Windows uses pirated software?

Has it ever crossed your mind to use the editor to open a WAV file installed with Windows XP? Nobody will do that – that’s what Microsoft probably thought. After all, countless WAV files are stored on a computer, and they are to be heard, not to be watched, right?

No, not exactly. Our colleagues over at Macwelt gave us the idea. We tried it and examined some WAV files that are stored on a drive with a newly installed Windows XP. And we made a stunning discovery.
We found the following text [in a wav file]:
LISTB INFOICRD 2000-04-06 IENG Deepz0ne ISFT Sound Forge 4.5
But what is the name “DeepzOne” doing in nine WAV files in Windows XP? Nothing more than a coincidence? One has the suspicion that that the files were generated with the cracked version of Sound Forge 4.5.

  1. ly.Chand says:

    OMG what an OLD story! I first heard about that 2 maybe even three years ago!

    Still funny as hell though! 😛

  2. jon says:

    It’s always funny when a company who is the victim of piracy practices it itself.
    Crytek was busted for using pirated 3d modelling software for Farcry.

  3. Eric Phillips says:

    Might not have been MS itself, but another company who they bought the sounds from. Still, it is funny!

  4. Matt says:

    Incredibly old.

    However, why hasn’t Microsoft been approached because of this?

  5. Raff says:

    If you think thats cool start opening some of the large fonts in an editor.

    I used to have a cool one called direct edit. by the great codeholio.

    Interesting things they stash in font files. Go see for yourself.

  6. Clay says:

    I heard this on a podcast this morning and thought I had heard this a while back. Then when I get home to there its is again. I thought for a few secs that I had seen the future back then. Thanks to y.Chand(post 1) for killing my hope of having mind powers.

  7. prophet says:

    The first pirated game I ever saw was Revenge Of Montezuma on my friend’s old TRS-80. I remember having to load either DOS (not MS DOS, some other DOS) or assembly as the OS, depending on which game we wanted to play. I had no clue why we had to do this, but damn it, we did it and it worked.

    I can still remember the messages that would scroll across the title screen of cracked games that looked like this :
    “Thanks to MonkeyPuke and the ButtMunchers for this crack. Led Zepplin rules and Columbian Gold is the best”

    Ahhh…to be a young nerd again…

  8. ECA says:

    forget that, we had cracked games on the C64…IF I REALLy liked it I would buy the original. But even then a game cost $20-30 each on a FLOPPY. And a CD dont cost much more NOW.


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