Funny to think now how it all started so innocently. Then suddenly, phones became mobile, CD players gave way to MP3s, computers found new life on the internet and DVDs made tapes obsolete.

Your relationship with gadgets quickly gained pace, gathering into obsession. But sooner or later there comes a time when you must ask yourself: has our relationship moved to a new level? Am I and technology more than just friends?

And so it is, in the spirit of corny relationship advice everywhere, that we point out the signs that reveal if you are too close to your technology.

Most of these are worth a chuckle. Most are a few paragraphs long.

Except for #9: You own a BlackBerry

  1. forrest says:

    So falling into most of the 10 signs means…what?

  2. rickm says:

    Falling into all 10 means that you’re a basement dweller or have no life.

    If I did all of those then checking email during sex would never happen because I’d be getting no sex, unless I was a player like Dvorak. 😉

  3. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    The key is to find a mate who is as much of a geek as you are 🙂

  4. kballweg says:

    Damn, I flunked out totally. WTF good does it do to know three OSs if you can’t pass a simple test? Danm.

    I have to give up this certification crap and learn to be rude so I can be leet.

  5. Smartalix says:

    Me, I’m still hunting for the perfect bluetooth headset. The Sony/Ericsson unit I paid $130 for sucks worse than the $49 Motorola and $79 Plantronics I had before. (The best performer was a different Plantronics unit, but I had problems other than reception with it.)

    Who out there has a Treo 650 and loves their Bluetooth headset? Let me know what model you have so I can try it!

  6. James Hill says:

    Smarty, in another thread I suggested the HS850 from Moto. Have you looked at that one?

    I like it because it’s light, it doesn’t cover up the whole ear, and picks up voice well. The only gripe I’ve heard about it is that, to the person you’re talking to, you’ll sound a little tinny.

  7. Smartalix says:

    I’m going to have to try that one, thanks.


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