Are we men to become the superfluous sex? Guess the new porn browser came along just in time.

Women could make sperm

A new scientific breakthrough may lead to women in future being able to produce sperm.

Scientists in England have turned stem cells from am embryo into sperm which are capable of producing offspring.

The breakthrough is likely to lead to new advances in treating male infertility and even the possibility that women could manufacture sperm.

The researchers at Newcastle University say that the advance, when developed further, could help men with certain types of infertility to become fertile and even one day could enable a lesbian couple to have children that genetically would be their own.

The experiment used embryo cells to produce seven baby mice, six of whom lived into adulthood, although the survivors suffered adverse events of the kind seen in cloning experiments.

The researchers isolated embryonic stem cells from an embryo only a few days old consisting of a cluster of cells. The cells were grown in a laboratory and screened to isolate the spermatogonial stem calls which were grown and then injected into female mouse eggs and grown in early stage embryos.

The research team says its project will aid the understanding of the biological process through which sperm is produced, which should help in the future treatment of infertility.

It is hoped that this new knowledge could be translated into treatments for men whose sperm is dysfunctional, although could be some years into the future.

The research was published in the journal Developmental Cell.

  1. Central Coast says:

    This is cool. Women can now sue themselves in Paternity Suits. YaY ! 🙂

  2. ac says:

    So … does this sudden discovery by the backwater science of our ‘current’ society on the potential of anything with examples bombarding people on all fronts all the time of how ‘life finds a way’ make anyone, at anytime think about history for even a moment?

    Heh, na … but it gives me an idea on just how funny it would be to use parts of this story and throw a fark story + twist at someone under the guise of an unspoken, against a lot of odds, ‘miracle’ truths within the notion of immaculate conception and the true origins of Jesus 😀

  3. name says:

    Finally! I’ve been waiting for us dudes to be treated exclusively as a sex object…

    No more cuddling!

  4. James Hill says:

    Imagine how conflicted a woman would be during pregnancy: She’d have no one to blame but herself.

  5. chris c says:

    how many different cancers can we cure?

    Sorry this seems pointless.
    I love how advances like this move quickly while others stall.

  6. ECA says:

    READ closely…
    Stem cells from an embryo…Ya gotta get an embryo FIRST.

  7. RonD says:

    If a woman produced sperm to impregnate herself, wouldn’t that be inbreeding to the max?

  8. Smartalix says:

    Parthenogenesis. Or cloning, pick your paradigm.

  9. spsffan says:

    As though we need another way for humans to reproduce!

    I suppose the process could be sold by (drum roll)!

    And just how to these future women expect to get jar lids opened or things reached down from high shelves? Is the race doomed to having all future nails pounded in with the heel of a shoe instead of a hammer?



  10. I guess the epithet: “Go screw yourself” takes on a whole new meaning.

  11. Jeff says:

    Who cares…I mean seriously, so what. This is yellow journalism at its best. I used to believe that there was a significant percentage of the population of women that did not like men. I have since discovered that it is mostly men, who can not stand themselves.

    The purpose is to allow infertile men to be able to have offspring. If it allows a lesbian couple to have a child, so much the better, it’s really none of my business.

    As for singular reproduction, anyone who has had a basic biology class at a university will know that this will have a number of potential short coming because of a similarity in the gene pool. One major disease and you can kiss the human race goodbye (okay, a significant percentage of humanity goodbye).

  12. Peter says:

    apart from this all being utterly pointless, I’d be interested to see how they did the meiosis. If they took the stem cell from an enbryo (which, as someone has pointed out earlier, had to be there in the first place) it had a diploid genome. Sperms are haploid, they carry, sure enough, the male’s genome, or rather half of it. Which half it’s going to be is determined by meiosis. Now obviously, those people have halved the genome, otherwise there would be no point in calling it a sperm.
    Now re-reading the text seems to indicate that they’ve just selected stem cells that were going to turn into sperm. Hmm… where’s the breakthrough?


  13. Max says:

    What many fail to realize is that the embryonic stem cells used to create the “sperm” was made from a MALE embryo. Scientists are still some time away from creating sperm from a female embryo. It could possibly be done if scientists “cheat” by taking sperm-making genes from the Y chromosome in male DNA and somehow attaching it to a female embryo. This would still be using male DNA and would be quite a challenge. I’m not saying it can’t be done. I’ve learned not to doubt science unless it is totally impossible. Are guys “doomed?” I doubt it. Don’t forget in 2002 artificial wombs were being made. This scared feminists so bad until they stated “men could eliminate women from the planet and still perpetrate the species.” Needless to say, this experiment was either postponed or halted.

  14. Angel H. Wong says:

    Max: Amen! That’s why I call Feminists “Hembristas” (ask a coworker/friend/relative who knows spanish how to pronunciate it)

  15. Grand Belial says:

    In my opinion I think its great though I am a lesbian I do look forward to having my own children with my own dna. So I support the whole idea. I just fell that well scientist are always trying to play god and one day they might genetically create something that will parish the entire human race. No matter what happends people will still procreate naturally as intended and no men will not be doomed. But this can also be a door opened for lesbian women who share their lives with another person who may want to create a child made up of their genes.

  16. Man will equal woman, one day, I promise bro. says:

    God, I hope this will not succeed. These scientists must either:
    1. Be stopped, or
    2. Make artificial egg cells.
    Then we would be at par with the women. Then the world will be a woman-only zone, with men being of no use.

  17. Yang says:

    I love how, not so ironically, nearly all the men who have commented are against this.


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