Suppose born-again Bush and Co. believe in all this and want to help…

‘End Times’ Religious Groups Want Apocalypse

For thousands of years, prophets have predicted the end of the world. Today, various religious groups, using the latest technology, are trying to hasten it.

Their endgame is to speed the promised arrival of a messiah.

For some Christians this means laying the groundwork for Armageddon.

With that goal in mind, mega-church pastors recently met in Inglewood to polish strategies for using global communications and aircraft to transport missionaries to fulfill the Great Commission: to make every person on Earth aware of Jesus’ message. Doing so, they believe, will bring about the end, perhaps within two decades.

  1. chris says:


    Look at the keyboard.
    The n is next to the b
    which means that he could have slipped. PLEASE try to think about that. The way the sentence reads makes no sense the way it is.

    If i understand the point of saying hitler was a christen is the fact that someone can hide thier real agenda behind religion.

    Thats what is scary about religion.

  2. Uncle Dave says:

    I deleted the comment. By mistake or not, it goes against the guidelines for the blog.

  3. ECA says:

    i find it interesting..
    In Our prayers we say,
    ‘On earth as it is in heaven’.
    (I hope it isnt this bad)
    I get the idea that we are SUPPOSED to make Earth as we think of heaven. WHICH would be cool.
    But, I see a group trying to force the changes of armagedeon.
    Pissing off every other nation, and even there OWN people, just to make something happen.
    Wouldnt it be great to make this a Nicer place, insted of a sesspool of destruction. I get a funny feeling, that those planning this, THINK they have a good hiding place, so that the ‘SPIT’ thats hitting the fan, MAY NOT hit them.
    Isnt this like, Pissing off the bully, then running to the teacher?? he stomps off and beats someone ELSE up??

    what I see in the articles about armagedeon, is also seen in nature. the over flow of population leading to Countreis fighting over Lands, Desease, plagues(many types at 1 time), and idiots/nuts/paranoids hitting the nuke buttons thinking it will solve ALL the problems, with a Sudden decline of the populations of the world.

    Want the locations(2 ) of the world that cant be hit, very easily??
    Compasses dont work well, the terrain is to PLAIN to use computer imaging, and GPS dont work well either.

  4. JohnnyM says:

    hah dvorak blog= serious business

  5. Higghawker says:

    What is totally mis-interpreted by most people today is that Jesus is coming back to this earth and rule. Just as the Jews of the old Testament totally misunderstood Jesus and his building his spiritual church the first time around, people of today are waiting for Jesus to return to rule here on earth.
    He has already came, fulfilled ALL prophecy, set his guidelines of what to do to be saved, went to heaven where he is King over his kingdom here on earth, the church. He will return in the clouds to take his kingdom up to heaven with him.

    1Thes:4:17: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

    This is it people, this is the last age, there will be no other, obey now before Jesus returns.

  6. JohnnyM says:

    is yo udiabled?

  7. Jim W. says:

    Just to note for the Biblically-challenged:

    Out of the mouth of Jesus.
    “A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.” Matthew 7:20


    “All this I have told you so that you will not go astray. They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to God. They will do such things because they have not known the Father or me. I have told you this, so that when the time comes you will remember that I warned you….” John 16 1-4a

    A true Christian is known by their actions not by their words. By this standard Hitler was and is the farthest thing from being a Christian there is. Thus ends my sermon 😉

  8. meetsy says:

    Then, by your logic…I have never met a good Christian.
    The actions I SEE my those calling themselves Christian are egotistical, arrogant, critical, condescending, judgemental and selfish. (Yes, of course, I live in a bible belt..or I wouldn’t have such a good view.) I get sick of being treated with distain because I don’t go to THEIR bible study classes, or my beliefs aren’t exactly as theirs are (or what they think I should think). To be honest, I see people who are rather rude..and want to only deal with business owners who are “their kind”. They only want their kids to play with “believers” (in fact, some play groups have a “statement of faith” so that your child can be included).
    I see people ranting (sometimes to the point of violence) about how abortion is so bad, but they really have no time to spare for crack babies, foster kids, and totally dislike anyone of a different color, and are “uneasy” around the disfigured and disabled. They hate gays and scream loudly about “family values” (even though some of the most battered women I’ve ever seen were from devout Christian households). Lets see….they shun the homeless, the elderly and, most certainly anyone not of their faith. So, go figure.
    Now tell me again…what is a “good christian”?

  9. GregAllen says:

    You guys don’t get it. Armageddon is only bad if you’re on the wrong side of the deal.

  10. syngensmyth says:

    If anyone wonders how difficult it is going to be for God to separate the sheep from the goats, reading this thread should clear that up.

  11. traaxx says:

    After reading the article, the Christians seem intent mostly on spreading the Christian Message, since this is done without coercsion unlike Islam then what’s the problem. Interesting that attacks here are on Christians only since Jews, Muslims and Christians were also listed in the article.

