Wilbur, is that you?

Seattle man dies after sex with horse – Peculiar Postings – MSNBC.com — Cripes Has the world sunk to this? What’s wrong with these people? The scene at this place has got to epitomize weird. And this is around Seattle. Can you imagine what must be going on in Kansas!!

SEATTLE – A Seattle man died after engaging in anal sex with a horse at a farm suspected of being a gathering place for people seeking to have sex with livestock, police said Friday.

The horse involved in the incident was not harmed, and an autopsy of the unnamed man concluded that “the manner of death was accidental … due to perforation of the colon,” a police spokesman said.

“The information that we have is that people would find this place via chat rooms on the Web,” said Sgt. John Urquhart of the King County Sheriff’s Department.


found by Marc Perkel

  1. Dan says:

    I think the horse was boinking his arse instead of the other way around.

  2. gquaglia says:

    Weird, what the hell are they doing on the west coast.

  3. name says:


    Horses, obviously!

  4. Brian Kaufman says:

    BS man. I’m from Kansas and that’s way more likely to happen in Seattle than Kansas.

  5. Smartalix says:

    And the Catherine the Great award goes to…

  6. DogWings says:

    C’mon John — Lay of Kansas would ya. Everyone knows the real freaks are in Nebraska!

  7. Mike Voice says:


    I was going to make a “Darwin Awards” joke, but #5 is even better!

    My question is, will this death discourage others, or – more likely – will the danger make it that much more intriging to these “Danger Seekers”*

    * obscure reference to Kentucky Fried Movie

  8. Improbus says:

    In the mid-west we treat animals like animals not lovers … jebus. West coast wack jobs …

  9. Aaron says:

    @DogWings, Dude it ain’t us in Nebraska. It’s them Iowans coming over and saying they’re Nebraskans. Though it’s more sheep than horses, from what I’ve been told.

  10. Cutter892 says:

    This brings a whole new meaning to the term animal lovers. After this news are the necrophilacs going go there to? NASTY

  11. RTaylor says:

    The thing about the Darwinian aspect is they got to be taken out before they reproduce. Most of these dumb asses ends up with a half dozen offspring before their stupidity takes them out.

  12. mike cannali says:

    The tip-off was the horse taking a smoke afterwards.

  13. Trevor says:

    The real question is:

    Why would anyone bother reporting on this crap?

  14. jason says:

    I’ll bet his momma would be proud…

  15. RBG says:

    By “Ack!” do you mean you would make such activity illegal even though it would trouble you to do so because of the personal-choice freedoms involved and because that might cause legal censuring of other bizarre but consensual sex, which we all know would then lead to out and out censorship, quickly followed by world domination by evil despots?


  16. xrayspex says:

    The thing about the Darwinian aspect is they got to be taken out before they reproduce. Most of these dumb asses ends up with a half dozen offspring before their stupidity takes them out.

    Horse+Donky=Ass. Human+Horse=dumbass. The former are born sterile. The latter are born dittoheads.

  17. Miguel Correia says:

    This gives a whole new meaning to the expression “He got f***ed”!! ROTFLOL
    (shame on me for joking with a man’s death).

  18. prophet says:

    I can see the horses standing around the water trough and that one special horse is bragging “Yup…got me some last night, I nearly broke the guy in two. He loved every minute of it! Next time I am using the damn riding crop on him.”

  19. Derik says:

    I’m from Seattle, and it was actually closer to our Capital Olympia, and this happened back in October. it was a joke that lasted through the holiday season. and disturbed many people, but it even made it into our news papers. and then I found out even more disturbing news, that this was a legal act (sex with the animals not killing the guy) and I ended up finding out I knew a guy that had gone to this farm.

    the things you think you know about people… and then the things you find out… scarey.

  20. Derik says:

    *edit to last post* read the dateline of the article and it was even before that, July of last year… and it still made it as an ongoing joke around here until February.

  21. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    The guy should have told the horse, “If you really love me, you’ll let me get on top”.

  22. Greg Mc says:

    Yeah – once it all got public last year, it turned out to be an engineer from Boeing. I can’t imagine the office discussions that went around his coworkers (former). You just can’t tell what people are really like….and it’s probably for the best.

  23. ECA says:

    Heard this over 1 year ago, when it first happened.
    Only reason it dont happen as much on the east coast, hilbilly areas, is they are abit more inteligent then to allow 14 inches by 3, NEAR THEM.

    as to a Cowboys beat friend??
    Any sheep herders jokes?? Ewe Got it..
    How girls like to Ride hores because of the NOB on the saddle??

  24. stew says:

    This has got to be Bushs fault. I never heard of this sort of thing during Clintons term.
    Can we tax this?
    “The horse was not harmed.” Well thank God for that.

  25. Hey old or new..it is new to most people. Read the comment guidelines..chatting about the old or new aspects of a story is not a valid comment. Are you telling me that if ten years ago a school newsletter wrote that George W. Bush was born with two heads and I posted that one here you’d bitch? Even if the original story was only read by three people? This is a blog not a newspaper!

  26. Angel H. Wong says:

    That death was caused mostly by ignorance, he should have had performed with the asistance of an expert and should have known that intercourse with a horse is a no-no; a pony yes but not a large horse.

    Big horses are only for oral sex.

  27. Mike Voice says:

    Big horses are only for oral sex.


  28. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    George Bush was born with two heads???

    What, and he lost both of them?

  29. Joe Dirt says:

    Seattle? Maybe in Kansas…

  30. Max Bell says:

    Um, guys, I’d just like to point out that the date of the article is July 15, 2005. It wouldn’t seem like it ought to matter except that this probably won some kind of award as the most googled story of `05.

    Sounds like some of you are just now getting around to exploring your horse-curiousness late in life…


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