And the winner of the world’s longest neck goes to…

New York Post – July 2, 2006:

Conservative scribe Ann Coulter cribbed liberally in her latest book, “Godless,” according to a plagiarism expert.

John Barrie, the creator of a leading plagiarism-recognition system, claimed he found at least three instances of what he calls “textbook plagiarism” in the leggy blond pundit’s “Godless: the Church of Liberalism” after he ran the book’s text through the company’s digital iThenticate program.

He also says he discovered verbatim lifts in Coulter’s weekly column, which is syndicated to more than 100 newspapers, including the Fort Lauderdale (Fla.) Sun-Sentinel and Augusta (Ga.) Chronicle.

Here’s an interesting Coulter column where she accuses a traitorous liberal of plagiarism!

  1. Frank IBC says:

    I’m intrigued that this was in the NY Post. I’m trying to figure out what Murdoch’s angle is here.

  2. Uncle Dave says:

    “she accuses a traitorous liberal of plagiarism!”

    So her tactics now are, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em?

  3. Eideard says:

    I have to chuckle over neo-cons who don’t understand what Murdoch’s about. Understand a couple things about good ol’ Uncle Rupert:

    1. He’s about everything essentially and only to make money.

    2. If ideology gets in the way — the ideology gets shoved aside. Even if that ideology is near and dear to his own family!

    3. That’s why — [a] in the UK, he’s considered a sub rosa member of Blair’s cabinet. “New Labour” ain’t passing any laws that impinge on his profits. [b] He runs fundraisers for Hillary. Ditto.

  4. prophet says:

    She is a very strange looking woman. I try to ignore her, but sometimes there is a picture of her that just draws me to it. Kind of like a really bad train wreck.

  5. Flackles says:

    Wow — I mean, John Barrie (Berrie? Berry?) World-famous expert on these things — that’s surely an impeccable source, using iThenticate(r) no less!

    Dvorak’s desperation on clear display. Calm down, libbies, that’s not a closed-case.

  6. Matthew says:

    this may not be the proper place for this but it is a funny long read.

  7. Dale Huber says:

    SN are you sure her column runs in the Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel? I read that paper daily and they have a very balanced editorial page. One day you can read Maureen Dowd and the next Bill O’Reilly. But I have never seen them carry Ann Coulter.

  8. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    #6, Flackles, (Flackey, Flacke, Flooke, or whatever) it is easy to criticize and blame others when your Queen has no clothes. Lets blame Michael Moore because Coulter wanted to poison a Supreme Court Justice. (A felony for sure) Lets blame Al Franken because she calls 9/11 widows self obsessed witches taking pleasure in their husbands death. And it is Max Cleland’s own fault that he lost three limbs fighting for his country. She thinks Timothy McViegh should have blown up the NY Times; it would have been their own fault too.

    Coulter gets publicity by saying the totally absurd. She reminds me of the McCarthy era’s blame the commies for everything wrong. She sells a lot of books this way too. That doesn’t change anything, she is still a slimebucket that has a need to slander others because she doesn’t have any legitimate points to make.

    Dvorak didn’t post this subject, one of his editors, Steve did. Feel free to comment on the subject. While criticizing Dvorak isn’t taboo, it does reveal how much you bring to the discussion.

  9. SN says:

    Thanks Matthew, that was fricking hilarious! And don’t forget the follow-up!

  10. SN says:

    “but sometimes there is a picture of her that just draws me to it. Kind of like a really bad train wreck.”

    I have the same reaction to her. I think it’s because at first glance she is attractive. A tall skinny blonde with long legs and nice breasts.

    But then when you take a second look, you realize that all is not as it appears. Your brain starts to realize that she’s really a very odd looking cross between a dude, a giraffe, and a scrawny past-her-prime bikini model. So on one hand you’re aroused, but on the other hand you’re sickened.

    It’s that conflict in your brain, sort of like when you’re exposed to an illusion. The contradictory thoughts from what your eyes see, to what your penis wants, to what your brain understands can be quite disturbing, but interesting, nonetheless.

  11. Awake says:

    “Ann Coulter –
    Nazi with nice tits.”

  12. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    #12, “Ann Coulter –
    Nazi with nice tits.”

    Get real, if she takes off her inflatable bra, her belly button will have company. Check out the picture Steve posted of her. Damn if her tits ain’t doing one of those physics defying routine. Tits weren’t made to bend like that. Oh well, what ever turns you on.

    I read the story about Ann’s anal dalliance a while back and give it 5 stars. I’m looking forward to the follow up.

  13. meetsy says:

    looks like an anorexic with silicon boobies to me.

  14. gquaglia says:

    I’d hit it! She just open her mouth, well…

  15. Yoda says:

    Did she plagiarize Mein Kampf? That recent Coulter-Hitler quiz convinced me that she is a Nazi. Of course, Hitler didn’t plagiarize his stuff.

  16. Gary Marks says:

    I have a sneaky suspicion Coulter will end up finding herself a good liberal stud to settle down with, like Mary Matalin did. Who could ever have guessed that Matalin would think outside the Republican box in matters of the heart, going for Carville?

    Those links (#7, #10) to tales of Ann’s sexcapades are pretty hot, and more believable than letters to Penthouse.

  17. Smartalix says:

    That’s ’cause the right-wingers may have the money, but the sexual mojo is with the liberals.

  18. Gary Marks says:

    So you feel the power too, eh Alix? 😉

  19. Uncle Dave says:

    #15: The problem is, she can’t shut it.

  20. e3534 says:

    Is that an Adam’s apple?

  21. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    Reading all these comments, Poor Ann, too bad you asked for it.

  22. Don Marsh says:

    I guess she’s a plagiarist like Stephen Ambrose was: pages and pages of footnotes, but bagged for the few he missed.

    Heaven forbid that anyone actually deal with the issues she raises. I think it’s a shame that Ann Coulter is as rude as she is, because it means that she has closed so many doors with her mouth. But I am still expected, if I am “open minded”, to give Michael Moore a hearing, aren’t I?

    This charge against her is more hypocritical than this particular speck in her eye. Gentlemen, remove beams from yours…

  23. GregAllen says:

    Conservatives hate the troops! And Jesus! They also roast kittens over bonfires made of American flags and bibles! The Republicans want to spend your tax dollars on illegal immigrant gay welfare single mothers. And they love Saddam and hate Christmas.

    C’mon. Try it!

    It’s fun and easy to write like Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh and the other conservatives.

  24. Improbus says:

    I still say he’s a tranny.

  25. James Hill says:

    Wow, and just when I thought this place was getting cleaned up, another lame thread like this pops up.

    Just because a dyed blonde troll gets more attention than any liberal comentator is no reason to get pissy, kids.

  26. dvorak_no_clue says:

    Yup, another lame attempt from the left. Come now Dvorak, get back to the interesting news….not this liberal leftist rant-fest that takes control of your blog on occasion.

  27. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    #27 & 28, where do trolls like you two come from? The implication being that you approve of her writing. What sad little boys. One of you even has the gumption to call himself “dvorak _no_clue”. What silly little boys you are. But you are correct, you don’t have a clue.

  28. AB CD says:

    His software program appears to have just identified instances where both writers were using the same quotes. The author uses the term ‘cribbing’ mostly. Anyone have alink to the specific sections that were copied so people can judge for themselves?


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