The word is that this Kim Cattrall ad in oh-so “liberal” New Zealand was pulled off the air for being “too suggestive.” I actually find it hard to believe since the ad is lame. But the news reports indicate that it upset viewers. Did it ruin din-din too? OH NO! If this is true the Kiwis have now become world-class weenies! Cover your eyes.

one report is here.

Nissan has yanked a bawdy new TV commercial featuring the former Sex in the City player from New Zealand airwaves following numerous complaints from viewers who felt the spot’s naughty humor was inappropriate and over the top…But that doesn’t mean Cattrall’s salacious act doesn’t play at all Down Under–the same commercial that got New Zealanders’ knackers all in a knot has been airing in neighboring Australia since February without so much as a peep of controversy.

The New Zealanders would probably have a conniption over this video of a gal breaking a handfull of chopsticks by a mere squeeze of her buttocks.

found by Sergio Gasparrini

  1. Stafford says:

    Shame. Another in a growing list of stupid complaints on what is being shown on TV in New Zealand. People up in arms over South Park and Now this.
    Another reason I won’t be going home just yet.

  2. Fred Costo says:

    John- your RSS feed had the side comment:

    “When did the toughies in Australia turn into wussies?”

    Just to clarify- the ad has been pulled in New Zealand- not Australia. The ad has been shown in Australia for some time without issues.

    Despite popular belief- NZ and Oz are two different countries! (A fact that 20million Aussies and more than a few million Kiwi’s are enternally thankful for!)

    Having said that- so harmless ad have also been pulled from Australian airwaves in the past…..


  3. RTaylor says:

    I have to wonder if it’s more than the sexiness of the ad? Could it be the producer, actress herself, or the manufacturer? I swear I don’t see the Kiwi’s getting so wrung up over this. Least the ones I know.

  4. Nirendra says:

    They obviously know what they don’t want on air. Since when does publicly taking a stand make you a weenie?

  5. JoaoPT says:

    this car is a Renault CLIO. And the ad is as lame as the car…

    yours truly, former Renault owner

  6. Anon says:

    I think the cast of “Sex in the City” should generally be banned for indecency. Indecently bad acting.

  7. Miguel Correia says:

    She’s driving in the wrong side of the car, and worse, on the wrong side of the street. Talk about indecency. LOL

  8. Miguel Lopes says:

    You said it. It IS lame.

    But no, that’s the right side of the street down there.

  9. Miguel Lopes says:

    And Kim is SO OLD by now. I mean, she looks gorgeous, but she’s what… 50? C’mon….

  10. Joao says:

    Who’s PT ?

  11. Sorry about the RSS feed..changed it…geez.

  12. Fred Costo says:

    Thanks John.

    We Aussies and Kiwi’s (me being the former) have a healthly rivalry (that I equate to brothers who fight all the time). When you boil it all down- we are really very close- but we still don’t like being confused with each other.

    I’m now living in Canada and I see a lot of similarities between Oz/NZ and the US and Canada.

    Bringing it back the advert- it is interesting to remember back a few months when the Australian Tourism adverts were banned in the UK (because of the word “bloody”), then it was banned (temporarily) in Canada, but not because of the language, but because in the advert a guys offers the viewer a beer that’s not full! Now that is weird!

    Links are:
    Bloody Hell Ad Banned Background Click here

    and the ads can be seen here:


  13. Edwin Rogers says:

    A quiet news day.

  14. Ben says:

    that’s not Kim Cattrall btw, it’s some other old blonde.

  15. Smartalix says:

    I liked her as the hot Vulcan chick in the last decent Star Trek film.

  16. @$tr0Gh0$t says:

    And who can forget that Porkys movie she was in.


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