Pat Buchanan unloaded both barrels in a new essay appearing in the latest issue of American Conservative Magazine. A good read, although nothing we didn’t know already.

In Afghanistan and Iraq, it is impossible today to see a day when America and her allies can eradicate the insurgency or effect a U.S. withdrawal without inviting strategic collapse. We seem to be on a treadmill. And Americans—concerned over the immigrant invasion from Mexico, soaring gas prices, falling stock prices, and deficits ad infinitum—are demanding a timetable to get us off.

Today, the Bush doctrine—the world’s worst regimes will not be allowed to acquire the world’s worst weapons—has been defied by North Korea. U.S. military interventions to create democracies in Iraq and Afghanistan are draining us of blood and treasure. Both, as of now, appear open-ended with no assurance of ultimate victory.

Bush’s democracy crusade has been exploited by Islamists in Egypt, Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Iraq, and Iran. The National Endowment for Democracy may claim victories in Georgia and Ukraine, but the cost of its meddling appears to be the loss of Russia and creation of an anti-American bloc from the Baltic Sea to the Taiwan Strait.

  1. Anon says:

    I don’t always agree with the guy, but he says a lot of sensible things on Mclaughlin Group. (head explodes)

  2. John Schumann says:

    He can keep track of all that stuff? That’s amazing, if true.

  3. faustus says:

    as usual pat buchanan is full of shite. you have the hamas offering a treaty to the israelis, the sunni offering a truce in iraq if we will get out in 2 years, we have had direct contact with the iranians for the first time in almost 30 years and they to are concidering getting out of the terrorist game just as qadafy did. you havent heard one word out of the french and the germans since colin powell left office and you have the russians and chinese supporting us over the iran issue of building nukes and all of this because of condoleezza rice, the best secretary of state we have had in a very long time. and as to afghanistan, we now have a power base at the back door to china, russia, europe and the middle east where we can project obscene amounts of fire power on whoever is stupid enough to start shite up. i think that in and of itself is outstanding. yes we can sit home and bitch and whin as buchanan and the right wing and the left wing wants us to or we can get out there and keep one keeping on until we get this hammered out. i say we do what americans have always tried to do… the right thing. and thats something pb knows little about…..

  4. George says:

    Anon is right on. I always thought he was way too conservative and had some bad ideas, but lately even my liberal wife and I are amazed at his honest insight, that doesn’t pander to the right or left.

  5. art says:

    # 3
    Please take your shades off, the future is not so bright …

  6. Mike Voice says:

    3. and as to afghanistan, we now have a power base at the back door to china, russia, europe and the middle east where we can project obscene amounts of fire power on whoever is stupid enough to start shite up.

    And what “fire power” are you refering to, exactly? Especially now that we are withdrawing and letting NATO forces take over?

    Back door to “europe”?

    You really miss the Cold War, don’t you – when we had our military bases scattered all over the place??

    Back in the day – when we had Polaris submarines patroling the North Atlantic from Holy Loch, Scotland…

    …and the Med from Rota, Spain..

  7. Johnny-Cakes says:

    Wow, what is faustus smoking?!?! Is that a legal drug you’re taking sir?

    “we have had direct contact with the iranians for the first time in almost 30 years and they to are concidering getting out of the terrorist game”

    Yeah, Iran is getting out of the terrorist game and are getting into the nuclear weapons game. And our direct contact with them is pretty much “please don’t build nuclear weapons” and they’re response “bugger off, we’re building them”.

  8. kballweg says:

    Buchannan ever the voice of moderatation. Now that McCain has decamped to court the base, have to wonder if this is ground work for yet another run for the presidency, or has the truth of “blood and dollars” spent for nothing in return finally become so damn obvious.

    Faustus, spit out that Kool Aid, we think Chaney peed in it.

  9. ken ehrman says:

    dubya’s a lame duck, and ’08 hopefuls need to start appearing different from dubya now.

    buchanen has just fired the opening salvo in the republican civil war that will pit secular against religious conservatives in ’08.

    as a liberal it hurts to know that the dems have no leadership in place to take advantage of these cracks in the republican facade and will face almost certain defeat (again) in ’08.

    president mccain in ’08 — you heard it hear first.

  10. Angel H. Wong says:


    Here’s a little lesson on learning to curse in different accents: “Shite” is “Shit” with a scottish accent 🙂

  11. AB CD says:

    I always wondered if maybe John voted for Pat Buchanan. Opposition to free trade and outsourcing, restricting immigration and making English the official language, opposing big businesses in favor of local businesses, wanting to pull troops out of every country and drop all sanctions, maybe we should call this site Buchanan uncensored.

  12. Sounds The Alarm says:

    #12 – what’s inaccurate about what he (Buchanan) published? He at least is a true conservative.

    W? Is a frat boy out of his depth & never made a dime in his life that wasn’t given to him by his da or da’s buddies.

  13. Sounds The Alarm says:


    Spot freakin’ on Doug.

  14. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    #11, check your dictionary. “shite” is not in the English dictionary. Regardless of the accent, most words are spelled the same OR if they are spelled differently, will still be in the dictionary under both spellings. faustus used the word twice, apparently neither time was as a curse. That is why I am asking the air headed idiot what he meant.

  15. Milo says:

    Most of what I would have said to you, faustus, has been said.

    I would only add that you are dumber than dirt. Sterilized dirt.

  16. RTaylor says:

    Buchanan is a bright guy, and a studious observer of American politics. Every word from now on will be for political posturing. Every statement and comment will be planned and measured. It’s fun to dissect the things and try to discern subtle alliances and attacks. Both parties will move more centrists for 2008. This is difficult because you have to control the extreme membership. These goof balls are hard for both parties to manage. Pat doesn’t like being just an observer.


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