This would be laughable

Microsoft to launch iPod rival by Christmas: sources | — We saw this coming a mile away. Better than iPOD? That’s not the key. The key is to be “hotter” and “cooler” than iPOD. No easy chore. Microsoft is not up to this challenge. Go for the portable gaming device, not this!

NEW YORK (Reuters) – Microsoft will start selling a wireless digital music and video player to compete with Apple’s iPod by Christmas, sources close to the matter said on Wednesday.

The new player, which Microsoft Corp. has been touting to record companies in the last few weeks, will let users download music and videos over the air, according to one source, a feature which would give it an edge over the iPod.

Microsoft Corp. has also been showing a new media software, developing an application akin to Apple Computer Inc.’s iPod/iTunes integrated ecosystem, according to another source.

Record companies are expected to be receiving prototypes to test in the coming weeks, said the first source. The sources said Microsoft will be throwing significant marketing dollars behind the launch.

  1. Anal Avenger says:

    *sniff* *sniff* I smell an AppleLUVR!

  2. Mike Bennett says:

    I completely welcome any competion to the Ipod. I already use a different device (Rio Cali with a 2 Gig SD Card) because I wanted to be able to use a AAA battery that I could change when it died. I find Apple arogant and I intend to never buy one of their products. I compare their approach to the difference between a car with an automatic tranmission and one with a stick shift, sure an automatic is easy but I would rather have the performance and flexibility of a stick shift. While I am no huge fan of Microsoft either they have made some reasonablely good hardware in terms of keyboards, mice, joysticks and the x-box.

    While their at it break I-Tunes dominence too. Not every song should be $.99. Let all the fools pay $1.50 for some top 20 boy band so I can get my favourites for less.

    Breaking Apple’s stranglehold on the market would be a good thing. If it takes MS to do it then so be it.

  3. mark says:

    The microsoft hardware i’ve had has been better than their software. Good peripherals anyway. I’ve not had an xbox.

    That picture, whatever it is, I will be surprised it is the thing they are going to release. As everyone’s saying it doesn’t look cool enough and something tells me they will have a marketing guy looking into that.

  4. Mynn says:

    I’m not sure I agree it’d be a flop: just look at the xbox360 and the soon to be released vista compatible keyboard. It proves that microsoft could make cool and suitably ergonomic hardware too. I’m happy that there will be competition from a strong company to Apple’s ipod. Hopefully the customer benefits.

  5. Dan says:

    Like most Microsoft products, the first two versions will suck, the third one will be decent, and the fourth version will be so popular that they’ll get sued by Apple for anti-trust. Just look at Internet Explorer, Windows, Office, etc for other examples of the Microsoft “four version rule”.

  6. Clay says:

    OK if it has built-in WiFi can it play ShoutCast? I have been looking for a portable device that would play ShoutCast over WiFi for years.

  7. I don’t believe for a minute that the device pictured will ever ship. Surely the iPOD clone will look sleeker. Nonetheless, it will still flop for one reason or another.

  8. paul says:

    “it will still flop for one reason or another” – that’s the solid Dvorak reasoning we’ve all come to know and love.

    Given your track record at predicting things I’m thinking it might be time to load up on msft.

  9. Eideard says:

    Do that, paul. It’s running solidly 30% lower than the last time I owned it.

  10. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Everyone seems to agree that Microsoft has made quality hardware in the past…

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but Microsoft outsources all hardware manufacturing and has little to do with the actual design process. The mice, keyboards, etc., are all just Microsoft branded… not actually Microsoft.

    Xbox production is owned by MS, but thats the notable exception.


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