The next doomed player shown here

MMR: Hating Madden Has Become a Sport | TwitchGuru I ran into this rant against John Madden which is pretty much a rant of one guy who doesn’t like another guy. But then he finished this long column with a fascinating list of cursed players who were all on the cover of this one video game. The coincidences were too interesting to ignore.

The Madden Curse. Okay, you can disagree with me all you want about the previous nine entries on this list. But you cannot disagree about this one. The Madden Curse is real. Staring with the Madden NFL 2000 version, EA started putting superstar players on the cover of the game box. What happened next makes the “Sports Illustrated” cover jinx look like a series of unfortunate coincidences. I submit the evidence:

The list is linked here.

  1. Kamatari Honjou says:

    All coincidences.

  2. chris says:

    there is something to it. Its not magic working here though i think. Its the players. Sports players are very superstiuous about such things. They think about it and it bothers them

    Dont say that its justs a game ether. The NFL takes a lot of pride with this game. This game is the only game licensed by the players assocation. No other game can use the teams or the players names. Madden is a big deal.

  3. Thomas says:

    Baloney. Chalk it up to coincidence. How many players had awful seasons that did *not* get on the cover of Madden’s game? This is just like the SI curse. If the player on the cover does not have a pro-bowl season, people think it is the curse in action.

  4. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    I’m going with the coincidence theory. Injuries abound in the NFL and players have good and not so good seasons. But I’m glad that none of the Colts have opted to be on the cover. Just in case I’m wrong.

  5. TheGiant says:

    The human brain is good at making a connection between things when there really isn’t one.

  6. joshua says:

    #5…or lack of brain.

  7. Anon says:


    Ha, false connections or lack of brains. I love it.

  8. Yes, tell all this to the Chicago Cubs and the Billy Goat curse. How many “coincidences” do you have to see?

  9. joshua says:

    the cubbies should have let him bring the damn goat in or whatever it was.

  10. Anon says:

    I’m very sorry, I confess I wasn’t talking about football anymore.

  11. ilikejohn's computer posts says:

    What I find interesting is that John and friends are posting all these things again religion, spirituality, non-conventional healing methods and so on with a very condescending attitude.

    Yet, all of a sudden, when it comes to the religions of baseball and football, discussions of a curse take a serious turn!

  12. Mij says:

    Most of these players are well established, well known and close to being (or were) past their prime. McNabb gets hurt every year, nothing amazing there at all.

  13. Jared says:

    Why don’t they put a white guy on the cover for once… Madden must be a racist…

  14. #11 Likejohn’s computerposts, go to — good stuff there. And none of the bloggers have anything against religion. But we are against zealotry. Nobody likes religion impinging on personal choice or the government the way Falwell wants. I really do not like the idea of him telling me what to do. As for this post about superstition or religion of football. Not sure what you are getting at.

    That said we are trying to shoe-away non-secularists who think the world is coming to an end tomorrow and that the universe is 6500 years old and men walked with dinosaurs. You might be one of these. I personally find that people like this are dangerous since they are so easily convinced of nonsense by some very peculiar people who tell them what do do. Humankind progress has always evolved during periods of free thought and inquiry which come and go no thanks to these zealots.

  15. James Hill says:

    It’s not Madden in so much the hype built around specific players causes opposing teams to gun for those players.

    With Shaun Alexander, he’s signed a big contract and just lost in the Super Bowl. It’s his year to either shine or fail, no middle ground.

  16. BHK says:

    Maybe they should do a series of covers, each a picture of a different player. Maybe if every player is featured on a cover somewhere, NFL will simply cease to exist.


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