“Yes.. I am serious.. I am going to go out there.. and I
am going to say it.. and they are going to BELIEVE me..
because I’ve got an honest face….”

From Now On, We’ll Be More Punctual, Promises Ballmer

“I think it’s probably important for me to tell our partners that, rest assured, we will never have a gap between Windows releases as long as the one between XP and Windows Vista,” Ballmer told thousands at the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference in Boston.

Meanwhile, Bill Gates comments on the upcoming release of Vista:

In Cape Town, South Africa, Gates said there was an 80 percent chance that Vista would be ready in January.

“We got to get this absolutely right,” Gates said. “If the feedback from the beta tests shows it is not ready for prime time, I’d be glad to delay it.”

Pure genius. Now they can delay it further on the basis that consumers are demanding that they do so.

  1. MattH says:

    Windows schmindows. XP still works fine for me.

  2. gquaglia says:

    Sit back, have another glass of M$ koolaid and listen to Steve and Bill. They are your friends, they would never tell you a lie.

  3. gquaglia says:

    Also, great picture of Ballmer. He looks like the perfect madman. Just the evil sort who would running M$ and trying to rule the world.

  4. Improbus says:

    My next Windows OS will probably be Ubuntu. Sorry Bill, this cow is dry.

  5. James Hill says:

    No complains from me: Switching to OSX was easy.

  6. Anon says:

    I believe you B-B-Balmer…honest…please…I won’t tell anyone…just let me go….Noooooooo!!!

  7. Todd says:

    Ho-hum… More non-news about Vista. I do not think that the average consumer wants Vista. I am certain that they dont want to pay for it. It seems to me that most of the call for Vista is coming from the hardcore Geek sector. Not your average user.

    On the upside, when Vista is released, I won’t have much trouble picking up used gear for my linux machine 🙂

  8. Zuke says:

    Is he starting to look more and more like Thing? (Fantastic 4)

  9. cheese says:

    I don’t mind delays between versions. I think we change them too often as it is. Why?

    1) Delays are saving us $$$ on upgrade, development and training costs we shell out every time we move to a new OS.

    2) They really should first fix the problems that were uncovered in the beta tests.

  10. RTaylor says:

    With a change in lighting and a bit of makeup, that photo of Balmer would be a dead ringer for Boris Karloff made up as Frankensteins monster. I wish I was better at Photoshop and had some extra time.

  11. JimJammer says:

    We’re over it – all the cool stuff is through web 2.0 sites delivered via Firefox – the OS is redundant anyway – who cares – i’m not buying it.

  12. Ex Peed says:

    Only ones who care about Vista are Microsoft and the trade press, who have to find something to generate buzz and are not brave enough to try and generate some themselves (Mr. Dvorak and similar TWiTters excepted).

  13. John Wofford says:

    The only reason I upgraded from ME to XP was that the version of Dreamweaver I wanted wouldn’t run on ME; only to discover that Dreamweaver wasn’t all it should be, for the money, anyways. Then I discovered that I really needed more memory than my current machine could hold to run the beast (XP), then after I built yet another damned computer I discovered the hard way that, due to chipset limitations, the only way I could run the MOBO’s advertised 4 GB RAM capacity was to upgrade to the 64 bit version of XP Pro. So now I’m looking to swap a couple sticks of 1 GB RAM for a couple sticks of 512 MB RAM.
    Vista? Not even thinking about it.
    But it has been a learning experience.

  14. Anon says:

    #15, look at it this way, some gamers will go through your ordeal willingly at quadtruple the expense, and in the end they don’t learn anything

  15. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    #16, you mean the ones with more money then talent?

  16. Dear Blogger,

    Could you either credit me as being the photojournalist who took the picture or remove it.

    Best regards,

    Paul Teixeira
    Member of the International Federation of Journalists


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