1. Johnny-Cakes says:

    Thanks Uncle Dave…just what we need.

    I have to ask…um…why? Why post this? To remind us how bad it was? Aren’t we hit over the head with 911 911 911 911 911 almost EVERY single day?

    Here’s a spoiler for those that didn’t watch this. Just a guy on a cell phone talking about where they were in the number 2 tower…then right at the end a big “OH GOD” and it cuts right off. That’s it. Then the tower falls as we saw over and over and over and over. And we still see over and over and over and over.

    Yes, it was horrific. Yes it was terrible. Yes yes YES. WE KNOW! What does this do for us?

  2. ECA says:

    I cant probably blame them trying to sync up the video with what happened. Even with a real phone call.
    But they could have done a longer section, instead of the last 2 minutes of a 10 minute call.

  3. Pete says:

    Sorry, fake or not I couldn’t listen to something like that…. :S

  4. lou says:

    sorry Uncle Dave – there was no need to post it.

  5. Miguel Correia says:

    So sad. Poor souls.

  6. domc says:

    Just reminds my that this country still has not caught that man that is responsible for this. Also reminds me that this event has been politicized by the people in power in this country!

  7. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #7 – You lie! Saddam Hussien, who singlehandedly flew all four planes then parachuted out at the last second, has indeed been captured. I was watching Fox News when it happened. All hail High Cleric (and president) Bush, who is a real war hero, and the most patriotic man ever to live!

  8. tallwookie says:

    yawn/stretch – next

  9. W says:

    Tasteless (Taste”less) a.

    1. Having no taste; insipid; flat; as, tasteless fruit.
    2. Destitute of the sense of taste; or of good taste; as, a tasteless age. Orrery.
    3. Not in accordance with good taste; as, a tasteless arrangement of drapery.

  10. bac says:

    If you can’t put up with this small clip then wait for the movie that Cage is in called The World Trade Center.

    Have a nice day.

  11. ECA says:

    13, if it has REAL action in it, and he gets hurt….OK…LOVE it.

  12. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    I couldn’t listen to more then a few seconds of it.

    This brings up the question, why haven’t we caught the person ultimately responsible for this? Almost five years and he is still running around out there. Every week, more people die from terrorism throughout the world then did during the previous Administration’s entire two terms.

  13. Hal Jordan says:

    Tse. YOUTUBE “911 thermite loose change” for some reality.

  14. malren says:

    After reading the barking moonbat commenters here, I am once again struck with the fact that I fucking hate people. Both for what happens in this call/video and for their sheer and utter stupidity in reacting to it.

    Fucking hell. We really are doomed.

  15. ECA says:

    Waiting for them to raise the reward, I guess.

  16. Aloiv says:

    For most of the video, it sounds like this guy sounds whiny, but then it only takes a few seconds at the end to strike fear into your heart…
    Was that the point you were trying to bring out?

  17. Awake says:

    You really have to wonder about the undelying qualities of the person that posted this as a blog feature. It is pointless, pure sensationalism with no redeeming value whatsoever. It is not new (I heard the audio tape several years ago), so it is not news. It is at the same level as watching ‘Cops’ , except that we can’t laugh at the morons when they get caught at the end, since it is pure tragedy.
    What’s next John on YOUR blog? Videos of Zarquawi beheading people to remind us of… something?

  18. mongoose says:

    Considering the light tone of Dvorak’s blog, I wasn’t really expecting to encounter something so horrifying. I guess the title should have been a clue, but for some reason I didn’t think it through. It’s his blog, he can post whatever he wants, but it seems to come out of nowhere, which may have been the point.

  19. Shawn Caron says:

    Maybe next time something like “Not for the squeamish” or at least some sort of warning. Yeah, maybe I should have known from the fact that it was 9/11, but I did not expect that. I did not expect that.

  20. Johnny-Cakes says:

    Ok…I’ll take the bait.

    How should we be reacting to it malren? How are we “barking moonbats”?

    How did YOU react to it? Enlighten us, oh wise one. Stun us all with your great insight.

  21. Miguel says:

    On the phone with 911 when the towers fell…

    What EXACTLY were you expecting when you watched this video until the end?

    C’mon, we watched because something inside us made us want to watch it again.

    And we’ll do it again.

    And again.

    and again…

  22. Mike says:

    I guess I’m stupid but I’d like to know how this can be a fake? I’m not saying it is or isn’t but those who say it is, how did you arrive at that decision?

  23. Davidka says:

    Fake or not, as with all tragic times, we feel compelled to revisit them. Something screwie in the human nature. It’s kind of spooky that I was just reading a BBC report about “voices from the battle” about the conflict in Lebanon & calls that have come out of there as the bombs dropped… The sad reality of all of this is the human race will never learn. As we get “smarter” (& I use the term loosly) we just get more dangerous.

  24. Jonathan Fox says:

    The people responsible flew into the building, as for their leaders… they are like a multi-headed hydra, cut one head off and a new one appears.

    We cannot imagine what it was like in those towers but human nature does have a morbid curiosity. We want to see it, but at the same time we don’t.

    I do believe our natural state is conflict and we will never learn, it just goes on and on until one day through our stupidity or our damage to the planet we will all expire either slowly or instantly and life will go on one way or another…

    probably the cockroaches will be the next masters of planet earth.

  25. Miguel Lopes says:

    I think our desire to revisit and reanalyse these events has something to do with our survival instincts. Maybe subconciously we want to learn whatever we can from them, maybe that will give us some info we may need if we find ourselves in a similar situation. I don’t fight it. I just avoid watching some rather painful situations if it’s obvious there’s nothing to be gained from it – like seeing people mangled and dead in car crashes. I’d only go in if I could do something to save the person/s involved. But in those situations I, and most people, try to learn what happened and how, and there may be a reason for that curiosity.

    My opinion, of course.

  26. Charbax says:

    The truth about 9/11 is not on the internet. Or maybe it is, but where is the URL?

  27. Mike Voice says:

    24 On the phone with 911 when the towers fell…

    What EXACTLY were you expecting when you watched this video until the end?


    Its like going to a NASCAR race and complaining when you are witness to a multi-car crash…

  28. Josh says:

    If you watch the “Loose Change” documentary on google video or youTube you can see lots of compelling arguments that there is a lot of government cover-up to the whole 9-11 tragedy. Why do they hide the footage from the gas station across the street from the Pentagon? What is there to hide? There are a lot of unanswered questions abou this event. The “Loose Change” video is one everyone reading this should take the time out of their busy lives and watch. It is a real eye-opener and worth watching more than once.

  29. James Hill says:

    Fact: If you think there is a government coverup around 9/11, you’re a moron.

    Fact: If you think posting this information is tasteless then you need to watch it again: This is the reason we’re at war, a world war nevertheless, with an ideology on the level of Nazism. You don’t have to like the war, but you sure as hell need to understand what’s going on in the world.


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