Washington bureaucrats, backed by prominent think tanks, are now proposing the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP), which will give you “a safer and more prosperous North America” with “freedom, economic opportunity, and strong democratic institutions.” That’s what the neo-cons promised they’d do to Iraq.

The SPP “trilateral effort to increase security and enhance prosperity” they have planned for us is even worse than what they’ve done for Iraq. Sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the SPP is the blueprint to drive the last nail into what once was a sovereign constitutional republic. It is NAFTA on steroids.

The “Amero,” is the name of the new currency proposed by Robert Pastor, a vice chairman of the CFR task force that produced the report “Building a North American Union.” It will replace the U.S. dollar, the Canadian dollar and the Mexican peso.

Last year, Pastor, the director of the Center for North American Studies at American University, and author of the book, Toward a North American Community, testified before the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee in favor of limiting the power and sovereignty of the United States in deference to the CFR’s desired super-regional entity.

Under the North American Union, Congress is to be superseded by a North American Parliamentary Group. As corrupt as Congress is, an unelected “parliamentary group” would be infinitely worse.

In similar fashion, there would be “North American” government institutions to overule the US Supreme Court and Homeland Security. What little voice we now have over our affairs of state — would be diminished by two-thirds.

  1. woktiny says:

    i think its funny, all these people saying it would never happen, and americans would riot in the streets (nevermind canadians for the moment)… Americans are best at rolling over and taking it, the population wouldn’t stop anything from happening.

    they would just blog it

  2. E says:

    Read Ezekiel 38 and you’ll get a better understanding of what is going on

  3. Know the truth says:

    Making One currency, One government One

  4. Know the truth says:

    Ameros Is all planned out in print already an no one can stop it ( no riots ).

  5. Zach says:

    I can understand many of yoru concerns, and it is obvious that most of you are Canandian. I am an American and i have but one question, what makes everybody think the Americans would be up for this. Why would we want to be associated in such a liberal manner with a country that is a political and economic failure (Mexico)? We are sick of all the legal and illegal aliens as it is. I understand due to cultural differences that Canadians are not real hip on the idea of being associated with America. To be honest, I am not that hip with being associated with Canada, but you folks are a far cry better than the Mexicans. However, if this ever came to fruicion I dont believe the Canadians or the Americans would riot in the streets. Lets face it folks we ALL have become complacent. The Mexicans have more to gain here; therefore, the will give the hardest fight.

  6. Hi says:

    This is one of the steps they are taking for the New World Order.

  7. M Boeder says:

    Zach, do you really think that Mexico’s situation has nothing to do with Washington? Then you are naive.
    There is not stopping the Ameros. It is an unfortunate event for the working class in Canada, US and Mexico because the only people who will benefit are the very rich. This is not an isolated event. It is a plan to eventually have a global government. First it was the European Union, now the North american union, then the asian union, later the African union and when the world is ready they will merge these 4 unios into one and we will have one government. THAT is the scary part. Not that you have to deal with Mexicans. This is all part of a bigger plan to control the world. Do you know who is going to rule the world? The bankers. That is why they will change the currency. Because they profit from that. The more money their bank pumps into an economy (or three Canada, US, Mexico) the higher their profits will be.
    Do some research before bashing a third world country who is ruled by the same elite who rules Washington (greed and power) and who could care less for the working class.


  8. Gary Conner says:

    For all you folks who say “…I don’t see it happening” I want you to know this.

    That is the exact method by way of which it will.

    Demand now, that U.S. House Con. Res. No 40 of the 110th Congress (Co-sponsored by Ron Paul in the House) comes OUT OF COMMITTEE, and MAKE THE CONGRESS VOTE to halt this madness!

  9. Lost Celf says:

    Many of you fail to grasp the big picture. A unified economy is but the first step to a unified government. And it is not the American politician who is in charge, but corporate power brokers. While a free democratic America would not tolerate this, no one said we would have a free democratic society. That goes against everything the power brokers are trying to create. The economy will collapse as it has in the past (orchestrated by the whims of a few.) This is not merely a case of doomsayers. History repeats itself not because they do not know it, but because they are implementing it just like they have over and over again. Allow this to happen here and there will be no place to run. The plan is to unify the planet with one government, one economy, totalitarian rule to benefit a handful of twisted individuals. Don’t think this can happen? Do your research…it already is happening. You have to decide for yourself. Are you a free person or just another sheep waiting to get BF’d. Baaahhh.

  10. Walter E. Klinka says:

    If you folks know what is good for you, you will arm up now before they get all the guns and ammo. You are in the last war for your very life!

  11. blah says:

    ok people… i think you are stupid… usa is allied with canada… and mexico wants to friggin get rid of debt anyway…. mexicans are getting to usa illegally literally by the truck loads… and you think they dont want to join this… its going to happen… there is going to be a one world government… i know you guys would hate to hear this but this is EXACTLY what the bible talks about in the ends days… that being said… Jesus loves you

  12. Jasmine says:

    I agree with almost everyone here. We are headed toward a One World Government. It is scary, but the bible does state all this will happen before the end comes. It is very sad, that these people use their money and power to do evil things. They will get just what they give out. These evil, greedy, devil worshippers will not escape the wrath of God!!!!!!!!

