Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf approved legislation on Friday that will allow some 1,300 women jailed for minor crimes to be freed on bail.

“The president today signed an ordinance that has allowed women languishing in jail to be released on bail, except those held on murder and terrorism charges,” Minister for Women and Youth Affairs, Sumaira Malik, told a news conference.

She said around 1,300 jailed women stood to be freed on bail as a result of the president’s decision.

Rights activists say the number of women in prison is far greater, and the majority of them are facing charges under Hudood laws. [The Pakistan “Dawn” newspaper says the number is more like 6,000.

Civil and women rights groups have long called for the repeal of Hudood laws which they say discriminate against women. But successive governments have ducked the issue due to opposition from Pakistan’s influential conservative Islamist parties.

Women who allege rape but can’t prove it with a minimum of four male witnesses are usually charged with adultery and imprisoned under Pakistan’s Hudood Ordinance — the religious law of the land since 1979.

  1. xully says:

    Obviously you don’t appreciate multi-culturism in it’s truest form. Don’t fear though, you’ll be learning to love it over the next few decades.

  2. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    Now, where was Shrub and his bringing democracy to the Arab world? Why hasn’t he spoken out louder about this? In fact, I don’t think he has spoken out at all.

  3. Angel H. Wong says:

    Muslim law must be a wet dream for evangelics; all the discrimination and bigotry they could do and get away with it.


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