    While the article does attack Christians mostly, these other groups are just as active. In so far as Christians believing that others may be damned, Muslims believe everyone not a Muslim and having attained the five pillars will be damned. Jews believe only Jews will be saved and Buddhist believe in an eternal Armageddon. Atheist believe in life as being pointless without right or wrong.

    I didn’t notice any one group telling God what to do? I didn’t read about any rantings. As far as abortion goes, since you are killing a baby from their point of view, wouldn’t they be justified in using force to save the life of an innocent. Actually, the fact that abortion is allowed to the tune of 40 million abortions, shows how Pagan/Atheist our society has become. What kind of society has so little control of themselves that they can’t use birth control to keep from getting pregnant in the first place. I would think that a science oriented atheist would understand control, guess not. Where there is no morality people will seek it, if for no other reason so as to bring order to their lives.

    I’m truly sorry that some people have found “Christians” that aren’t really nice people. I’m truly sorry that so many people say things that they don’t mean and only to position themselves in society with useless and sometimes harmful beliefs. I’m truly sorry that so many people resent others for their beliefs because it got in the way of them getting something or having a good time.

    No the only ranting I’ve read about is the ranting of a few atheist that are bothered that some group actually thinks that they might live pointless lives. Since they are allowed to live those lives anyway, at least until Islam is the religion of the land, why do they care or is it they themselves that want to tell everyone how to live, what to believe, and what to do!

  12. moss says:

    All the atheists I know — including when I talk to myself — presume the “point” is to take responsibility for your own actions and decisions. It’s neither “forgiven” by some deity nor pre-ordained by some equally absurd superstition.

  13. Smartalix says:

    What I hate is this “if you don’t believe in our religion, you’re a heathen or atheist. Screw you people.

    I believe in God, but I don’t believe in religion. Religion has been used to enslave more people than any other ideology.

    We are all human. To presume that any one of us here alive knows the nature of the mystery that is God is the height of arrogance.

    The problem here is that the apocalypse nuts mold their decisions on this wierd assumption. Bush may decide to nuke Korea anyway, since the rapture is coming and he wants a big plus mark on the lord’s scoreboard for waxing a bunch of heathens for christ (I use lower case because he and I must not believe in the same Christ, as nothing Christ said supports anything this man has ever done).

  14. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    What I hate is this “if you don’t believe in our religion, you’re a heathen or atheist. Screw you people.

    Alix, I would take that a little different. “Those that do not believe and worship exactly as we do are heathens and atheists”. There are many Christians proclaiming that one needs to born again to have Jesus in your heart. Otherwise, you haven’t truly accepted Christ as your savior and are only Christian in name. Excellent point you brought up.

  15. Babaganoosh says:

    You guys don’t get it. Armageddon is only bad if you’re on the wrong side of the deal.

    So I suppose the “enjoyment” of seeing a load of nutcases running all over the place trying to hasten a mythical end of the world scenario is just part of the fun?

  16. Lee says:

    I believe that most of you are missing the point of Christianity, in all the noise being made by so called christians. The new covenant is simple, a “light yoke”. It involves not being hypocritical in ones actions (Do unto others), not passing judgement upon others (Let he who is without sin cast the first stone) and following love to the exclusion of fear (A man cannot have two masters/love thy God and love thy neighbor). We were warned that many would come yelling “Christ, christ!” but He would know them not. Some came claiming they are Christ (Hitler, Sun Young Moon), some come claiming to judge in the name of Christ (Fallwell, Dobson, Santorum, the Pope) and some pass judgement upon others for crimes they have themselves committed (probably most of our politicians, but our last two presidents in particular). None of these people are Christian, because they aren’t following Christ, plain and simple. Every time they say his name to justify their acts it is nothing less than an act of slander. The problem is, that those that do truly follow Him are humble, loving types who would rather be helping than making a big stink. Thus, I believe the atheist who said he had never encountered a good Christian; most likely, those he has encountered didn’t announce themselves as such. People, what we have to do to save the good philosophy of Christ from the moonbats who call themselves christians is simply to take his advice; judge them by their fruits. Those that spread violence, discord and ranchor have sewn bitter fruit all over the landscape, but I have faith that they will reap what they have sewn.

  17. Mike Voice says:

    29 I tired of all these wackos hijacking my religion!

    30 Bah, these people are the reason I can’t voice my beliefs without being mocked.

    47 Every time they say his name to justify their acts it is nothing less than an act of slander.

    I can only hope that such views are held by the majority of Christians.

    22 I can’t prove Christianity, but neither can you disprove it … I’ll take my faith, you can ignore it, and we’ll see what happens at the Second Coming (or lack thereof)]

    “Ignore” seems a bit harsh, but otherwise I would agree to that. [grin]

  18. Mike Voice says:

    28 Truly I tell you there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see that the kingdom of God has come in power.” Mark 8:38 through 9:1

    Truly, I tell you, this generation will not pass away before all these things take place.” Mark 13:24-27,30

    Thanks, I’ll have to remember that the next time someone asks me if I believe the Bible is the inerrant word of God. [grin]

  19. ECA says:

    Ummm, NOT really.
    I think it will matter WHERE you are located, and if you got LOTS of friends with you, to help protect yourself. Should last 5-15 years of fallout.
    If you dig a hole deep enough and are president, you MAY be king when you come out. But, King of WHAT?? And whom will isten to you, besides THOSe that lived with you.

