Considering the lives he destroyed, it was the best possible result. He gambled with people’s financial futures, he held entire states ransom, and lost with a fall so great it killed him. Or so we are told.
Convicted Enron Corp. founder Ken Lay, who was found guilty of helping perpetuate one of the most sprawling business frauds in U.S. history, has died of a massive coronary. He was 64.
Nicknamed “Kenny Boy” by President Bush, Lay led Enron’s meteoric rise from a staid natural gas pipeline company formed by a 1985 merger to an energy and trading conglomerate that reached No. 7 on the Fortune 500 in 2000 and claimed $101 billion in annual revenues.
Question: is he really dead, or is something weird going on? Was there any foul play? This is just too convenient. The report says his heart “just gave out.” What does that mean? I think this should be thoroughly investigated.
Jesus Christ , it’s like a meeting for deranged moonbats anonymous in here.
You want to know why the left or the “progressives” lose political power year after year? Look in a mirror. Guy dies at sixty-frigging-four, a guy under tremendous stress over the last few years, and you immediately blame the President.
You couldn’t hurt yourselves more if you shot your own feet off.
He died the moment he felt the glans dilate the sphincter and Ken realized that was the first day of the rest of his life.
See I told you. When you posted the article about Skilling and Lay being convicted, I posted he would never spend a day in Jail.
#33: Oh, I don’t just blame the Shrub, I blame you and the rest of you whiney little wet smacks, too.
It’s nice to see that we have a fan of David Horowitz in here. Yes, for the record I am aware that it was actually coined by a libertarian, but it is obvious where your political allegiance originates. I can remember a number of Clinton conspiracies from a few years back; some were strangely laughable. History really does repeat itself.
It is just unbelieveable when it comes to trying to understand the liberal mind. Conspiracies everywhere. No way the Government can be trusted to bring Ken Lay to justice. Rich men can buy their way out of any trouble. Perhaps the CIA is involved. Certainly George Bush must be hiding knowledge about what really happened or if Lay is dead Bush must have approved a secret “hit”. These type of far left of center liberal minds are like sheep being lead by the blind. You just can’t argue with such folks as can be seen from the person who wrote the starting comments to all of the far left conclusions found above.
How have you all missed this:
It simply can’t be true. In order to die of a heart attack, one must have a heart. Kenny Boy didn’t.
Burn the widow on his funeral pyre!
Personally, I’m sick and tired of hearing all this Ken Lay bashing. We’re wasting time we could be using to polka on his grave, so let’s hurry and get him buried.
May I have this dance, Fräulein?
Show me the body and I’ll believe it.
But our government doesn’t believe in habeas corpus.
Nothing mysterious here.
Stress cardiomyopathy, also called “broken-heart syndrome.” First described by the Japanese 15 years ago, this disease occurs when an emotional trauma causes the brain to release high doses of stress hormones. This hormonal blast paralyzes the muscle cells of the heart, preventing them from working to pump the blood. Typically only one section of the heart is spared this devastating paralysis — the part closest to the aorta so that with each heart beat only the upper portion contracts and the heart looks like a narrowed-necked vase.
source: The New York Times
Interesting side effect, his death will likely prevent the government from seizing the 43 million he still had.
So, if you want a nasty conspiricy theory, he died to assure his wife and kids would keep their inheritance.
Mind you, some of the cynacism comes less from politics and more from the enormous harm that came to a large number of people due to decisons made by Enron executives.
I think as most do that he is not dead and this is the way the elite stay out of jail… I believe the comment about also about the 43 million…
38 It is just unbelieveable when it comes to trying to understand the liberal mind. Conspiracies everywhere.
Quite unlike the Clinton years, when there was “a vast right-wing conspiracy”: Travelgate, Whitewater, Troopergate, Chinagate, Vince Foster,…
Is it really that hard to believe that an elderly Type-A personality, who was facing prison, after a long, contentious trial, preceded by four years of losing everything and being viciously (if rightfully) vilified might just have enough stress in his life to trigger a thrombo?