  13. Cody says:

    one would think that canda wouldnt go for such a horrible out come… but they play your patriotism like a well tuned piano. on may 8 2008 all of us will be on record followed like hunted animals until the day we die. if you dont like it to bad, they will soon have our accounts locked on and as easy to access as turning a light switch off. better not put your oney in the bank if you ever wish to protest for a safe future for yourself and everyone you love. Soon the ameros will combine with the soon to be african and eastern nations… global policing. Every american passport that has been renewed as of last year is now carrying a chip that allows the unspoken to follow you and see what your doing, what your buying, and why you buy it. the same chip everyone has heard of but always thought would never be implanted in our newborn babies. There has already been children implanted with it. Soon we will loose all identity, all rights, and all freedoms that we have all come to expect and barely acknowledge. We need to protest we need to be more cautious, and soon we will need to realize all the lies and personally investigate all the small yet visible signs of world policing.

  14. Get Your Guns Ready says:

    Watch http://zeitgeistmovie.com/

    Don’t get caught with your head in the sand…

    No pun intended on the religion side – but interesting stuff don’t you say?

    What this world has come down to…


  15. cowboy says:

    Buckle up and look around (globally). Like it or not the economy has been bucking for quite some time. While some were able to look down and catch a glimps of the beast, it seems to look far more like a yukon grizzly bear that we are now on. To tell the truth, we in the US are running out of rope to hold on to (Fed interest rate policy/price of oil/global currency pressures on the US, without a robust manufacturing sector), and being a bear, it is very likely to merely take out some big chunks of flesh if we are lucky. Hang on, as this ride for most is likely to be likened to running downhill with your hair on fire.

  16. Bob says:

    Well, Guess what? The EU,AU,AAU? Guess who’s next? NAU? We can fight and argue till our last breath, and there is nothing you can do to stop it! Hello Amero !

  17. Slyfly says:

    I read with great interest all the comments about the unification of North America. For starters I would like to point out to all those who so vehemently oppose it, that events happen because there are movers and shakers in the world out there making it happen !! You cannot stand at the sideline and shout out your personal opinion and think you have now changed the course of history, because all you have achieved is to express your personal opinion and last time I looked at world population numbers, you are definitely outnumbered!! Isn’t democracy a great thing!!
    If you look at the overall situation TODAY, a lot has changed since some of you posted your comments. Here are just a few:
    1) The Canadian $ are now worth more than the US $
    2) The oil cartel OPEC is discussing changing over to €”s
    3) Collapse of the US housing sector and great loss on the stock markets
    Here is the facts that we all face in North America.
    If the USA brings to the table their Economist infrastructure and Great Military power and combine it with Canadian resources (oil- 2nd largest in the world, 30% of the worlds fresh water, diamonds and huge expansive uninhabited agricultural land)and combine that with the Mexican manpower – so feared and yet so vital to US farmers and what do you get?
    The recipe for a great empire that will dwarf the European Union and it will be a much stronger union due to the similarities in our cultures.
    Sure, we will all sacrifice some things, but it will be outweighed by the long term benefits. and when you are all done and ready to retire – you will pack your things and move to the Chiapas State (now Mexico)
    The moral of the story:- if you see the negative in everything – thats what your life will be – NEGATIVE!!

  18. NicholasJSt says:

    Most of the response to this post has been really uneducated. You have mostly assumed that the people have a say weather or not this will happen. The fact is that they are not going to give the people a choice. Let me let you in on a little secret. They think of us as cattle…

  19. yewtahjim says:

    I hear you all, but what are you doing to stop it beside post your rejections here ? Our stupid f***ing president bush has ALREADY SIGNED the NAU….NAFTA and CAFTA were the opening shots….and now we seeing the result a hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants flood the country allowing corporations to pay them $5 an hour without benefits, while our $15 an hours jobs are being sent over seas…WAKE UP and smell the barbed wire fences folks…this is not a game…our country is in true jeopardy, at least the european people refused to pass a new constitution … we have to be prepared to do the same thing….even tho those fancy computers will spew out the results the political hacks want….so when you vote this year, vote carefully and somebody for god sake, ASK the candidates when they are in your area about the NORTH AMERICAN UNION…..from the end of world war 2 I have heard talk of a new world order…and its coming to pass before our very eyes…they bankers and money people of the world will end up with all of us a slaves to their money machine…home are being taken away now…money is becoming worthless to us…no wonder the money people take hundreds of millions of dollars, cause they can change them for different money, while we have nothing to exchange…I keep going back to the frog in the pan of water, and the heat on low…

  20. NiteOwl says:

    Just another way for the Government to banish Our Christian Heritage… No more “In God We trust” on our Currency…. The New saying will be “In Government We rely on”. Millionairs will no longer will be Rich, Homeowners will no longer own their own Homes, and forget about buying property in Foreign Countries… You will only be able to Lease it for a few years at a time. The Governments want to own all Your Land, so they can be able to take it away from You anytime they need it, Including here in the USA. Our Freedom will not be the same. They want to control Your every move. You will be born, and immediatly have an I.D. chip implanted into Your body. Even Our American Flag will be re-designed. It’s not a pretty sight. So long Freedom… Hello Cruel World!

