Tim Goodman. The Bastard Machine : The TCA Awards: Our Strange Little Secret — When you look at the list of TV shows that got awards you’ll find that they are well chosen, but mostly snubbed by the Emmy’s and their oddball selections. Good to know that someone can get this right.

Often we are rewarding series that have been bypassed for Emmys – sometimes for the first time because nobody else appreciates them, sometimes because the Emmys are just lame. Each year I half expect nobody will show up, and then they do. It’s not televised. It’s not a big to-do. In fact, it seems a little bit low rent. But at least they know we’re not doing this because we like glitz or stardom. We do this because we want to reward excellence.

Complete list here

  1. Higghawker says:


    Right On!!! One of the best woman comedians ever!!!! Kudos TCA

  2. rwilliams254 says:

    This is the event where Keith Olbermann held up a Bill O’Reilly mask and did a Nazi salute. …but I guess on a forum like this… well, let’s just say that I’m not surprised it’s not posted.


  3. OmarTheAlien says:

    In some of my low intensity wonderings I wonder just exactly how does one become a critic. Got to be cool, watching tv, movies, schmoozing with eager starlets who’ll do most anything to promote their latest whatever then ripping them to bloody shreds in your critic’s column.


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