These are some pics floating around the net depicting the results of break-ups. I’n sure an entire website could be devoted to this stuff. Funny, but pathetic too.

  1. Raff says:

    Sometimes I’m glad I’m single.

  2. Nirendra says:

    Is it mostly women who do these things? Because I only ever see these targeted at men.

  3. blastum says:

    Nirendra – it seems that women are much more vengeful than men are. Meaner and more aggressive too. Not sure why that is.

  4. James says:

    I’m no pychologist or socialologist, but my understanding from some college psych courses and my own observations is that in our society, men will be more direcly aggressive and women will be more passive aggressive (that’s not to say that there aren’t exceptions or that I’m saying that ALL men are like that and ALL women are like that; I’m just speaking about general societal trends).

    Typically, if a man catches his wife cheating, he’ll try to assuage his wounded pride by going after the other man, usually directly (phsycially or otherwise). In the opposite situation, typically a woman will assuage her emotional wounds by trying to inflict the husband with wounds of the same calibre through humiliating means as pictured above.
    In short, when a person finds his or her spouse is cheating, typically, a man will try to protect himself, and a woman will try to hurt the man as much as she was hurt. Both situations are very unhealthy emotionally, but women’s revenge trumps men’s sulking because revenge makes for better “viral” photos. 😉

  5. forrest says:

    If a man did those things to a woman, he’d be in a lot more trouble than she would be…

  6. RonD says:

    Too bad there isn’t a spell checker for spray paint. 🙂

  7. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #3 – I don’t know why either, but I bet its a man’s fault 🙂

  8. Miguel Lopes says:

    John, why don’t YOU create pages dedicated to this sort of stuff on your site? I remember the bumper sticker photos, those would also make a good page. No need for a logic to all those pages, just make one page for each subject that comes up.

    Just a thought.

  9. Justin Yost says:

    I have to agree with James, with women being passive aggressive. Look at a what happens when women fight, you have the rumors, the innuedos, the fight over who supports who. Men you slug it out and get it over with. Women it just doesn’t end. I read a great book on this for a Women’s Studies course called – Odd Girl Out, if anyone wishes to dispute this idea or wants more to read more about it.

  10. Rick says:

    I think you are all missing that it is most often (yeah, stereotype..but, oh well) that the guy is the one who can’t keep his pants up…the vengeance comes FROM the harmed…if it is a straight world, that falls on the gals. I just wonder if the guy wrote “yes” on his car as a show of support for the chick with whom he was cheating…

  11. forrest says:

    #10 – What are you talking about…?

    Where are you getting your statistics from regarding infidelity in relationships? EVEN if this is the case, it takes two to tango…

    I assume you are saying that majority of the time, girls don’t cheat on guys…or that girls don’t cheat on girls (whatever)… Yeah, I don’t buy that, I don’t know how many other people buy that either…

  12. Kevin says:

    I saw on some TV report (one of the evening news shows like nightline or 60 minutes or something) that females derive more pleasure from revenge than males do. They learn it at an earlier age(like 3 or 4) and are more likely to devise a long term plan for revenge and acutally carry it out.

  13. ECA says:

    Its the basic idea that MEN will take it on NOW..Then forget it.
    And Women, who takes it on ALONG time and BURNS your house down while you are sleeping in it.

    generally, Women are abit more sensitive and put emotions out more strongly.
    Men get abit denurred to this aspect when we are younger, as we fight and make friends in a matter of days.

  14. joshua says:

    I don’t the psyhcology of it all…..I just know the pictures are great.

  15. Janey James says:

    So what do you think is happening when a guy stalks a woman? I’ve seen this go on for years! There are more similarities than differences, guys.

  16. I agree. I think both sides have their psychos.

    Miguel, good idea although the bumper sticker thing never caught on!

  17. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    #16, Janey, quite true. More women are assaulted or even killed by men because the woman tried to leave then are men.

    In almost every case where couples separate, the man is always an a**hole and the woman a bitch. Only some take it to the violent part and men are generally more violent them women.

  18. mike says:

    Why didn’t John include this pic with the others?

    After all, he went to the trouble of saving it to his server and everything, perhaps hes worried about some stupid kneejerk reaction from the feminazis when they see a single ‘anti-female’ pic, even though its surrounded by anti-male ones.

  19. Freud says:

    Okay, folks! Here it is…

    The long awaited answer that few people on the planet know…


    Men think primarily with their cerebral cortex. That’s where the higher, more advanced, more human part of the mind resides.

    Women think primarily from a more primitive part of the brain, the limbic brain, which is why we’re so different.

    Read about it here:

    I just found that article, but I read about this several months ago. Think about it, according to evolution, and the hunter/gatherer theory:

    1. Male have more testosterone. They are hence more aggressive. Prehistoric males who were sensitive to their feelings (fear) and their pain threshold, were more likely to fail in combat — thus, being killed, and not passing on the ‘pussy gene’. Inevitably, they became physically and socially dominant because of this.

    2. Women have less testosterone. They are hence more prone to avoid conflict. Prehistoric females probably understood, or were pre-programmed by the FSM, to protect their reproductive systems. They stayed home while the men died, and evolved to be even softer and sweeter. While we love them this way, they could not (and will not) compete in the same way as men.

    That’s a simple explanation, but that’s (probably) the way it is. Once I learned this, I knew how to live with women much more effectively than I used to.

    Well, shoot it full of holes, approximately 51% of you are probably pissed about that. It isn’t my fault, it’s just the way it worked out.


  20. Nick says:

    You’re just a woman with a small brain. With a brain a third the size of us. It’s science.

  21. Steph says:

    women are PSYCHOS!!!!!!!

    men: i’d avoid us altogether.

    that’s why god made porn and baby oil.

  22. Dr.Fatal says:

    Man! these are some funny stuffs, any more pictures?

  23. Angel H. Wong says:

    Next time try an open gay relationship.


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