Here are some vids from the Crucible Fire Arts Festival Event in Oakland where a hot time was had by all. These represent just 4 of the “artworks.”

Vortex of Flames

Fountain of Fire

Tesla Coil with BART

Crazy Fire-breathing pipe organ. (My fav).

  1. Andy says:

    I suddenly feel like Beavis . . .


  2. Lionel Tercier says:

    I wish I could of been there.. seriously though.. I had forgotten that my camera has that capability.. I will have to explore that now….

    I like it when someone makes me think.. even if it does hurt my head.

  3. Peter says:

    My adolecent child uses the video in the stll camera in preference to the camcorder. Only used the camcorder for a serious class project!

  4. Randall says:

    Las camaritas son sin duda más prácticas para pequeños videos. Después de leer Dvorak le tomé más aprecio a mi pequeña Genius multifuncional y me doy cuenta de cuantos grandes momentos he capturado con ella porque la puedo llevar a cualquier lugar.

  5. Kathy says:

    I didn’t realize I was being so revolutionary – I have LOVED my digital camera for several years now because I can get such wonderful clips of the little grandchildren who will never sit still for a good snapshot.

  6. RabidWOlf says:

    Fun things to do with Propane? Hank Hill-ishly

    Kewl camera. Wish I hadn’t bought my digital camera almost 10 years ago!


  7. Joel Bennett says:

    You might want to consider hosting your own content -.-

    The videos are a nice thought, but using u tube just gets me blank white squares … my work environment block them to prevent people wasting hours watching things … like this 😉

  8. Steve Reno says:

    Estimado Randall,

    A quien habla? Nadie aqui entiende el Español! (Todos somos el producto del sistema educativo del EEUU!)

    De todos modos, estoy de todo acuerdo con su comentario.


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