Sometimes the party is better than the trade show. Although the Digital Experience event held by Pepcom occured during the C3 Show in Manhattan, it was the more interesting and informative of the two events. In the image above I’m looking at the new Westinghouse 47-inch 1080-p HD LCD. It has six HD inputs including HDMI, a 176-degree view angle, and a 6.5-millisecond response time. (The best part it retails for less than $3,000!)
Here I am playing with the new 5-megapixel 3-CCD model Everio G hard-drive camcorder from JVC. Very nice. Its 30-GB drive gives you up to 37 hours of video.
Memorex has a new “give-awayable” 16-MB USB flash memory. With a three-pack for $15, you can give big files to anyone, or just use the donut-shaped drives as a cool filing system.
This Nokia smartphone is a Symbian-based device poised to go toe-to-toe with the Q by the end of the year.
I mentioned the C3 show, right? The only thing I found there of any interest was this cool stick-on edge-of-desk wrist rest, available at Why did it take so long for someone to think of this?
Finally a decent hard-drive-based video camera. How long have we waited for this simple idea to come to fruition?
Next up: cheap solid-state mass storage, and the end of moving parts!
Why are you grinning like a loon in the exact same fashion in every shot? Is it congenital?
“Why are you grinning like a loon in the exact same fashion in every shot? Is it congenital?”
I tought the exact same thing!
You should have tossed off the camera to me for a touch down photo!
Digital focus is a separate event from C3. Digital focus comes town during big conventions because more journalist are in town at that time.
And yes digital focus is the best at what they do.
You kind of skipped over the other cool stuff at digital Focus including all on the other cool stuff on the westinghouse table, like their digital photo frames.
16 meg $15.00 flash memory just dosn’t turn me on. I found the kingston gigabite cards a much better discovery.
In all fairness lets not bash C3!
C3 is a fantastic show for its target audience.
The problem people have with the event is expectations for PC Expo which is long gone.
If you digged deeper you would have found many jewels at C3 Expo.
I found all kinds of hi tech toys from $40,000 Laser printers, Rfid devices, to IP/ISDN network cameras for user-friendly video surveillance and web cam solutions for IP networks made by mobotix.
I just loved this years C3!
Ok now that we gooffed on poor Alix about the stupid Sh#t eating grin,
Why are you hunched over like your trying to fit in the
“the new Westinghouse 47-inch 1080-p HD LCD.
Oh did I say that
I would be grinning also looking at all that cool hardware. The fact that he’s in the pictures gives you a reference to the actual size of the equipment displayed.
That Nokia phone’s keyboard looks like something only useful to those with long fingernails.
Thanks for the support. I’m tired of all those shots of gear just lying on tables. Besides, I love this stuff!
The keyboard was easier to use than my Treo 650, and I can type on it fine (I have huge hands).
C3 was dead on the beach. It needs to revamp completely to stay viable. IMNSHO, this needs to be a business service and software (90% of the exhibitors anyway) event, not a hardware show. It couldn’t even fill half of one hall.
If I were the only company at that show exhibiting $40,000 laser printers, I’d wonder where the other manufacturers are exhibiting. Being the only manufacturer of your type at an event is not a good sign. (BTW, I would wager more readers here are intersted in a $5 USB fun drive than have the money for that printer.)
Smartalix is pretty cool and I enjoy his posts here…but having said that doesn’t he kind of look like a guy that would be working in one of those stores that sells stereos from “Sany” or “Pansonanic” or “Pioneric” all with “Sony guts” inside?
“No no no no nono….I never said it was a Sony….no no no no…I said it’s LIKE Sony….NO REFUNDS!”
I’m typically not an early “adopter” with expensive technologies, but I wouldn’t mind having visitation rights or a joint custody arrangement for that Westinghouse monitor.
“Grinning like a loon” seems like an occupational hazard, when guru meets gadget and experiences harmony with the universe.
“Dog-pile on Alex!!!”
I like the way the “edgewing” photo carefully mimics the photo on the display card…
Hell, if I was going to all the neat “toy shows” Alex is, I’d have a $hit-e@ting grin on my face too… [almost as big as the one I have on my face as I type this…]
The Memorex idea looks useful, but the capacity is way too small, especially for the price.
Rule # 1
Guru’s should never Grinn like a loon and post the pictures in Dvoraks blog or on the net for that matter.
Alix and I are friends for many years and we both where said events.
And Yes Alix is a cool guy! However I couldn’t resist jumping on the prior comments about Alix grin.
Alix has an eye for inovation which is why I am surprised he skipped over so many cool products due to hit the market but tuned in on last decades 16 meg flash drive when Kingston was show 8 gig compact flash cards….
Thier where actually over 40 companies at the preview that all had cool products.
While Alix was looking at this cr#p I was rapping with the wind up dolls better know as the Dvorak booth babes…:-)
Johnny Cakes,,,LOL your right. He reminds me that sears salesman that sells you generic sony and then when hes done scr#wing ya he sneeks in the 10 year extended service protection. 1200 easy payments LOL
My Point is while you was disapointed with C3 Expo expecting something different from the worlds greatest show AKA “PC EXPO.”
C3 wasn’t dead! I agree they do need to go back to the planning.
keep in mind
I spoke to exhibitors and they all seemed very happy with the show.
It was a relief from all the yo-yo bandits they cross with at traditioal consumer shows.
Thier was lots to see and do.
The confrence track was excellent including keynote from the President of Red Hat.
You look like Harry Osborn
Yes, but my freakishly superhuman strength is from natural causes.
Ok lets put this entry to Rest with My
last comment that the Digital Experence party is officially the Best
C3 Show topper event of all time….
And Alix did an ok job covering the event with room for improvement under John’s wing:-)
“The Digital Experience
Filed under:
* General
— Smartalix @ 6:16 pm”
First things first… Thank You.
I have been receiving quite a few orders for the Edgewing Wrist Rest… and most of them are because of referrals from people like yourself.
This was exactly what I was hoping would happen as a result of participating in the C3 Expo… and I believe I have you to thank for it.
I’m hoping that you were given an Edgewing sample at our booth, but if not, let me know… and I’ll send you some. Because I am a small business that is just starting to “take off”… you can appreciate how important a simple referral can be from a source such as yourself.
Thank you… again,
Bill Raftery