Artist rendering of Halliburton retiree, Dick Cheney.

Washington Post – July 12, 2006:

The Army is discontinuing a controversial multibillion-dollar deal with oil services giant Halliburton Co. to provide logistical support to U.S. troops worldwide, a decision that could cut deeply into the firm’s dominance of government contracting in Iraq.

The choice comes after several years of attacks from critics who saw the contract as a symbol of politically connected corporations profiteering on the war.

Government audits turned up more than $1 billion in questionable costs. Whistle-blowers told how the company charged $45 per case of soda, double-billed on meals and allowed troops to bathe in contaminated water.

Halliburton officials have denied the allegations strenuously. Army officials yesterday defended the company’s performance but also acknowledged that reliance on a single contractor left the government vulnerable. The Pentagon’s new plan will split the work among three companies, to be chosen this fall, with a fourth firm hired to help monitor the performance of the other three. Halliburton will be eligible to bid on the work.

  1. Kent Goldings says:

    Screw the b*****ds!

  2. Max says:

    2 things –

    1) Haliburton is has been doing large governement contracts before Dick Cheney was ever associated with the company. To allude that the only reason they had the contract was because of Cheney’s influence is irresponsible and just plain wrong. If, after the bidding process, it turns out that Haliburton is the best bang for the buck and they do get the contract, I hope those that bray about the evil Cheney/Haliburton empire will shut the heck up. I will be eager to see who applies for the contract though. And, this is really great news. I hope the most qualified contractor get’s the the contract!

    2) Amazing how the military sees the danger in having only one supplier in this situation, but refuses to admit the folley of having only one supplier for engines of the new, multi-platform, Joint Strike Fighter.

    Left hand, meet right hand. Right hand, say hello to Left hand…

  3. Kent Goldings says:


    I thought the the Military stopped the whole top-down single source development procedure after the F-15. I’ll admit that I haven’t been paying attention.

  4. Danijel says:

    Eeexcellent depiction of Cheney 🙂

  5. Mark D. VandenBerg says:


    Now, list all the other companies that have the resources to do what Haliburton was doing in Iraq — go into a war-zone and set-up an entire city using no natural resources or inside vendors. I am sure it is a very, very short list.

  6. gquaglia says:

    “I hope those that bray about the evil Cheney/Haliburton empire will shut the heck up.”

    Don’t count on it on this board. They hate Bush/Cheney too much.

  7. name says:

    Cheney / Bush are teh 3V1L 1! OMG i can’t believe they rule like kings! This is America, not Amerikkka!!!! IMPEACH BUSH! ARREST CHENEY!

    How’s that guys?

    As an aside, why do people like any politician? They should come with shock collars and choke chains available to all citizens. Seriously! They’re our servants, not our masters… That being said, every 8 years all politicians should be run out of town by the screamimg public using pitchforks are burning torches. Without exception. Keep the blood fresh and their fear high…

    Unfortunately, too many people think that politicians are there to help the little guy…

    I hope this internet doesn’t get delayed by all the stuff in the tubes…

  8. Smartalix says:

    Since the GOP has controlled all three arms of government for the last 5+ years, they are the primary people responsible for our current state.

  9. Noam Sane says:

    I don’t know, I always saw Cheney as Mr. Potter in “Wonderful Life” or as The big Lebowski

  10. Noam Sane says:

    To allude that the only reason they had the contract was because of Cheney’s influence is irresponsible and just plain wrong.

    No, sending soldiers and Marines to war based on a the pipe dream of an old, sick sociopath, (and without the proper body or vehicle armor), and then ignoring the facts as the situation spirals downward, is irresponsible and wrong.

    Busting Cheney’s balls over Haliburton is politics, and don’t think he wouldn’t do the same.

  11. kballweg says:

    Competative bidding? How unAmerican.

    Those who are quick to defend Halburton probably are loath to admit that large corporations do not bother with the same blind loyalty to King [George] and country. They are self serving entities, who could give a crap if they depleat the national treasury as long as they survive in the global econonmy. It’s not a formula for a good bargin.

  12. throwaway says:

    Early production lots of all three variants will be powered by the Pratt and Whitney afterburning turbofan F-135 engine, a derivative of the F119 fitted on the F-22. Following production aircraft will be powered by either the F135 or the F-136 turbofan being developed by General Electric and Rolls-Royce.

  13. moss says:

    Sometimes I wonder if there’s a competition among the few remaining dittoheads to be the first to arrive at a Post concerned with politics — to (1) whine in defense of Bush, Cheney, et al; (2) whine about how they “get no respect”; (3) tell everyone else to shut up.

    Oh, and Mark — do your own homework. Want a list of firms capable of competing with Halliburton? Learn how to Google. You’d need a whole website.

    I worked for an outfit competing successfully decades ago — and Halliburton always was just the crew with the best political connections (starting with the CIA in the 60’s and earlier).

    The point is — they’ve been getting no-bid kissies from their Oil Patch buddies. And, then, wasting taxpayer dollars faster than Kongress.

  14. Ballenger says:

    Here is a partial list of companies doing business in Iraq. There is a profile of each hyper-linked to the name. Since we, and several generations to come will be picking up the tab for their work, it is probably important to know something about them and their track record for doing business with integrity, or otherwise.

  15. Milo says:

    This was blogged here but I don’t have the time to find it now:

    Among other things the above video points out that this contract covers functions taken care of by the military itself… untill Cheney recomended that they be outsourced. Also that after Cheney recomended himself for the VP jjob his personal worth has increased 4000 percent. Guess what types of stocks are in his portfolio? But he says he has nothing to do with that and of course he would never lie!

  16. Anon says:

    #13, don’t forget the pre-emptive name-calling and ad hominems, and/or gross non-sequiturs

  17. Mike says:

    When I was deployed to Djibouti almost 4 years ago, KBR provided most of the camp services. Can’t say I had anything to complain about… their work was a heck of a lot better than the natives’ (talk about lazy).

  18. Milo says:

    Besides what kind of an army is it when you can’t even put people on KP if they’re getting too big for their britches?

  19. Ken Lay says:

    Come one now I know President Bush would never allow Vice-President Cheney to cheat by giving no-bid contracts to his former company.

    I know he is a decent and law abiding citizen.

    Wait… I shouldn’t be posting now. I’m supposed to be dead.

    Never mind!

  20. AB CD says:

    >his personal worth has increased 4000 percent.

    Where did you get that? I saw when he was running that he made 20 million in the last 2 years. So even if he was worth around that, he would have to have become a billionaire since then! 400 percent might be possible.

  21. Milo says:

    Where did I get that AB CD? Probably from the video link I posted.

    The tip off you see is the part where I said “the above video points out”.

  22. Max says:

    #10 – Way to change the subject. They teach you how to do that in school? Equating the two is an easy way to throw logic to the wolves, and not really thinking about the root issue without imparting an emotional response. Way to go!

    #12 – Trust me when I say this… The Pentagon and White House are trying to cut funding for the F136 GE/RR powerplant for the JSF. They argue that doing so will save the program a couple of billion or so. While I agree that this is true initially, in the long run it could have devistating consequences (see F100 vs. F110 on the F-14 Tomcat). Plus, it may leave a bitter taste in the partner governments that are helping flip the bill on development costs (UK and others), if a European manufacturer (Rolls) can no longer put their product on the airframe. I have to admit, this is one time when pork may be a good thing…

  23. Hal Jordan says:

    mwa hahahh ha hah! Under the Bush New World Order, who’re ye foolin’?


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