A fisherman was recovering from surgery after he was speared in the chest and knocked into the Atlantic Ocean by a blue marlin during a fishing competition off Bermuda’s coast.

Ian Card, 32, was in stable condition at King Edward VII Hospital in the British Island territory from a wound that his doctor said could have been fatal.

Card and his father, Alan, both operators of a charter fishing boat and experienced marlin fishermen, had just hooked the fish Saturday when it suddenly leapt out of the water, impaled Ian Card just below his collar bone and knocked him into the ocean.

The younger fisherman managed to struggle free while his father cut the line and helped his son get back into their boat, the Challenger.

There has to be something about existential justice in this.

  1. Gary Marks says:

    The whole point of sport hunting and fishing is to stack the odds overwhelmingly in your favor and prove yourself superior, or something like that….. Anyway, sometimes the fish wins and we have to admire its cunning and bravery. It’s too bad the blue marlin doesn’t have a den where he can keep some sort of trophy on the wall to commemorate his triumph over man.

  2. tvindy says:

    Wasn’t there an old movie from the 50s or 60s where the main character was impaled through the heart by a marlin? The whole movie involved flashbacks as the impaled fellow answered the heart surgeons’ questions about the events leading up to the marlin encounter.

  3. Smartalix says:

    It was a Jerry Lewis movie.

  4. John Paradox says:

    Sometimes you eat the bear

    Sometimes the bear eats you

    (NOT from Stephen Colbert)


  5. Tom says:

    Well thats when you get when you go fishing, you really take your life into your hands.

  6. Anon says:

    In other news, man fries egg on sidewalk.

  7. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    I guess he got the point !!! Don’t mess with Ima Fish in disguise.

  8. John Murray says:

    Fishing accidents occur in many different shapes and sizes. Sometimes the hook is the culpret…….. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1b6r9SnRzK0


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