Frost and Sullivan selected GATR Technologies, Inc. as the recipient of their 2006 Product Innovation of the Year Award in the aerospace and defense satellite antenna market for GATR’s inflatable satellite antenna. This technology is designed for ground use in remote areas with harsh weather and where the movement and installation of large standard rigid satellite antennas is challenging.

The patented design combines the transmission power advantages of a large antenna with the low weight and portability of a small aperture antenna. GATR’s terrestrial application for inflatable antennas is unique. The first production system will be a 2.4 meter inflatable radome C and Ku-band satellite system. The antenna only weighs ~11 pounds and is easily transportable in a small vehicle, checkable luggage, or can be shipped by standard carrier when deflated; the whole system weighs less than 75 pounds.

GATR is hiring, btw — if you feel like living in Bamalama?

  1. RTaylor says:

    I’m in for one. Really I’m so PO’ed with my cable company, the only reason I haven’t switched it off is can’t decide between Dish or DirectTV. I need a new TV also, and this HD/ED/LCD/Plasma stuff gives me too much of a headache to ponder it.

  2. OmarTheAlien says:

    RT, the satellite companies suck just as bad, they charge you for content and you still have to watch commercials. You’ve got to buy all the basic crap, then you can pay for the so-called premium channels, but they still play promos between shows. Content is recycled interminably, and you have to watch way more TV than is healthy to get your money’s worth.


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