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CBC News: Most Americans don’t know Canada is their biggest oil supplier — You need to take a poll for this? Not one American in 100, I can assure you, can name the Canadian Prime Minister, either You know…uh, whatshisname. And it’s not because we are dumb. It’s American’s really don’t care. Besides, the information keeps changing!

A new poll suggests the vast majority of Americans are unaware that Canada is the largest foreign supplier of crude oil to the U.S.

Canada is the biggest foreign supplier of oil and natural gas to the U.S. Canada is the biggest foreign supplier of oil and natural gas to the U.S.

The Canadian American Business Council (CABC) — which represents some of the biggest private sector companies in both countries — said its survey of 1,000 Americans found that only four per cent of respondents thought Canada was the country that provided them with more oil than anyone else.

The survey also found that 41 per cent of Americans asked would support replacing oil from unstable areas of the world with oil from Canada “even if doing so resulted in higher prices for U.S. consumers.”

  1. Mike Voice says:

    …41 per cent of Americans asked would support replacing oil from unstable areas of the world with oil from… The ANWR… its “up there”, isn’t it?

  2. gquaglia says:

    Canada is known for hockey and great strip clubs.

  3. Gary Marks says:

    I agree with drilling in the ANWR, and I also want to see an oil derrick on the South Lawn of the White House. If it interferes with the Annual White House Easter Egg Roll, those little bastards can play with their eggs somewhere else.

  4. ECA says:

    The problem with gas prices ISNT where its coming from, or WHOM drilled it.
    Its that the OIL companies are baseing their priceing on INTERNATIONAL oil prices, and not National or continental.

    Its the same with the rest of the Major corps..
    When China asked for as much WOOD, and metals they could get. Prices doubled, tripled, and MORE..And national prices went UP with no concern about the citizans.
    They try to NOT consider a 2 market structure. HOME and EXPORT prices are the SAME to them. Even when we grab the wood from Canada and resell it RAW to China, Raiseing the price as soon as it hits the border.

  5. Greg Mc says:

    #4 – ECA – I think if you research the economics a little deeper you’ll find that the oil companies aren’t setting the prices based on anything except the market values established in the futures markets, and you’re right – they price on a world-wide product. If you want to blame gas prices on someone, go after the free-market profiteers in the financial districts. Not that I have any great love for Exxon or Shell either, and I think they could do a better job of moderating the ditribution of profits, but they’re not pulling all the strings.

    [flame_suit_status: on]

  6. Max B. says:

    Generally speaking, you guys down south don’t give a shit about anything else that yourselves, so …

  7. spsffan says:

    If it wasn’t for hockey, most Americans wouldn’t know Canada even exists, much less where it is and how it interacts with the US.

    I recommend repeated manditory rides on “Its a Small World” :).


  8. gquaglia says:

    “Generally speaking, you guys down south don’t give a shit about anything else that yourselves, so …”

    Yeah, pretty much

  9. Mike Voice says:

    9. Yeah, pretty much

    Damn, I agree with gquaglia twice in one day…

    Pray for me… [grin]

  10. Peter Garner says:

    Just to clarify, the great strip clubs are all (apparently) located in Quebec, which may one day be a separate country…

  11. Mark B says:

    Canadian Bacon is looklng more like a plossible scenario every day now.

  12. RBG says:

    #0 So I take it you believe “really don’t care” does not equal “dumb?”

    (Actually the article could have gone further by stating the same for Canadians. But at least we can tell you the oldest Brady Bunch girl is named Marcia.)

    Since 1968 there have been 8 different Canadians as Prime Minister. In the same time period there has been 8 American presidents. I guess what is needed is an absolute monarchy to make things easier for you.

    In fact, back in the ’20s, we had a King who ruled Canada for more than 22 years: former Canadian Prime Minister Mackenzie King.

    Can you name any current leaders of the nations of the world? (I’m sure President Bush can now help you with Pakistan.) Or is that not being dumb as well?

    Freeze/sweat in the dark, as the case may be. ;^) ;^)


  13. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    9. Yeah, pretty much
    Damn, I agree with gquaglia twice in one day…
    Pray for me… [grin]

    He’s on a roll. Damn, I knew there was just something I really liked about that guy.

  14. Ok, ok. The Prime Minister of Canada is Kim Bassinger, right?

  15. Johnny-Cakes says:

    Wow, I didn’t even know there was a country called Canada! And it’s right above the United States you say? How long has this been going on?

  16. RBG says:

    14. John, you care… you really care. I’ll give it to you though you were half right: Kim Campbell. Except she was Prime Minister of Canada for a whole 4 months back in ’93. That’s pretty obscure. (Don’t you wish you could get rid of an undesireable leader as easy?) Waitaminit. She also posed apparently nude: Ok, I get it now.

    But as most people know, the current Canadian Prime Minister is… is… damn.


  17. ECA says:

    so you think the prices are set by commercializts in the stock exchange??
    To think that EVEN after they paid the stock prices, and paid all their employees, they had 300, billion MORE profit??
    YOU dont think, that the international prices to other countries, that range $5-7+ per gallon ISNt influenceing them.

    Old but its good.
    they cut back their own scources, and if they cant get the prices they WANT from EXPORTS, they will raise the price HERE.
    Screw them, EXPORT all the US oil, and lets buy from the saudes

  18. Dubya says:


    This is further proof that the USA needs to get out of the Arabian countries and invade Canada. The supply lines are a LOT shorter. The glaciers already gave the USA all their topsoil. They have the biggest mall on the continent. The USA could certainly use some better hockey and futbol players. And, have you seen the in Canada?


  19. Sybrguy says:

    Ok, ok. The Prime Minister of Canada is Kim Bassinger, right?
    Comment by John C Dvorak — 6/28/2006 @ 5:41 pm

    I wish.

  20. Bruce IV says:

    Actually, what’s really hilarious is that Canadian (Albertan) oil sells for cheaper on the US side of the border than the Canadian (at least NB-Maine) – and you guys should really watch Talking to Americans some time … course, you wouldn’t get it – Its one of our Canadian comedians going around interviewing Americans and getting them to say really absurd things about Canada. … and the current PM is Stephen Harper (sorry to spoil the fun), a Conservative, who everyone thinks will make Canada America North, but who won’t actually, because then he won’t get his majority government (because when you have more than 2 parties you can actually have a government that has less than half the seats in the governing house) … that was random …

  21. ECA says:

    Interesting about the Oil, as I would LOVe to see them start there own services HERE.
    Between the 1/3 priced drugs, and the cheaper gas, Canada wouldnt have much of a problem taking ALL the US currency, and making great improvements.

  22. MGB: says:

    I think you guys are very concern to our country but be sure you can do it, I mean by action not only in the written one..



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