Thousands of website names ending in the .eu suffix have been suspended by the body that administers the domain.

Brussels-based EURid froze 74,000 domain names which it believes have been stockpiled by a syndicate of registrars who intend to sell them on.

The process, known as “warehousing”, is not permitted by EURid which is suing 400 registrars for breach of contract.

The organisation believes the domains were acquired by three UK companies which acted as a front for the group.

ICANN’s response to warehousing and similar scams — is to hold a discussion and issue a press release about the discussion.

  1. forrest says:

    What’s wrong with discussing the issue and then discussing what was discussed about the discussed issue?

  2. David says:

    These people need to take over ICANN and actually get some action done.

  3. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    #1, forrest, I agree. This is something that truly needs some discussion. And we should discuss what was discussed about that discussion in our discussion. Before discuss turns to disgust.

  4. Anon says:

    Nothing wrong with a little discussion. “Less talk more action” should have died out with the cowboys, or at least outgrown by age 19.


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