[Geeks are Sexy] technology news: Installing WordPress Locally Under Windows XP — For those of you thinking about using WordPress for blogging you might find this incredibly handy for development.
Here’s a little guide that will help you install and run Wordpress locally on your XP box in less then 10 minutes:
Yeah, this also has a linux flavor, as well (though most linux people will already know this). By rights? I wouldn’t bother with XAMPP lite unless you’re on a dial-up connection, simply because your software might need the PHP Pear libraries or somesuch.
I haven’t had a chance to comparison test them, but I use Apache2Triad, myself. XAMPP might be slightly more up to date, but Apache2Triad is a completely no-brain installation.
Something else to be aware of? Depending on how you roll in XP, you might be ahead to create yourself a separate log-on just for running Apache — the win32 version is not a speed demon, by any stretch, and something you’ll want to keep in mind is that everything installed (Apache, MySQL, for example) will run their own processes in the background. I have yet to see them interfere with anything, but YMMV.
Better to have as clean a background as you can stand and not have Apache and company sitting around using up valueable resources if you don’t have to.
Next thing to do, if you haven’t already done it? Hit the extensions section of the Firefox site and go through the developer section — at least get the developer toolbar even if nothing else tickles your possum. Its got a CSS option that will allow you to view style information based on the element under your cursor, which will draw a border around the active item and display a list of selectors at the bottom…
Then again? I can’t even type a crummy URL.
Find somebody who knows what they’re doing and listen to THEM. 😉
Max, that’s why I don’t try to write a whole lot of html off the top of my head; all you did was leave off an end tag, resulting in an impressive swath of blue text.
And I think I’ll go hunting for that Firefox developer kit; sounds interesting. You can learn a lot from blue ink.
Max, I fixed it for you. Be careful out there. In the wrong hands, html is a dangerous weapon.
I know, I know. I should probably install the Firefox extension that covers textareas with Xinha so I don’t hurt anybody…
Got ahead of myself, though.
So Max, what is it you do? How’s your PHP skills? 🙂
We need help!
Pretty much like what you’ve got here, really. At present I’m spending a lot of time with Drupal, and will actually be at a conference for it the next couple of days in Seattle. As far as PHP goes, I can get by if I need to modify something, but this is part of what the conference tomorrow will hopefully address. I’m probably one of the few people who’s been around Drupal as long as I have that didn’t wind up in development somewhere, so after this, I won’t have much excuse.
Feel free to kite me an email to maxbell at hostingthing dot com and let me know what’s going on, I’ll take a look at wordpress and see what it can do…
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