Washington bureaucrats, backed by prominent think tanks, are now proposing the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP), which will give you “a safer and more prosperous North America” with “freedom, economic opportunity, and strong democratic institutions.” That’s what the neo-cons promised they’d do to Iraq.

The SPP “trilateral effort to increase security and enhance prosperity” they have planned for us is even worse than what they’ve done for Iraq. Sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the SPP is the blueprint to drive the last nail into what once was a sovereign constitutional republic. It is NAFTA on steroids.

The “Amero,” is the name of the new currency proposed by Robert Pastor, a vice chairman of the CFR task force that produced the report “Building a North American Union.” It will replace the U.S. dollar, the Canadian dollar and the Mexican peso.

Last year, Pastor, the director of the Center for North American Studies at American University, and author of the book, Toward a North American Community, testified before the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee in favor of limiting the power and sovereignty of the United States in deference to the CFR’s desired super-regional entity.

Under the North American Union, Congress is to be superseded by a North American Parliamentary Group. As corrupt as Congress is, an unelected “parliamentary group” would be infinitely worse.

In similar fashion, there would be “North American” government institutions to overule the US Supreme Court and Homeland Security. What little voice we now have over our affairs of state — would be diminished by two-thirds.

  1. Nik Carrier says:

    There is no way Canada would ever go for this. The vast majority of our goods are sold to the US. Having a currency pegged lower than the US dollar is a major factor in making our goods attractively priced to Americans. I’m sure the Mexicans would agree with us in this regard.

    This type of North American government will NEVER fly up here in Canada. United States inhabitants outnumber us 10 to 1. We will never subject ourselves to their majority rule; especially looking at the social and international policies that are currently supported by most US politicians. Canadians are very suspicious of US designs to control the whole continent – “Manifest Destiny” anyone?? There will be riots in the streets if any Canadian government pushes in this direction. This would be one of the few ideas that would unite and inflame most Canadians. We are a pretty peaceful, pragmatic bunch – but this goes too far.

  2. moss says:

    I watched Pastor’s testimony on C-SPAN. The deference his testimony received was scary. His “solution” only benefits the wealthiest and most powerful corporations.

    That’s something the United States will never…. Oh!

    Never mind.

  3. James Hill says:

    Americans are too insular to go for this. No way in hell.

  4. Improbus says:

    Get a rope.

  5. John Stock says:

    Not bloody likely! It would be a cold day in hell before I would ever submit to this cornball idea. Do they think that Canadians (and Mexican’s) are that stupid?

  6. AB CD says:

    Well, Europe went for this, and do you think that was a bad idea or a good one?

  7. Gary Marks says:

    #1 said it so much better than I could have, so I’ll just comment on the name of the proposal, since names are usually a good indicator of the basis on which the “sale” is made. “Security and Prosperity Partnership” is going to be the advertising theme.

    Personally, I might have gone with “lemon fresh,” but I’m no ad whiz. Maybe they can convince people that security and prosperity are actually desirable, even though danger and poverty have served us so well thus far. I guess the “patriot” theme couldn’t be squeezed into it somehow, but we’ll save that for another day — patriotism still has some mileage left in it.

  8. Kamatari Honjou says:

    Just one more step towards “The American Empire” Funny how life imitates art.

  9. gquaglia says:

    “Do they think that Canadians (and Mexican’s) are that stupid?”


  10. Elvis Ripley says:

    I heard that some banks in Europe already have received shipments of Ameros so this thing is probably getting secreted through.

  11. Improbus says:

    When the dollar loses all it’s value we will have another paper fiat currency to take it’s place. Brilliant!

  12. Nik Carrier says:

    “Well, Europe went for this, and do you think that was a bad idea or a good one?”

    Europe is a confederation of many states of similar scale (yes, there are very small countries too). If Mexico and Canada were on more equal footing with the United States population (Canada) and economy (Mexico) this might be doable. A North American confederation would essentially be dominated by the US. Canada and Mexico would essentially become satellite provinces of an American empire.

  13. John Wofford says:

    Earth humans would benefit from a world government with teeth; but until human nature itself undergoes a paradigm shift towards sanity and compassionate common sense none of these experiments will work.

  14. Peter Rodwell says:

    At least they could think of a better name than “Ameros”, surely!