    You got it. Pollute it and kill it, before its all over. This is like having a frat party, for the END of the world party, and 2000 people show up, AND YOU EXPECT them to clean up after themselves. Pizza box’s, Beer bottles to the roof, fighting and all hell breaking out.
    As bed as a teenager, that lets mom Clean there room, as they see no point in it, If they aint going to live there much longer, and that SOMEONE else is willing to do it.

    dont judge others, LET them do the job for you, with there acts.
    Being nice, hurts no one, but has the rights to say NO/go away//find a new place to live/ and so on.
    But, they have to know the rules, when they enter. Make them plain and striaght forward, do NOT expect others to know your rules.

    Truth in heart, is better then nothing. And can save your But. Expressing an opinion, Everyone has one…Its to make a concencious, and living by it, but NOT forcing belief, to another.

    We will probably make this a cess pool, of a teenage kegger, and then some idiot will push 1 button, and ANOTHER idiot will push another, and ANOTHER, and ANOTHER.
    Those that survive will be the meak/hiding fools. With lots of GUNS, and friends, I HOPE.
    And if ANY of these former rulers pop back up, out of SOME HOLE, or religious dictators….I pray, I DONT have a gun.

  20. JohnnyM says:

    When the rapture happens the saved will finally be taken off the earth and into the kingdom of god….. and then the demcrats will regain the house and the senate-America the book

  21. ECA says:


    Ummm ya…Ok..
    And WHAT IF:
    you are on the wrong side of the river, after ALL these years??
    would you curse and hollar,?
    would you shoot, and shout?
    Would you look up the idiot that started it??

    Its nice to have god’s words, but its WRONG to think that MAN didnt add his 2 cents.
    Lets discuss something first.
    Armagedon is the OLD testimant, and has little to do with Christs preaching. those are the original books Edited from the hebrew.

  22. catbeller says:

    Bush is de facto head of a American-based Christian death cult, hoping for and working towards the End of Days within our lifetime. They really don’t care about saving the Earth, ’cause they think it’s about time for the Silver City to come down after the stars fall from the sky and the moon turns to blood and all the non-believers burn forever and ever in agony, amen. And they will work and fight for it, invading the middle east and asia and jump-starting Jesus’s vengeance.

    It ain’t a joke. I just stripped out the semantic crap of the fundamentalist Rapture crowd and stated the basic belief system of this administration. Bible classes are “voluntary” for all members of the White House. I imagine those who don’t believe southern Rapturism don’t hang around very long.

    People are starting to notice? Welcome to the party, pal!

  23. ECA says:

    I dont know,
    It just scares me what Mankind DOES TO mankind.

    Common sence about how the world IS, and how many want to push OTHERS buttons, just to piss them off.
    The middle east has been fighting ITSELF, for over 2000 years. And sticking your finger in This Bee hive, is asking for problems..
    Like interferring in a fight between 2 families,
    If you help one out, then the other jumps you.
    Or, they Both Jump you, because you are interferring.
    You cant WIN. might as well go up and SLAP a Large Bee hive, with your bare hand, we are going to be STUNG BAD.

    time to pull up stakes, and head to the woods Loaded for bear. do a small clear cut, and raise our own.

  24. JohnnyM says:

    #52 that was a joke from America the book by the writers of the daily show, it was just a joke sorry if i didnt state tha clearer, I dont think your an idiot

  25. ECA says:

    We know you think that way John…

  26. JohnnyM says:

    hell im a Dem it was just a joke! A funny one at that so there also is Uncle Dave related to Dvo in and way?

  27. ECA says:

    Jhon and Dave, Hmmm…Who can tell..Look up his Bio..

  28. rand(1) says:

    Consider that #28’s and
    could have been Jesus hinting that some standing there would be kept alive, perhaps similarly to Elijah. That would cause the generation to not pass away completely because a few of it’s members would still be alive.

  29. ECA says:

    Only the meek, those that run and hide, will get past.
    Or those that SEE it coming and Dig in…
    They see the mess thats coming, and do you THINK they dont have their Bolt holes?? Within 10 miles of Wash DC, is enough tunnel system, and Bomb shelters, to handle about 20,000+ people.

  30. amanda says:

    i believe all religions are lies are nothing more than myths. The only truth that exists is love. We all have a duty to help each other in all ways and to avoid harming anybody in any serious way. If everybody realised this many of the grave sufferings on earth today could be avoided if people truly loved helped and supported each other. The only truth that exists is Love ,Personal Responsibility and duty to each other.


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