  21. wakeywakey says:

    I have to agree with yewtahjim this is the truth their main goal is to own us all on unified world and keep us as slave in debt wake up people its happing now and we have to become aware of it. I also agree with NicholasJSt to a point they want us to be like cattle to tell us where to go where to eat and where to sign. Please people please don’t be cattle we the people still have a chance do something before we can’t. I can show you the door but you have to walk thru it. go here for info http://zeitgeistmovie.com/

  22. NyteRiter says:

    Thanks, Dvorak, for exposing this. You ought to be on Drudge’s website, if you haven’t been already. I had no idea this was going on, specifically, but, hey, we learn something new every day. And it makes sense now after watching the continual pouring of illegals over our borders. We are not a people against immigrants, we are a people against those who defy our laws and spit in our faces as they break down our doors and enter our homes without knocking for entrance.
    I think that some of the Europeans are realizing what a mistake it was to combine their currencies into Euros. They realize that they do not have the same purchasing power as their previous currencies. No doubt others, notably the Brits and the Danes, are delighted that they protested such a move on the part of their governments and so did not enter the common currency.
    Let us not allow them to take away our humanity. As bad as this seems, we still have our free will which is God-given. Trust in God and resist. “Power to the People”, the People who trust in God. Remember the late great holy man of God Pope John Paul II who reminded us of the words so often used in the Scriptures: “Do not be afraid”. Trust in God, not in human beings. “Heaven and earth may pass away, but My words will never pass away”, said the Lord Jesus. The holy apostles remind us “be calm so that you will be able to pray”. And I say “pray so that you will be able to be calm”.
    Our Founders fought for freedom and their very lives in 1776. Let us do the same. And, as Alexis de Tocqueville observed, we “must be citizens of the very highest virtue” or this American democracy cannot function. We have lost much virtue in the past few decades; we must gain it back. Protect and defend the poor wherever we find them: the homeless, the sick, the unborn, the elderly.
    Dear Lord! When I see the amount of money spent by campaigning politicians, it is a sin! I think of how many hospitals and schools could be built. While they complain about poverty, they do little or nothing to alleviate human misery.
    No, Canada, we do not want your land; nor do we want your money or your country. But let us be cordial neighbors with similar roots and aspirations of freedom, while respecting our respective sovereignty and differences. Ditto for Mexico.

  23. NyteRiter says:

    BTW – I just got a look at these Ameros on another site -seems they plagerized images from old Liberty dollars.
    The absence of the familiar “In God We Trust” speaks volumes.
    Thanks, Dvorak.

  24. martin prince says:

    For those of you who think the Amero will never happen, simply put – You’re wrong.

    If in the year 2000 someone told Americans that the Patriot Act would be passed, and that the act essentially removes all their rights as a citizen based on someone’s “whim”. They would laugh and laugh and say how crazy you are, and that something like that would NEVER get passed because people are not that dumb.

    Insert 9/11, and people will ran to the Patroit Act as their savior.

    The same will happen here with the NAU. We sit here and think that it will never happen, no way no how…..That is until shock is manufactured, and we’re duped into it.

    I’m not sure what disater, or travesty they will conjur up, but rest assured it will happen – and rest assured YOU will be the one to help pass it and help the Amero come to fruition.

    Many people have referenced Zeitgeist the movie. You should also read a great book by Naomi Klein called The Shock Doctrine. The Rise of Diaster Capitialism.

    See you all in the NWO.

  25. martin prince says:


    Read this book. Educate yourselves!

  26. garcia jose says:


  27. Smokey1424 says:

    i think you guys who think something bad is going to happen are fucking idiots. what do you think? the government is going to take all your money?! What the fuck purpose would that serve to the leaders. To bankrupt their citizens. God you people are fucking dumb. If they turn dollars into Ameros, what do you think it will turn into a police state dictatorship?! so canada mexico and USA will combine and somehow the government will be able to control the entire area??? dont worry drug addicts, you’ll still be able to get your drugs. isn’t that what people are afraid of when talking about borders, or wiretapping. you’re afraid you’ll be caught talking about drugs or gay sex or cheating on your wife/girlfriend. but to think the government will purposefully bankrupt its citizens by stealing their dollars and giving them worthless new bills is fucking stupid and it was fucking stupid all those years ago when the first dipshit trying to get attention mentioned “ameros”.

  28. lalalala says:

    yeah when this happens it will improve our econimy yeah this is america land of dept

  29. Bill says:

    People are talking as if this were a “proposal” that they are going to have a voice in. Wrong! This plan will be implemented by force if need be. Foreign troops from Europe and Asia are already waiting in the wings. Concentration camps have been built and staffed across North America to house dissidents. Resistance will not be tolerated. These Globalist elitists are deadly serious, so we had better be ready to do something other than “protest” like a bunch of ’60’s Hippies!


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