This story kinda speaks for itself.
As Melissa noted earlier in PEEK, from a CBS story: “Rush Limbaugh was detained for more than three hours Monday at Palm Beach International Airport after authorities said they found a bottle of Viagra in his possession without a prescription.”
He was reportedly returning from the Dominican Republic at the time which, as Terrance Heath notes, leaves a big, gaping hole in the story.
What was Rush doing in the Dominican Republic? Why was he returning from a country known for its thriving sex trade, with a bottle of Viagra that didn’t have his name on it?
He left it behind the last time he was there with Abramoff.
You think Rush is a Top or Bottom?
He’s still trying to prove a point that Hilary’s health care proposal really doesn’t work.
(This needs a preview button…)
What’s in your closet, Uncle Dave?
Dave has shoes in his closet from what I hear.
Oh, I thought christians and neo-cons invented “perfect”? Or was it “forgiven”?
Come to think of it — it was “hypocrite”.
#8 – I think it is fair to say that the conservatives have brought this on themselves…they don’t have to be better than Christ in an empirical world, but when the left sees a chance to turn the kind of standards on them that they so handily apply to the left…well…nothing new here.
They’ll ignore it, as usual.
#5,7: Worse, a pair of snake skin (python, if I remember correctly) cowboy boots I bought 30 years ago. Kool looking, still, but I can’t believe my feet were ever that small! Of course, I could say the same thing about my waistline back then.
*Cues “Stinkfoot” by Frank Zappa and runs off*
“Your honor, I take full responsibility for my actions.”
and the category is…
Things you’ll never hear at a Limbaugh arraignment.
But of course, conservatives and other moral types have to be more perfect than Christ to be respected, right?
all i am saying is…
“What this says to me is that too many whites are getting away with drug use, too many whites are getting away with drug sales, too many whites are getting away with trafficking in this stuff. The answer to this disparity is not to start letting people out of jail because we’re not putting others in jail who are breaking the law. The answer is to go out and find the ones who are getting away with it, convict them and send them up the river, too.”
— Rush Limbaugh. October 5, 1995 show transcript.
16. good one ken, or should I say
And I wonder if Roy Black ever thought he would have such a thriving misdemeanor practice, all from one client.
One time I asked my conservative, well-to-do uncle, who also happens to be an atheist, why pro-business conservatives aligned with social conservatives like Christians.
His reponse? They’re useful. They’re a huge voting block who will mobilize on issues that require nothing beyond feigning morality, like anti-abortion, anti-gay, etc. Get them worked up over these things, and we can keep the government off our backs. With such distractions, they’re not clamoring for fair wages, universal healthcare, etc., things that are detrimental to successful capitalists.
Uncle Dave:
You know what they say about big feet… *wink*
The real issue is that Rush needs help. He shouldn’t be derided for his hipocrisy, far from it, he needs rehabilitation and a support structure. This is perhaps the most worrisome point: there doesn’t seem to be any call from the social conservatives to have him take a responsible course of action, go to his spiritual advisor, or participate in a program to help him cope with his addictions.
The people who believe in him are his worst enemies, precisely because they do not question him when it comes to his personal drug abuse problems. If he had a clear head, his charisma could perhaps win him a wider audience.
You probably got a boner just thinking about it.
I keep hoping that Limbaugh can turn his life around and become a useful member of society, once the debilitating effects of OxyContin dependency have subsided. I think if we all pray for Limbaugh, God will work a miracle in his life. When he’s fully healed, I bet he’ll be a liberal just like Jesus.
#27 doug, never mind the Pfizer-mobile, my Merck-ury is already warmed up. We must hurry!
When our weary Rush was young
The struggle of his urges soon began
the politics of love and reason
sought alone to rule the fat of this man
He’s strewn across the pages
still it’s news not he would choose
the people he once derided
mock him back for drugs and booze …
The image, mixing RUSH the band from Hemispheres album, with the face of Rush Limbaugh, wow. the only thing I would change was the landscape; instead of the two hemispheres of the brain like on the RUSH album, make it the two hemispheres of Butt cheeks…
Its called Karma Mr Limpaugh.