India curtails blog access – Asia – Pacific – International Herald Tribune — It begins.

That site was prompted by the efforts of the Pakistan Telecom Authority to block in February, as a way to prevent the proliferation of Danish cartoons mocking the Prophet Muhammad.

On Thursday, a technician at a Bangalore-based service center of one Internet provider said the government had ordered the block of “due to security reasons.” Another service provider in Delhi said the government, without explanation, had directed his company to block access to fewer than a dozen sites; he could offer no details on the nature of those sites.

Officials at the Ministry of Communications did not return repeated calls. Gulshan Rai, an official at the ministry’s department of information and technology, said he was aware of “two pages” that had been blocked for spreading what he called anti-national sentiments, but did not provide details.

  1. hatim says:

    lots of thanks to not many users know how to browse anonymously ..its a great help to them to access in Pakistan)

    SLAP the block

  2. Tim Harris says:

    America blocks crap all the time too. I just had a few of my posts rewritten on Engaget. Media only covers Isreali crap on tv, but censors Isreali atrocities against other countries.

  3. hobot says:

    Engadget != America.

    What are you, retarded?

  4. James Hill says:

    You’re right: Engaget is the outpost of Rice’s State Department flunkies. No wonder their reviews are so worthless.

    Wait a second, I’m supposed to be the conservative here. Nevermind.

  5. Hey Tom. If the media only “covers Israeli crap” then how do you even know about anything else? Are you a psychic? There is a logical disconnect here.

  6. kororaa says:

    I presume he means “main-stream” media, as in the large television networks, and gets extra information from the web.

  7. obaid says:

    Good question John, but i guess what Tom meant was that media exaggerates anything done against israil and tries portray their attrocities against others as insignificant.

  8. OmarTheAlien says:

    Well, if our guys are better than their guys, and they should be, we, the casual observer, would never know if we’ve been censored or not. Orwells people had it down pat: Censor the bad guys, anybody bitch about it shoot’em, leave no loose ends.
    Maybe the only reason they let Matrix run is because nobody would actually believe it.

  9. joshua says:

    #7…..Somebody dosen’t pay attention to the *major media* in the U.S……usually it’s all Palistian all the time, and Israel can do no right. I’m amazed that this time they got it right and are putting the blame right where it belongs, on Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran and Syria.
    What really had my eyes bulging was the Englis media is actually placing the blame where it should be instead of it’s usual anti-Israel stances.


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