This would be laughable

Microsoft to launch iPod rival by Christmas: sources | — We saw this coming a mile away. Better than iPOD? That’s not the key. The key is to be “hotter” and “cooler” than iPOD. No easy chore. Microsoft is not up to this challenge. Go for the portable gaming device, not this!

NEW YORK (Reuters) – Microsoft will start selling a wireless digital music and video player to compete with Apple’s iPod by Christmas, sources close to the matter said on Wednesday.

The new player, which Microsoft Corp. has been touting to record companies in the last few weeks, will let users download music and videos over the air, according to one source, a feature which would give it an edge over the iPod.

Microsoft Corp. has also been showing a new media software, developing an application akin to Apple Computer Inc.’s iPod/iTunes integrated ecosystem, according to another source.

Record companies are expected to be receiving prototypes to test in the coming weeks, said the first source. The sources said Microsoft will be throwing significant marketing dollars behind the launch.

  1. jasontheodd says:

    It’s hard to tell how big it is from the picture, but it looks kinda chunky.

  2. JSFORBES says:

    That’s a bold prediction John, considering Microsofts past efforts in breaking into new markets.

  3. Max Bell says:

    Ah, and how many of us predicted your prediction when this was announced? 😀 That does not evoke mental images of sweaty, writhing silhouettes ripped out of their minds on stock options and pop culture.

    That’s more — “Bill-Bill, do I turn right or left off of 405?”

    “My name is Steve!”

    Microsoft iHighway Explorer: when you absolutely, positively have to get there on only one reboot.

    In a balloon.

  4. AB CD says:

    If they made one that was more open like the French are demanding,m wouldn’t that be better?

  5. Alsatia says:

    That thing reminds me of one of those handheld football games from the 1980’s. Sadly.

  6. gquaglia says:

    I agree with Dvorak. M$ is really hot these days. Delays after delays in their bread and butter products. Contined security woes and Google and Firefox nipping at their numbers. Face it, M$ haydays are over. Good ridance.

  7. malren says:

    It’ll flop because Microsoft will forget what really makes the ipod great: itunes.

    I predict a cumbersome mess for support software no matter how awesome the device is. They just might make hardware that smokes the features and sound quality of the ipod…wouldn’t be hard to do. But without a good piece of software to support it…it’ll just be another box on the shelf.

  8. Mike Voice says:

    …will let users download music and videos over the air… which would give it an edge over the iPod

    You need to plug ’em in anyway, to recharge the batteries, so how big of an “edge” will this be – against the extra space needed for wifi circuitry, and power-consumption not directly-related to enjoying said content?

    Apple’s use of the same connection for power and/or media-transfer [first Firewire, nowUSB] is one of the features which make iPods easy to use.

    Could you only download music & video from your own computer[s] – ala current DRM controls – or would they be trying for some way of letting owners download content while they are out-&-around, via public hotspot?

  9. malren says:

    One tech site is saying that you will be able to form ad hoc networks with other users and share data…how they’ll likely work the DRM is that you won’t be able to *download* from each other, probably just stream. Unprotected material will probably be able to be downloaded/uploaded.

    Another rumor is that MS will set up hot spots in malls, airports, crowded downtown locations, that sort of thing. The last rumor I read is that on the player there will be a mobile version of the desktop application that connects to the music store, so anywhere that you can get a wifi signal, you can shop for music and video. That last one makes sense.

  10. Podesta says:

    “The last rumor I read is that on the player there will be a mobile version of the desktop application that connects to the music store, so anywhere that you can get a wifi signal, you can shop for music and video. That last one makes sense.”


    But, a Wi-Fi iPod with movies, is sure to come, likely in time to snuff M$’s offering. Frankly, attempts at making an iPod killer are getting old.

    Nor do I think there would much migration from the iPod. Better Apple’s DRM than Microsoft’s DRM.

  11. Anon says:

    Anyone remember Origami? That cowflop was Dead On Arrival as far as I could tell. I could be wrong, there might be young hipsters having crazy fun with them somewhere just like their hip and happening viral ads wanted me to believe.

  12. Milo says:

    The price will be ridiculous. Probably have to use MSN for downloads.

  13. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    The price will be ridiculous. Probably have to use MSN for downloads.

    And Vista to access the wireless capabilities including networking.

    Sure the Origami was a brilliant success. As is the X-Box and M$ Keyboards and mice. Just check out how much they own the market and at what cost.

  14. gregallen says:

    Why does Microsoft usually win with inferior software (Like Windows “Mobile” over the superior Palm OS) but fail in hardware?

  15. ECA says:

    the Chunkyest, bulkiest OS, even in a PDA is going to TRY and run in a real graphic only environment???
    CRASH burn,

  16. Higghawker says:

    One thing to remember is as more iPods sell, iTunes gains more market share. I beleive people wont want to change? It seems once we have something that works, we tend to stick with it! And the iPod’s functionality and looks will never be matched! Kudos Apple!!!

  17. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    Am I the only one who gets tired of hearing how Microsoft is greedy, of how they do anything for a buck, of seeing them called M$, etc.?

    Its better then ripping into each other like we usually do. Besides, it is easy and fun to poke M$. When you’re the leader and we see how well you lead, we reserve the right to complain. That doesn’t mean we can do better, but we can criticize.

  18. V says:

    Agreed. iTunes (the program, not the store) is a masterpiece in terms of design. If MS wants to make people listen to their music on its platform, it has to match that design, and offer something extra. They have the upper hand, considering that they can integrate features into the OS.

