For some reason last night Spam Karma failed and the blog was filled with spam comments. In the process of eliminating these pesky messages some genuine messages got erased. Sorry for the inconvenience. We expect to have this resolved ASAP. Settings have been changed too and this may make it difficult to post some comments with embedded links or promotion. While everyone can freely post comments, registered users should find it easier due to the nature of the filters.

  1. JoaoPT says:

    OK. Keep up the cleaning, we’ll patiently await…

  2. Anon says:

    I thought I was blacklisted (as I shamefully test one more time)

  3. Eric says:

    Do you have to give up the “I get no spam!” thing now?

  4. Dave Sanders says:

    Oh come on. We all know that you “get no spam.” ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. I get no spam only refers to email.

    and Anon, we love your comments too much to EVER blacklist you. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Raff says:

    yeah I thought I was blacklisted too.. lol I was like gees.. What did I do this time…

  7. Raff says:

    I thought I was blacklisted too.. Guess its a good way to make people register.. lol I still couldn’t post unless I signed in..

  8. ECA says:

    WELL, looks like someone took the challenge…
    But., really, it looks like a few Signed in/up and posted internally. It wasnt from the outside sent into the system, as far as I could tell. I saw 2 of them. 1 was sent personally from the Email notifier.

  9. James Hill says:

    As an aside, did anyone else get a picture of a well endowed Japanese man as a private message through the Cage Match forum?

  10. rwilliams254 says:



  11. RTaylor says:

    This was obviously a planned and personal attack. All we have to do is figure out who John has offended in his writings and commentary. Oh, never mind. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  12. JohnnyM says:

    James hill yes I got that very nasty picturwe of the asian guy. glad i wasnt the only one!

  13. Todd says:

    It’s a conspiracy I tell you! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  14. Angel H. says:

    Spam… Yum…

  15. Curiously I got that pic too..what a fake.

    Hopefully we can fine tune the Spam Karma thing to make it function better. There have only been, as I recall, 4 guys in almost three years who have been blacklisted and that was for repeated personal attacks against the editors. I personally do the blacklisting myself. Meanwhile Apm Karma seems to not like certain people for reasons unknwn. With spam Karma it does help if you are a registered user I think.

  16. ECA says:

    I just gigure if he was THAT well indoud, He would loose blood pressure and pass out. Of have HIGh blood pressure, and DIE ALOt sooner.

  17. OmarTheAlien says:

    This has got to be a slobberingly attractive spam target, ‘cuz if it works here it’ll work anywhere. And I must be missing something, as I’ve yet to see anything that says register here. Must be an inside job kind of thingy.
    I tossed my guestbook on the site because I couldn’t keep the spam out.
    I missed it, as last night I was up ’til past midnight with my friends Dreamweaver and Stylemaster, concocting yet more evil.

  18. Drew Trotter says:

    Put aside the oddball pop music star image, Lady Gagaโ€™s simply just a home girl at heart. The musician, 25, who showed up on Japanese T . v . outfitted as a panda, proclaimed. She had become very good at cooking practically all types of pasta and really loves home cooking and cleaning.


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