Suppose born-again Bush and Co. believe in all this and want to help…

‘End Times’ Religious Groups Want Apocalypse

For thousands of years, prophets have predicted the end of the world. Today, various religious groups, using the latest technology, are trying to hasten it.

Their endgame is to speed the promised arrival of a messiah.

For some Christians this means laying the groundwork for Armageddon.

With that goal in mind, mega-church pastors recently met in Inglewood to polish strategies for using global communications and aircraft to transport missionaries to fulfill the Great Commission: to make every person on Earth aware of Jesus’ message. Doing so, they believe, will bring about the end, perhaps within two decades.

  1. Eideard says:

    Not certain which is worse? The idiots in government who believe all this crap — or the even more ignorant who vote for them?

  2. Mike Voice says:

    Didn’t the Gospel writers expect the Jesus to return is their lifetime, and the date – which no man shall know – keeps getting pushed back? ala the arguments back in 1999 over whether 2000 was really the start of the 2nd millenium – or if that had really happened a few years previously?

    I’m glad to see them working to push-up the date, so there will be less time until they are discredited when it flops – Harmonic Convergence, anyone?

  3. doug says:

    I predict Armageddon with the arrival of the last Harry Potter book.

    there, I said it.

  4. Improbus says:

    God should strike them down for being so presumptuous.

  5. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Okay. Can we finally call Christianity what it is? – a death cult.

    It’s a phrase I’ll echo many many times in posts like this… but it is the 21st Century. We should be colonizing other planets and reveling in the glory of scientific advances. We should have the most capable, educated, and peaceful people in history. We should be using logic, reason, and the scientific method to guide us.

    Instead with wallow in the brutal past with our hands desperately clinging to ancient superstitions, myths, and folklore.

    Religion is the one thing that if we could finally evolve past it, we could shine as a people.

    Oh well…

  6. Joe says:

    if I were god, I’d be pretty pissed right now. having simple insects like humans telling me that to do. I’d piss them off by doing nothing and letting the world go on as usual

  7. gquaglia says:

    Organized religion is the root of all evil. How many millions have been killed over the history of man in the name of God.

  8. Anon says:

    Who’s the more foolish: The fool, or the fool who follows him?

  9. God says:

    Dear Joe,

    You took the words right out of My mouth. Hmm. There must have been a scheduling mix-up of some sort …

    Well, now that you know, I am relieved to cancel the burning bush (all the ordinances today make it a real bother). And thus I say unto you that it is My Will that you begin to spread the Word:

    I’m not coming.

    Good luck in your new career as My Prophet. I’ll send along business cards shortly. Tell everyone I’ll talk to them again in another 2000 years.

    Oh, and Joe; please try to ensure they have their heads screwed on a little straighter by then. Personally, it is extremely disappointing for Me to see them squander one of the best things I ever endowed humanity with – the ability to think and be rational. Of course, they have always done so little with My other great gift – compassion – so I suppose I shouldn’t be too surprised. Anyway, I would appreciate you working on the problem. Let me know if you need a Miraculous Event or something for emphasis – I will always be there for you.

    Lovingly yours,

  10. chris says:

    What is insulting is these people that think their actions will bring it quicker. To me these people are putting themsleves on the same level as god. I grew up with the knowledge that god ran the show. If he wanted you he would get you. His plan was the plan and no person could change it.

    The ego of the religous to think they can steer the direction of the world. It makes me sick and that is why i do not go to any church.

  11. David says:

    Kind of like many scientists and their followers hoping to hasten (the facts) about global warming.
    These nuts are not like any Christians I know.

    Any the old canard about the wars and death brought about by the religious. Ever heard of Stalin, Mao and Hitler. How many because of those atheists.

  12. Anon says:

    #11, science = religion eh? I think your red neck is showing.

  13. Jim W. says:

    Just like it’s recommended to have an emergency kit ready when natural disasters( earthquakes, tornadoes, etc.) happen. Christians want people to be prepared for when the ultimate disaster (Armageddon) happens by having Christ as their emergancy kit/Savior. As for trying to cause Armageddon, Mike Voice is right – the reference is in Matt. 24:36

    Biblical Prohibitions Against Date-Setting

  14. John says:

    Pray for the rapture. It’ll make our daily commute to work so much easier.

  15. Gary Marks says:

    In terms of causing death, no one holds a candle to the Hebrew God YHWH (sometimes spelled Yahweh or even Jehovah). He laughs at cheap knockoffs like Hitler, Stalin, and Mao.

    Hahahahahahahahaha……. Amateurs!

  16. malren says:

    What’s worse, believeing in this nonsense, or blindly believing an LA Times reporter?

  17. Eideard says:

    Just to note for the historically-challenged. Hitler was a Christian.

