Lucky bird. Maybe..

The write-up is not that interesting, but the picture seemed worth posting. Attempts to capture the bird have so far been unsuccessful.

Daytona-Beach News-Journal Online

Ibises are also very social creatures, so it’s conceivable that another ibis could peck the arrow out of its body and save the bird’s life, [Peter Frederick, an associate professor of wildlife ecology at the University of Florida], said.


UPDATE: You can watch video of the bird here: Ibis

  1. RTaylor says:

    The thing would have to be surgically removed, stopping any bleeders. The friction flesh would have on the shaft would make it impossible for another bird to remove, plus it would hurt like hell. The bird would stand little chance without antibiotics also. Gunshots are often sterile from the heat of the propellent and friction of flight, not so with arrows and bolts.

  2. Wayne Bradney says:

    What kind of sick f**k would want to practice their archery on such a creature?

  3. JimR says:

    #2 – My sentiments exactly.

  4. KB says:

    Good question, Wayne. Unfortunately there is no shortage of sick f**ks.

    If anyone local to this story hears of the resolution to this story before I do, please post it. Thanks.

  5. JimR says:

    It’s actually a Florida Limpkin and there are less than 150 left because they were nearly hunted to extinction. They are protected by law but because of habitat degradation the numbers are again faltering.

    I’ll probably offend a few here, but I think that anyonw who has a need or urge to go out and kill or injure something, has a screw or two loose.

  6. Adam Heunis says:

    #2 agreed.

    If you feel strongly enough about this cruelty sign up at Stop Hunting.

  7. JimR says:

    #6… Oops, I wish I took note of what site(s) I got that info from. They are however on the “Imperiled Species List” for the State Of Florida as one of 18 species of special concern.

  8. RonD says:

    Pehaps the bird was accidentally shot. I have seen videos where a bird flies into the path of a pitcher’s fastball during a ball game. I would hate to think the archer shot the bird on purpose.

  9. joshua says:

    #9 Ron….so would I….but this is Florida we are talking about.

  10. Just proves that ignored the real story… the bird once dated Rush Limbaugh.

    The News-Journal photo was much better.

    So there you have it… photo from, video from their competitor, but leave ti print to provide the best details. Back to you Erica. Live in Florida.

  11. JohnnyM says:

    This is why shooting defenseless animals should be stopped well if you do go out and hunt have the decency to eat it so at least it didnt die for naught or give it a chance and go at it with a knife and thses dipshits will find out what its like, not that im a kooky hippie or anything but killing animals is just plain wrong on ever level except for eating and self defense

  12. estacado says:

    I knew it all along. Cupid is evil.

  13. Ben Stone says:

    Is the person insane or what to practice archery on such a mild creature. The person should be punished.


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