All of my friends know that my prediction for the Presidential race in 2008 (made over the last year or two) has been McCain-Giuliani versus Clinton and Obama with both VP’s choices actually up for grabs. I may as well make the prediction public. That said I was quite pleased to see the first bumper sticker in a battle over two years away! It was in Berkeley, of course. From my perspective there is no way Clinton can beat McCain, no matter who she runs with, so why not Obama as a longshot? Some crackpot Republicans are promoting the idea of Condi Rice, which is laughable. The way I see it McCain has already been chosen, hence his not saying anything about dirty tricks aimed at him and others as well as his caving in to dubious immigration reform. He is showing he can be a good boy.

  1. I say we’ll have no clue where McCain really stands on anything until he’s elected.

  2. Roc Rizzo says:

    Mc Cain is the biggest flip-flopper in the world. I would much rather see a Gore/Clinton ticket myself. I think that the two of them could address the issues that the PEOPLE want, rather than corporations. Could they win, probably not. Will they run, probably not. But hey, we can fantisize, can’t we?

    The dems will probably come out with a Feingold/Biden ticket.

    I think Obama would rile up the electorate enough to get more people voting, if he’s on the ticket. But I think that there is still a huge amount of bigotry in this country, that he could not win. I would vote for him in a heartbeat, but I don’t think he’s ready yet. He needs more time in the Senate, to get more of a name for himself.

    As far as the Rapeublicans go, I think that they are going to steal the election in 2008, as they did in 2000, and 2004. At least they will try. Whatever their ticket may be, will not matter. They will use puppets to do the job of sucking up to the corporate teat, and keep things status quo. We will be back to the era of the late 19th – early 20th century of robber barons, and monopolies.

    This will eventually backfire on the rapepublicans at some point, but the people have to be doing pretty bad, as they were in the Great Depression, before they vote for anything other than the status quo. The corporatocracy that exists today, and has existed in this country in the past, has more than enough money to put out more favorable propaganda for themselves, and make their opponents look unamerican, when they are the ones who are unamerican. They always have, and always will.

    Just my eleventy-three cents.

  3. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    Joshua, I believe Hillary to be denigrated by the Republicans and conservative pundits. Limbaugh, O’Reilly, Savage, all hate her and will go out of their way to disparage her. Her $24 million does look like a Presidential campaign though. It is the Republicans that will keep her off the ticket.

    It is not that McCain is a RINO or a moderate or whatever. He is just too independently minded to have the backing of the Party. Very true, he a Republican in the Teddy Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower mold, but this is 100 or 50 years later and the party has changed. You also forget McCain’s own divorce was a little messy. If he is Swift Boated, look for that to come up, especially during the primaries.

    Some good reasonings behind most of the opinions. Then there are always those that just look for a chance to slur. One of the better subjects to come along.

  4. Thomas says:

    The last time the Democrats put up someone with both skill and charisma was 1996 and that was only ½ the team. Although I disliked him, it’s hard to argue that Clinton wasn’t a masterful politician. Gore exuded negative charisma and Kerry made Gore look an American Idol winner (which doesn’t say much about American Idol winners).

    2008 will be another year of choosing the least bad of two awful choices.

  5. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    …Kerry made Gore look an American Idol winner (which doesn’t say much about American Idol winners).

    Anyone choosing flash over substance got what they asked for. I understand how you have to denigrate Gore so your guy doesn’t appear as bad as he is. Shit, at 30% approval though, a monkee’s butt would be a favorable alternative right now. A monkee’s butt would do better in the polls too. Are you one of those 30%? Are you someone who has to slander and slur Democrats because the Republicans are so bad?

  6. Thomas says:

    > #18, Thomas, great idea. So who do I send the bill for the
    > $500 computer to, you or Micro$oft? My kid’s computer runs
    > on ME. Too many of her games choke and crash on XP.

    Just as you might pay more to repair your TV or VCR than you would to replace it, there are many times in life when the repair cost is more than the replacement cost. For over ten years I drove an 88 300ZX. The day I replaced it was the day it was going to cost more than the rosiest Blue Book value to rebuild the engine in order to make it pass smog. Should I rail against Nissan for not providing free repair on their vehicle 10 years and over 200,000 miles later?

    Suppose your kids were hooked on games that only run on Win 3.1 or DOS 3.3? Should that be Microsoft’s fault? There are many games out today. Buy them some new ones, teach how to play sports or have them get another hobby. I hear that some of the new games are pretty good. ;-> If you want to provide games that will not have security issues and will be playable pretty much indefinitely, then get a console system.

    > ME was sold to make the “internet experience” more
    > enjoyable. Win 3.0, 3.1, and DOS were not sold with the
    > intension of even connecting to the internet.

    Windows ME is almost seven years old. That’s an eternity in computer terms. It was sold to make the Internet experience MORE enjoyable than competing choices AT THE TIME. That time however has past.

    > Walking away
    > from buggy software because you want to sell more new stuff
    > is just wrong.

    You make it sound as if WinME is only a year old. Maintaining a software product in its original form for seven years is generous IMO.

    > Then telling me I have to replace a computer
    > to accommodate M$? I paid for the OS and the computer. Hey,
    > those guys wrote the buggy software. Don’t confuse the two.

    Yes you purchased a license to use the software indefinitely if you wish. However, your purchase agreement did not include indefinite support and patches. Don’t confuse the two.

    > And I have no empathy for condescending, self righteous
    > armpits that like to blame the consumer for M$’s errors.

    I have no empathy for people that are incapable of understanding the economics and business motivations for producing a software product and providing support. Does Apple still support Version 5 or Mac Plus? Of course not. This has nothing to do with “blaming the consumer.” This about understanding the economics of producing and supporting software.

  7. Thomas says:

    Damn it. Wrong thread.

  8. joshua says:

    #32 roc….I’m not sure what era you live in, but it’s certainly not the year 2006. That old line about the Republicans being in bed with the corporations is way, wayyyyyyyyyy out of date dude. Now if you climb into the corporate bed you will find it full of Democrats, Republicans and some other political groups you wouldn’t have found there 40 years ago, or maybe even 50 years ago. EVERYBODY wants bucks from the corp. masters, hell even Russ Fiengold takes corp. money.
    Some 1960’s counter-culturalists need to update their arguements, your one of them.

    #33 Mr. Fusion….Like I said, Hillary is being touted far more by the liberal media, she is being attacked by the far right media constantly. Of course the far right is praying she is the nominee, newbi’s are unpredictable, she isn’t a newbi, they know they can beat her.

    I’m telling ya…..I’m making my prediction right here and now… will be McCain and possibly Frist as V.P……LOL

  9. ECA says:

    She is being used:
    EITHER as a boondoggle to keep us from SEEING WHOM they REALLy support.
    OR by holding her back to make her STAND out as an under dog…

    I STILL stand by my opinion I said EARLIER…
    She WONT get the lp she needs, and they will ROLL OVER HER. BURY anything she wishes. They will do the END run with her, IF she dont pass WHAT THEY WANT, straight to the Supreme court, to pass the bills.
    they WANT A GOAT, after all that BUSH has done, 1/2 of it wont surface until he has LEFT office. INCLUDING the Bill for War.
    I would REALLy like to see a cut and RUN, and DROP the bills onto the corps.

  10. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #38 “.I’m not sure what era you live in, but it’s certainly not the year 2006. That old line about the Republicans being in bed with the corporations is way, wayyyyyyyyyy out of date dude.”

    In response I say: Bwahahahahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha stop stop yer killin’ me hahahahahahahaha


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