  15. Mike Voice says:

    And here I thought the NASCO thread on Cage Match was petering-out…

  16. catbeller says:

    Run. Fly, you fools.

  17. Frank IBC says:

    Just let Canada and Mexico adopt the US Dollar as their currency, as El Salvador and Ecuador have already done. In Bolivia, the dollar is not the official currency, but you can get dollars from ATM machines and you can have bank accounts in dollars. And dollars are accepted in Aruba and many other countries in the Americas.

  18. jbellies says:

    We’ve been diddled many times by agreements with the US government over 14 decades, most recently by the Free Trade Agreement. I can’t imagine a Canadian signing unless the pen is accompanied by the threat that the alternative is destruction, I mean directly from the US armed forces, not from terrorists with bags of fertilizer. That must be the meaning of “Security”. Incidentally, “Democracy” in this case means that the US federal government, representing about 2/3 of the North American population, gets to make the important decisions, as always. No no no no, in a coalition there is distribution of portfolios. I nominate Svend Robinson as North America Minister of War ! Steal their secret weapons, Svend me boy.

    When Vicki Gabereau interviewed G.Gordon Liddy for radio, she asked if he was carrying a gun. The thought that somebody might be carrying a gun is pretty exciting to us Canadians. Instead Liddy, taking an ordinary pen out of his breast pocket, said “I could kill you with this.” Perhaps that sums it up.

    Lemon fresh, indeed!
    Lemon Fresh.
    Lemon Fresh. Thank you #7, Gary Marks.

  19. tallwookie says:

    yeah, i dont see this happening

  20. jbellies says:

    The Amero was promoted in a 1999 book and seems to have been at least on the back burner among top administation people for quite some time. It’s even in the Wikipedia. I guess that makes it a mulitlateral bad idea.

    For another contrary opinion, see:

  21. Manitoban says:

    “Well, Europe went for this, and do you think that was a bad idea or a good one?”

    To the most people I’ve talked to in Europe, they all say the same thing – the EU is on the verge of collapse

    “Just let Canada and Mexico adopt the US Dollar as their currency”
    Why would Canada and Mexico want a less secure form of currency???

  22. Locke says:

    Oh yeah, why not kill the Global economy comepletely!
    Destroy the worlds trade medium, why don’t you!?

  23. soldano says:

    I can think of enough americans that would riot in the streets if this sh*t passed. Gimme a break!

  24. Mike says:

    Would anyone notice if the US and Canada merged? As far as I can tell, the cultures are very similar anyway.

  25. Timothy Stull says:

    Believe me the majority of us in the United States do not want something like this to happen at all. We are not for this and it is just one step closer to a one world government, NOT COOL AT ALL!!!

  26. ECA says:

    They have FORCED the Canadian dollor, into range to do this.
    The Peso is STILL 1US per 11 Paso.
    AND the US dollar is Over valued.. It wont be a stable system.
    We will take the Can dollor into the Dirt, and Force the Peso UP in value.

  27. Milo says:

    Perhaps the acronym could be SAPP.

  28. Redattack34 says:

    Good grief. I hope this doesn’t go through. If it does, I’m going to see what I can do about moving to Europe or Australia. As a Canadian, I won’t stick around while the US essentially annexes all of North America without firing a single shot. Not only would Canada and Mexico not have any sort of independance whatsoever, since the US is more powerful and has a far larger population, but then we’d be controlled by American politicians. Not that I have anything against American’s in general, but from what I’ve seen of your government you seem to enjoy electing people with IQ scores that you have to dig for rather than test. Let alone the ‘terrorism’ thing. I don’t like the idea of the US government spying on me even more than it already does, and if we do this, whatever terorists that still exist will have reason to attack Canada too. No thanks. Not that I believe the entire spying thing in America is even really about terrorism, the government just wants to track your political affiliations. Then again, the terrorists don’t have much reason to attack you anymore anyway; they wanted to cause fear, and they succeeded.

    But I digress. Does this remind anyone of Russia at the end of Shadow of the Hegemon?

  29. doug says:


    Finally, after sparring for decades during the Cold War, there is finally something that the paranoid fringe Left and the paranoid fringe Right can agree upon – the CFR is conspiring to sell America down the river.

    it makes me all misty, it really does. group hug, you guys!


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