Washington bureaucrats, backed by prominent think tanks, are now proposing the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP), which will give you “a safer and more prosperous North America” with “freedom, economic opportunity, and strong democratic institutions.” That’s what the neo-cons promised they’d do to Iraq.

The SPP “trilateral effort to increase security and enhance prosperity” they have planned for us is even worse than what they’ve done for Iraq. Sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the SPP is the blueprint to drive the last nail into what once was a sovereign constitutional republic. It is NAFTA on steroids.

The “Amero,” is the name of the new currency proposed by Robert Pastor, a vice chairman of the CFR task force that produced the report “Building a North American Union.” It will replace the U.S. dollar, the Canadian dollar and the Mexican peso.

Last year, Pastor, the director of the Center for North American Studies at American University, and author of the book, Toward a North American Community, testified before the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee in favor of limiting the power and sovereignty of the United States in deference to the CFR’s desired super-regional entity.

Under the North American Union, Congress is to be superseded by a North American Parliamentary Group. As corrupt as Congress is, an unelected “parliamentary group” would be infinitely worse.

In similar fashion, there would be “North American” government institutions to overule the US Supreme Court and Homeland Security. What little voice we now have over our affairs of state — would be diminished by two-thirds.

  1. Smartalix says:

    (Hugs Doug)

  2. Allen McDonald, El Galloviejo® says:

    ¡ What a ridculous idea ! The free democratic society of the United States of America would never allow this nor their attacking and occupying another soverign nation that did not attack or threaten them nor invent fantasies about that country having weapons of mass destruction nor torture the unarmed civilians of that nattion nor imprison them without charges or hearings nor kill their babes in arms and their handicapped elderly unarmed citizens in wheelchairs in the cold blooded frenzy of premeditatated murder nor kidnap, rape and kill their attractive minor female children.
    The recent history of the United States of America totally confirms each and every one ot the above statements.

    Allen McDonald, El Galloviejo®

  3. Frank IBC says:

    I have no problem with “one world government” in principle, as long as it’s a democratic, free-market government.

    But sadly, neither the UN nor the EU fit that description.

  4. Frank IBC says:

    And I wouldn’t mind a closer integration of US, Canadian, and Mexican defense policies, if the US would leave NATO in exchange.

  5. Mark T. says:

    The Euro took two decades to sell to the Europeans. First, the politicians in each nation had to be bought off by the currency power brokers. Next, the politicians and press spun it positively for well over a decade. Once the decision was made by the Bilderbergs, Rothchilds, and their ilk, it was just a matter of time before the Euro was a reality.

    One of the big selling points of the Euro and the EU was to let Europe out do the United States. Call it a bad case of dollar envy if you will. They have always been jealous of the power wielded by the U.S. and the Federal Reserve.

    The United States is already a match for the EU. Why does the CFR want the dollar to cover all of North America? Profit, of course. The dollar is a creation of the Federal Reserve, which is neither a Federal agency nor is it a reserve of currency. It is a privately owned bank that is run solely for profit. The more people that use the dollar, the more profit the banks make. Plain and simple greed will drive this debate and that is why this topic is here to stay. The drum beat for the Amero (or something similar) will only get louder and louder as time goes on.

    Of course, a financial crisis here or there will help speed things along. I would guess that the Federal Reserve is already plotting the course forward.

  6. JohnnyM says:

    Well I, for one welcome our new Amero overlords!

  7. doug says:

    #31 Thanks, man. Thanks.

  8. Ron Larson says:

    Huh? Why? The greenback is universally exchangable now. It is also a commonly accepted alternate currency in many countries. It blows me away that in my travels I am able to freely mix US notes and the local notes when buying things, and no one even blinks an eye.

    I’m sure if you asked any Canandian or Mexican citizen they could tell you, within a few cents, what the current exchange rate is against the US dollar. Ask an American what it is against the Loon or Peso, and most would have no idea.

    And just like the UK holding out against the Euro. I seriously doubt that Americans would want to share control of the currency with any other nation.

    It ain’t going to happen people. It is not needed and not wanted. For Christ’s sakes,. it is 2006 and the US is still the only country on earth that has not switched to metric. Hell. We aren’t even thinking about it.

  9. Mike Voice says:

    Great topic…read this

    Section 3, paragraph 3:

    “As in Europe, membership in the union will require that countries do not incur persistent budget deficits.”

    well $hit, that knocks the US out…

    Deficit forecasts were only rosy because the CBO is required by law to assume the tax cuts, which Bush wants to make permanent, will expire…


  10. Todd Henkel says:

    This would NEVER happen…

    Of course, it would be interesting to look at the blogs from when the Federal government replaced each state’s Continental Currency. Where there the same predictions of doom and end of the world?

  11. Tom says:

    I think its about time we merge with Canada and Mexico into the “United States of Canexico”. Or the United Republic of Mexicada.

  12. fuzzball963 says:

    Actually I would love this provided there was some mechanism to allow for equality among the three countries.

    And as far as the previous posters comments about metric actually there is quite a lot of activity on that front . I work with the US Metric association and we have a 2010 deadline for pushing through a law that would make it legal to do voluntary metric only labels on packages at the federal level. It’s already legal in all 50 states. We need it because Europe have set 2010 as the date for banning the import of anything that is not labelled in metric only. There is also significant pressure to do so by business and government. But I digress.

