Independant Sources lists ten horrible domain names that give messages that clearly (hopefully?) are unintended. Among the “winners”…

Looking for a pen? Look no further than Pen Island at

A site called ‘Who Represents‘ where you can find the name of the agent that represents a celebrity. Their domain name… wait for it… is

Experts Exchange, a knowledge base where programmers can exchange advice and views at

  1. Eideard says:

    I love it. I love it.

  2. KB says:

    ROFL !!

    Nice find.

  3. Lou says:

    Amazing… reminds me of one of my favorite Saturday Night Live skits, Jeopardy, where the faux Sean Connery prounounces the catagories wrong.

    From my memory:
    “S” Words as Swords
    Therapists as The Rapists
    The Pen Is Mightier as The Penis Mightier
    An Album Cover as Anal Bum Cover

  4. BuddyB says:

    Funniest thang I’ve ever read. Following the link to the full post is a must.

  5. Hawkeye666 says:

    My side hurts! This is as good as the classic Indiana casino that advertizes “the loosest slots in Indiana.” Several of whom I have dated.

  6. jfstan says:

    My favourite one is “expertsexchange”… It makes sense: if you’re going to have a sex change, you most certainly would want to have an expert do it! 🙂

  7. gquaglia says:

    Funny part is, they all still work.

  8. Derrik says:

    This land is your land, this land is my land, from California, to penisland

  9. What idiots. Amazing.

  10. woktiny says:

    no such thing as bad publicity, I hear, especially in the “blog-o-sphere”

  11. anthony espinoza says:

    you would at least think that they would put a ‘.’ in there somewhere to seperate the names into something less ridiculous.

  12. Frank IBC says:

    I’m pretty sure that is a joke. The site is pretty skimpy, and the ordering systems are conveniently under construction and the stock is conveniently out.

    On the other hand, is the real thing.

  13. Deinonych says:


    @Jeff: seems to be real enough.

  14. JohnnyM says:

    sorry to break it to you deinonych but that website is a sqauuting website or hold on its a fake even with that adorablely cute puppy on the front …..

    goddamn that thing is adorable

  15. JohnnyM says:

    sorry didnt know the homepage picture changes sorry your gonna have to refresh a couple times to see the puppy

  16. joshua says:

    just to, to funny. The puppy is a must see……soooooooo cute.

  17. Canadian says:

    Do you really think this was unintended? I think these were joke domains put together as a joke.

    I remember seeing one for dehydrated water as well as carbon free diamonds. Same guy had both. Little joker.

  18. Doc says:

    Yes I do think they were unintended. Go to the post and follow the links. They are all legit.


  19. gonzo says:

    thats nice, and funny nice one all

  20. ming says:

    this is stupid

  21. melissa says:

    i love watching fun stuff. it makes me laugh. and it makes me hornyyyy. i love when people show crazy stuff on video.

  22. anonymous says:

    Even better website.


  23. aedan says:

    And then there’s the town of Bullpen Island in the Canadian prairies…

  24. Boogie says:

    Pussy I love pussys mmmm

  25. disgusted says:

    those names are very fortunate


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