Considering that their readers are the ones fighting and dying for this man’s policies, I thought the Stars & Stripes took it pretty easy on Bush. Others thought differently.

ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE — President Bush has met hundreds of families of fallen soldiers, but he has yet to attend a servicemember’s funeral, he said Tuesday.“Because which funeral do you go to? In my judgment, I think if I go to one I should go to all. How do you honor one person but not another?” he said. The appropriate way to express his appreciation to the family members of fallen troops is to meet with them in private, he said. In an exclusive interview, Bush sat down with Stars and Stripes to answer questions solicited from U.S. troops now downrange, including the one asking whether he had ever attended a slain soldier’s funeral.

Do you think the article presented any new information? I think this “interview” could have been pulled from any random collection of press releases.

  1. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    Has Shrub even been to Dover AFB to salute the men and women coming home in flag draped coffins? It’s what, an hour or two from the White House? That way he could show his respect for those that fell without being seen as picking one family over another. Maybe Rove has missed a good photo op. Though it may have been a good PR move early on, but now that would just be a reminder that he doesn’t give a poop.

    This will likely be used to blast those who support Shrub without question. Republicans will have a very hard time explaining this one. If the war is so important and for America, why does the President not even care about his own fallen soldiers?

    Up until Johnson’s time, not too many fallen men were brought home for burial. Johnson and Nixon’s missed opportunities are just examples of their arrogance. The same criticism as for Shrub.

  2. gregallen says:

    I have an idea!

    Bush could be like some past presidents and keep us from having thousands funerals!

  3. Calin says:

    Hmm, there were 8.26 deaths per 1000 in 2006 (est.) in a population of 298,444,215.

    That comes to what? Around a million dead in 2006?

    How can Bush allow that much death?? He must be a monster.

  4. Calin says:

    Sorry, I was too lazy to get a calculator out. Closer to 2.5 million dead.



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