    As long as the governments had a way of equal representation I’m all for closer ties with Canada and Mexico. Maybe it’ll bring some sanity into the political scene 🙂

  13. fuzzball963 says:

    I should amend that I don’t work with the USMA but I have taken an interest in their causes and strongly support them when I can, just not in any official capacity.

  14. Mike Voice says:

    Great topic…read this

    Another nail in the coffin…

    Section 5 – “More efficient price structure”, paragraph 3:

    A common currency in Europe is expected to make prices transparent and eliminate the cost of currency conversion. As a result consumers are expected to equalize the prices of consumer goods. The economic implications of these developments are as follows. Most important, inefficient retailers will be forced to become more efficient or go out of business. In addition, there will be a growth in community-wide, large and efficient distribution firms characterized by brand names and uniform quality known in all countries. These firms will charge the same retail prices everywhere. Consumers will gain from the increased efficiencies and enjoy lower prices.


    Inefficient retailers = “Mom & Pop”

    large and efficient distribution firms = “Walmart”

  15. Charlie M says:

    It was interesting today to hear the space walking astronauts calling for inches, feet, meters, centimeters and the ladys running the arm would say “copy!” Didn’t seem to make any difference what measurement they used.

    Anyone discussed the road that is supposedly a part of the SPP deal?

  16. Mike Voice says:

    45 Anyone discussed the road that is supposedly a part of the SPP deal?

    In the real world, or here? [grin]

    Here, it is being discussed – or at least it was – on the Cage Match forums. See the “NASCO” link to the left of the first post on DU [currently the Madden NFL game “curse” post]

  17. Thomas says:

    The Euro worked in Europe because there were dozens of counties each with their own currency. Doing business was major nightmare and tourism, a major industry in Europe was suffering. I see no benefit to a NA currency as there are only three currencies, all three countries are huge and the US and Canadian dollar are actually worth something (for the moment).

  18. ECA says:

    I have littel to say,
    I do think I need to say much, it has been said.

  19. Johnny Canuck says:

    The two top performing countries in the EU are Britain and Norway, both of which have opt’d out of the Euro.

    I wonder how many United Empire Loyalist are rolling over in their grave, since by definition Canada is the rejection of US independence.


    Now, if the US wants to claim the Queen as head of state then we have somthing talk about.

  20. Smartalix says:

    Since all monetary partners in the EU must turn their gold reserves over to the EU central bank*, British politicians have often said they’d never do what they fought a war to prevent. They would depose the Queen before they gave up the Pound.

    *The EU central bank is in Germany. History is pretty ironic, huh?

  21. qsabe says:

    What will we call our curtain. Iron is used how about the bush curtain when he claims president for life status before November’s elected can take office.

  22. James Hill says:

    @51: Random far-left hate is so 2005. Get a clue.

  23. Improbus says:

    If Dubya violates the Constitution that blatantly the military will be duty bound to remove him or kill him. If they don’t they will be breaking their oaths to protect America from enemies foreign and domestic.

  24. ECA says:

    Only thing I see is a bunch of Mexicans, going to be paid, 1 ameros, insted of 10 pesos…
    I also see where ALOT of corps are going to jump into mexico.

  25. Smith says:

    Does anyone posting to this blog understand how the global economy works? The entire world basis its monetary system upon the US dollar. This is why our trade deficit is considered interest-free loans to the US by our trade partners. Now why would we jeopordize our preferrential debt treatment by merging our currency with Canada and Mexico?

    When the world grows weary of stockpiling US dollars, then the US consumer is in for a rude awakening.

  26. god says:

    Not bad, Smith. For a change you’re only about 3-4 years out of date.

    Even a self-described patriot like Warren Buffet stopped buying US dollars a couple years ago. The majority of currency purchases worldwide are now in vehicles other than the dollar. And a significant number of analysts (outside the Beltway) agree one of the several economic reasons for invading Iraq was that Hussein stopped accepting payment in Petro-dollars — preferring Euros and greater profits as a result.

  27. BHK says:

    “Freedom” means you are free to do anything that’s not outlawed yet. “Economic Opportunity” means more money for politicians and their rent-seeking business allies. “Strong Democratic Institutions” are the ties that bind those who produce into slavery by those who take.

  28. ECA says:

    Considering how inflated the US dollor IS. Im waitng for the Dump.
    In the end, its been inflated so we can keep up with RETAIL Pricing of imposts, that are over priced.. But if they would kill the tarriffs, and Make products have a MAX Value of resale, then it would be worth it. It would help us, But, our gov dont see it, and BUSINESS dont want it.
    Pretty soon the ballon is going to POP.

  29. SPARTACVS says:

    Uh, anyone remember a little something called “Manifest Destiny”?

    “America has never lost and never will lose a war…”- Patton
    Yeah right. In the war of 1812 when the United States beleived it was their god given right to rule supreme over all of North America, they had the bright idea to come and invade Canada. Too bad we kicked their asses back where they came from. Canada even GAINED ground some place in Michigan or something, but after the war was over we were nice enough to give it back.

    If these washington bureaucrats actually think Canada is dumb enough to be slowly but surely consumed by the american government, then their thumbs are too far up their asses.

  30. ECA says:

    And patton wha born WHEN???? DIED when???


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