  18. David says:

    Come on Eideard, Christianity is a belief, faith and a practice, all which Hitler renounced in words and deed. Not cause his mommy baptised him.
    Try harder.

  19. Eideard says:

    Never read “Mein Kampf” or any other of Herr Hitler’s stuff, eh, David?

  20. Eideard says:

    Uncle Dave — we have to stop doing this “ships in the night” routine. I was just about to come back and edit my Comment — to offer David exactly the same link.

    I guess that proves you and I know how to Google [see my post, tomorrow morning] — and David should learn.

  21. Bruce IV says:

    Actually, I am happy with that article. Besides the (mostly supressed) underlying view that the people the reporter was interviewing were off their rockers, it seemed a fair and balanced protrayal, with some bits that showed the true beliefs of fundamentalist Christianity. I personally agree that most of the signs they showed were important to the End Times (the red heifers thing was a bit dubious), but also agree with many of the other posters here that man cannot hasten the Second Coming. Its purely presumtuous to belive that you could, or should. Other than that though, their initiatives seem worthwhile, if incorrectly motivated. [Now to watch myself flamed for an ignorant fundie by nearly everyone else here … here we go again … I can’t prove Christianity, but neither can you disprove it … I’ll take my faith, you can ignore it, and we’ll see what happens at the Second Coming (or lack thereof)]

  22. Matt says:

    Making sure everyone on earth knows that God loves them and gave his only Son for them? SCANDALOUS!

    And where is it said that our government believes the end is coming? You’re going to have to PROVE that nonsense, John.

  23. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Christianity is a belief, faith and a practice, all which Hitler
    >>renounced in words and deed.

    As have so many other “Christians”, including a few “born-again” ones in positions of power in the U.S. today.

    Kinda sad, what the intolerant, hypocritical, hate-filled assholes have done with the concept of God.

  24. Gary Marks says:

    I’ve never quite understood the magical value of spreading the gospel to every culture on earth. How could that possibly make up for the billions of people who have already died and gone to hell, never once having heard of this unfamiliar Hebrew God?

    I agree with Bruce that neither side of the argument can be proven, but one of the more compelling arguments is the incredible unfairness he created both in life on earth and in the afterlife as well. God allows people to be born every day who he knows cannot ever achieve heaven, because they’ll die never having been told the non-obvious secret.

    There are simply too many logical fallacies to let religion distract me from my heartfelt letter to Santa…

    Dear Santa,
    I want TOYS, dammit, not another freakin’ sweater!

  25. Val Peterson says:

    [Ed: comment deleted for offensive language]

  26. Higghawker says:

    Bible Fact: Rev. 16:16 16: And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.
    Here is the only place this word is found in the Bible.
    I find no battle described here. For all the rapture believers, show me the word rapture in the Bible??
    I am amazed at the false teaching and belief of anyone who hears anything told to them.
    All prophecy has been fulfilled. You have either obeyed the New Testament, and had your sins washed away thru baptism, or you haven’t. Jesus return to take his church with him is all that remains.
    Armageddon false teaching I do not find in the Bible.

  27. Babaganoosh says:

    TFA: ‘”We are the generation that will probably see the rapture of the church,” Hagee said
    According to various polls, an estimated 40% of Americans believe that a sequence of events presaging the end times is already underway.’

    There have always been people throughout the ages have thought this; that their own generation would be the one to see the apocalypse. Even Jesus thought this:

    “Whoever is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of that one will the Son of man [the apocalyptic enforcer] be ashamed, when he comes in the glory of his father with the holy angels. Truly I tell you there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see that the kingdom of God has come in power.” Mark 8:38 through 9:1

    “And in those days after that affliction, the sun will grow dark and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will be falling from heaven, and the powers in the sky will be shaken, and then they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds with great power and glory. And then he will send forth his angels, and he will gather his elect from the four winds, from the end of earth to the end of heaven. Truly, I tell you, this generation will not pass away before all these things take place.” Mark 13:24-27,30

    So you see that this is nothing new. I agree though that it is quite scary to think that so many people (I’ve read that the number is as high as 44% of the country) believe it likely that they will live to see the rapture. Kind of makes you wonder if they give a crap about the long-term survival of….anything.

    To me, nothing is more frightening than somebody who seriously believes that they are carrying out a divine mandate. Such people are wholly unfazed by reason.

  28. JohnnyM says:

    I tired of all these wackos hijacking my religion! The god i believe in doesnt kill people willy nilly he is a forgiveful god, The bible was written by mere mortals who are not to be trusted and been translated numerous times, Remember have humans ever been right about anything ever?

  29. 2xbob says:

    Even Jesus was against date-setting. Also, instead of trying to bring Armageddon why don’t they devote some time to helping and showing compassion for the poor, the sick and the feeble? Bah, these people are the reason I can’t voice my beliefs without being mocked.


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