who did this!!! WHAAAAA!!!!” i’m gonna puke all over my computer screen.

    i’m not saying there was a cover-up, but i sure as hell don’t think there ONE guy we can just catch and it’ll all be over.

    it’ll never be over as long as the government can use fear to control us.

    i’m tired of being afraid.

    i’m tired of fearing my own government, coz i fear it more than i fear osma, or even the chance of another terrorist attack.

    jesus …

    … i’m just tired.

  7. Max says:

    You people are silly. And sad. Be angry, just be angry at those who were responsible. Be afraid. Be afraid that you we forget just exactly what we’re up against. It’s only been 5 years, and already we are weary. Believe it or not, there is evil in the world. As much as you would like to think these murders were comitted because of something we did, ultimately it’s the responsibility of those individuals that hijacked those planes. Awful individuals. Let this clip stand to remind you of that evil. Never forget.

  8. d2nds says:

    “Now, go back to watching reality TV and game shows.” wtf?

    Thanks, I’m glad that you decided today was a good day for “a slap in the face to get us back to reality.” Interesting choice, I guess they aren’t any current issues that you could use to slap us around.

    Ill give you the benefit of the doubt, maybe your just in a retrospective mood (a tech blog post about pay phones, nice job taking advantage of the timeliness of the medium)

    Screw you Uncle Dave.

  9. ECA says:

    there is evil in the world.
    and we better start looking in our own house before we start POINTING FINGERS.
    this all started with Bush 1(sr). When he declined to help FIX afghanistan after a 10 year war.

  10. rwilliams254 says:

    Bush, Rice, Powell, Rumsfeild, Cheney, etc…. all vehemently denied that that Iraq had anything to do with 9/11. It’s idgets that believe that. However, they are the one’s putting words into other people’s mouths?

    Is the world better or worse with Bathe regime out of power? Is the world better or worse after Libya gave up their WMDs? Are the 60 million people that are not under the rule of Bathe and the Taliban better or worse?

  11. d2nds says:

    rwilliams254: the “the 60 million people” are worse off. America is worse off. Lots of innocent people have died in Iraq and Afganistan since the recent US military interventions. You may think that your government has liberated these people and brought them what you consider freedom, but I assure you they see it differently.

  12. Dave, there was nothing wrong with the post. Anyone who clicked on it knew what it was.

    I think it is good to get angry again at those bastards once in a while.

  13. Dan Wally says:

    Good Job Dave!

    This video reminds us that all the political use of 9/11 (not 9-11 or 9-1-1) does nothing to respect the lives lost in these attacks. I was sick of this guy’s whining about halfway through but in the end I almost teared up. People expect perfection and total security nowadays. This guy believed that he was going to be saved at the top of one of the tallest buildings in the WORLD! Too much REAL belief in fake TV and movies. He should have been calling SOMEONE HE CARES ABOUT but instead he thinks his one call to 9-1-1 (ah–there’s the right usage) is going to help him get saved.

    There is almost nothing that can protect you completely.
    You are never too young to die!
    Freedom was given to you and IT CAN BE TAKEN AWAY!!!
    All-out war does nothing to stop terrorism, terrorism is a state of mind!!!
    If anything all out war promotes MORE terrorists!!!
    Enjoying your freedom is the only weapon against those who don’t agree with having freedom—don’t give it up!!!


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