Just one problem: I flame the libs here more than you, and I’m the one saying something’s up. I don’t think Dubby is, or needs to be, involved, but I do think there’s more this his ‘death’ than meets the eye.
Not likely: This will prevent the seizure of funds. For all intents and purposes the conviction did not happen now. That money belongs to his wife, who they will have to go after.
My cynacism comes from the same place: This isn’t about politics, its about the rich getting away with whatever they want.
I’m sure he’ll get a nice tan. His skin was already pasty enough.
#47 — Just one problem. The right-kept its conspiracy-theory loons on the fringe. The democrats let their loons run the party: Howard Dean, DailyKos, MoveOn …
V the K — at least you’ve shortened your jive handle.
Do you count yourself as aligned with the roster of reactionary, bigoted fools who predominate in the Republikan Party, nowadays? Or are they “forgiven” your definition.
The New York Post wants to check Lay’s coffin before it goes into the ground.
Any they’re rabidly right-wing. It seems politics has little to do with trusting Ken Lay or his cronies and supporters.
Slate’s calling it “Kenneth Lay’s final PR coup”.
This is way too good for him. I would have much preferred that he be someone’s prison bitch.
Mike T
#52- Apparently neither you nor Huffy have ever heard of a sensational headline.
Try reading the actual NY Post article.
50 The right kept its conspiracy-theory loons on the fringe.
Talk Radio, and the House of Representatives. [grin]
>Travelgate, Whitewater, Troopergate, Chinagate, Vince Foster,…
Other than Vince Foster, those aren’t conspiracies. Every other one even went to court, with convictions every time. The conspiracies are Vince Foster, Ron Brown, TWA 800, Mena airport, Atlanta Olympic bombing…
The whole thing seems…. concocted.
Old Kenny boy is probably recovering from facial plastic surgery and massive hair implants in some third world country. while laughing at his formers minions and detractors.
Doubt the Bush Admin has any connection other than an FAA coverup of a late night flight from CO to outside the USA.
Just counting the millions….. 🙂 You saps!
The Atlanta bombing belongs in the former category, since Eric Rudolph was apprehended and pled guilty in the spring of 2003.
Since I don’t have a tin foil hat, I guess I’m not picking up these ultra high frequency brain waves alerts that set off the conspiracy alarm. Gimme a break. Dude is dead, if anyone killed him it was probably his wife so she could get some $$$$. Dubya is no more involved in this (un)mysterious death than you or I. As far as why the left keeps losing? Campaign ineptitude. They’re still campaigning against Dubya. He’s out in ’08 so what’s the gain here? As a registered Libertarian, I am of the firm belief that individuals are intelligent enough to handle themselves above and beyond the government, but after reading some of this crap, maybe I’m wrong. You guys need all the intellectual assistance you can get. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in , breathe out…
OMG Take a look at CNN Larry king interview with Kenneth Lay. This is a 2004 interview that they keep replaying.
Now it does say “Kenneth Lay Dead at 64” at the bottom of the screen, however the 6 looks so much like an 8, making it appear he died at 84. A death at 84 would be more plausible and less questionable.
Am I nuts, or does it look like someone tinkered with the font at CNN, making the 6 look like an 8? But I do agree this is a very convenient death. What did Hannibal Lector say to Agent Starling in “Silence of the Lambs”. “Don’t the locations of of the victim’s deaths seem a bit too random, perhaps DESPERATELY random.
The Goon
If Ken Ley was worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and he is a person who stole hundreds of millions of dollars destroying people’s lives, then why wouldn’t he secretly hire a plastic surgeon to make a terminally ill man look like Ken Ley complete with teeth transfer and fake DNA test(Zoom into photos of Ken’s teeth, and you decide) Ken Ley gets away; The terminally ill man dies anyway; and the dead man’s family is paid off; the plastic surgeon is paid off. Win/Win Reporters claim he was rapidly changing his looks during the trial. Perhaps that was makeup to look like the Patsy?
check his dna and make sure its him that died.