    As for the hardware device… who cares. There are plenty of excellent non-iPod MP3 players out there. Given the choice, people may very well say “I want the one with the FM player and transmitter built in, not the iPod.” But until you get them away from iTunes they’re locked in.

  19. ECA says:

    MS Hardware.
    RE inventing the wheel, and using LEAD insted of rubber.

    MS software,
    BULK that dont need to be there hidden behind security so you can CLEAN IT UP. Look at the Xbox 360, 4 ways to protect its OS and hardware from being used as a Linux box.

    Look at the archectecure, It could be cleaned up, and made MUCh easyier to use, and backup and Protect the OS, they wont do it.
    Cant even make a driver, unless MS tests it, adds there 2 cents to Make it work. If they had their way, you wouldnt run Any games unless it had a MS logo. you wouldnt be able to run ANY program unless it was Made by MS.
    So, what can I say?

  20. doug says:

    yes, for god’s sake – a XBox Portable, not a iPod “killer.” the former has a chance to compete with the DS and actually beat (in the US) the PSP, while incidentally making some inroads as a PMP. the latter will be a flop.

    and to be a real competitor to the iPod, they would have to induce people to switch. given that you have to exploit the analog hole to convert your iTunes music to MP3 – and that is a pain – I don’t see an iPod killer coming down the pike anytime soon. Apple has a self-reinforcing monopoly.

    double-and – the iTunes software is super-slick. good luck in trying to beat that experience.

  21. Tsukari says:

    #22, An xbox portable would flop just as bad as any ipod killer, Nintendo is reigning king of the market, and has been scince the begining. And sony has now had enough time to get a lock on the self confessed “hard-core” Ironically through a bunch of features that have nothing to do with gaming… It’ll be next gen before anyone would take them seriously, the handheld market is much more fickle than the console market.

  22. ken ehrman says:

    i agree, this ugly duckling is a guaranteed flop.

    microsoft is an excellent business software house, and will never be cool; and apple is an excellent entertainment software house and will never be taken seriously in coroprate offices.

  23. ECA says:

    What I would reallt like to see..
    Is an interoperable, piece of hardware, that Anyone could create an OS, Program, and hardware for..
    Make a reasonable priced MAIN unit and let Everyone ELSE make the rest. Have it set up to interface up to 3 hardare cards, a USB connection for KB, and sticks, Place WiFi into it, a DECENT display and CUt the clutter.

  24. Amish Boy says:

    Without any details it’s hard to say what they can do.

    There are a few major advantages they could have if they plan properly:
    * Flash drives only will save them many of the problems apple is now facing
    * Contrary to some previous comments, I think the wifi will be great if they can manage the itunes clone properly
    * Price is going to have a significant impact with the ipod as an alternative
    * I hope the picture above is a joke and not their design
    * Keep the interface simple and to the point

    John, I’ve been a fan for many years, but I think they do have a decent shot here, especially because all of the other ipod clones have not put up a fight.

  25. drew says:

    wireless downloads? cool but how much $$ that could be the bigest factor for it’s success

  26. Garth says:

    MS loses focus to the marketing department. Apple never loses focus- it is razor sharp on what the customer wants to do (with DRM reservations, damn you DRM) with no extra fat. Itunes made it’s first impression as a simple, elegant music player. MS products always, ALWAYS, !!!ALWAYS!!!, leaves the user with an impression that someday, somehow they will be screwing you into an ‘enhanced’ (read: fork out more $$$) experience. The nagging aftertaste of MS marketing leaves a distinct impression on the mind and sours the experience.

    Apple, not perfect, nevertheless leaves you in direct contact with the product with little else to complicate the experience. So future purchases are simple: I need function Z, Apple provides said function without reading an owners manual and without complications or endless pitches of “enrichening” the experience.

  27. doug says:

    23. having given it some more thought, I agree to the extent that they won’t be able to beat, or maybe even put a serious dent in, the DS domination. but I think they would have better luck with that than trying to take on the iPod.

    I go with 26’s idea. not that MS will, but someone should – something with all the media bells and whistles of the PSP, hard drive or huge flash drive instead of UMD (bleh!), a non-proprietary software environment that is easy to mod and program for, support for every codec in the land, and a slick music store/ media manager.

    I would buy one.

  28. RGCook says:

    It looks like a neutered Origami. That is not a good thing.

  29. Mike says:

    “iTunes (the program, not the store) is a masterpiece in terms of design. If MS wants to make people listen to their music on its platform, it has to match that design, and offer something extra.”

    They have trumped iTunes. Have you tried Windows Media 11? Way cool! No folder trees or file lists. Album covers with a much better working and looking interface. And, it WORKS!

    It looks a lot like Media Center Edition. Geez, you think there is some connection? iTunes the software vs XP-MCE the OS that interfaces with music players, video systems and players, HVAC, lighting, security systems, and more.

    I think MS is thinking about a much bigger universe than Apple. The music player is just a small part of it. Why do you think the xBox 360 is also a MCE Extender?

    Check out

    This stuff doesn’t make the press much because it is sold and installed by custom dealers. But, if you check out CES, CEDIA, and EHEXPO trade shows/training conventions you would see just how deep both MS and Intel are in the consumer electronics industry.

  30. julian says:

    Companies seem to forget/ignore the simple requirements yielded by market research.
    Nobody is asking for a media player to wash dishes or walk the dog, so then why over complicate the issue? In fact I do not like Apple, nor condone it’s usage, nevertheless as a media player the unit itself is wonderful in most aspects. It is a crying shame about the other limitations.
    Why would in this market drowned by media players would people choose Apple or Microsoft? Are they producing quality merchandise or are they trying to globalise even more so. Can an entire country be wrong, if the answer is no, think again?


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