
This is fascinating stuff, and only serves to demonstrate how flexible, smart, and inventive humans are.

There was the time a fifth grader thought it would be funny to punch the blind kid and run. So he snuck up on Ben Underwood and hit him in the face. That’s when Ben started his clicking thing. “I chased him, clicking until I got to him, then I socked him a good one,” says Ben, a skinny 14-year-old. “He didn’t reckon on me going after him. But I can hear walls, parked cars, you name it. I’m a master at this game.” 
There is a video of him navigating with sound on the site.

  1. Daniel says:

    it doesn’t show him using clicking to get around at all, it only shows him playing with dolphins.

  2. jason says:

    Might have been more interesting to actually see the clicking method… but what can you expect.. its “People”… ITS MADE OF PEOPLE!

  3. FRAGaLOT says:

    Play video games? If he can only “see” though echo location, how can he see anything on a video screen?

  4. kororaa says:

    according to page 2 of the article:
    “He excels at PlayStation games by memorizing the sounds that characters and movements make.”

  5. Ascii King says:

    What a stupid story. The announcer calls it “eco” location not “echo” location and they never actually show him doing any of this amazing stuff. Somebody has to do a better story on this guy. His ability is incredible.

  6. Dan Ryan says:

    This kid is freakin’ Daredevil.

  7. rwilliams254 says:

    This made national attention a couple of months ago. CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, etc… all did a bit piece on people that use this technique…only after Discovery Channel (I think, it may have been TLC) did a small piece on it.

  8. Mike says:

    Well, potentially interesting but the video was completely uninformative and boring in relation to the kid’s abilities.

  9. FRAGaLOT says:

    then it’s an audio game.. not a video game!!!

  10. tallwookie says:

    thats crazy

  11. Mike Borginis says:

    Ben’s an awesome kid, maybe he can click for a few seconds and help reporter Patrick Rogers find his brain. Bottleneck dolphin huh. How do they eeeko-locate?


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