This is the famous Cosmic Muffin , a Boeing 307 Stratoliner turned into a boat. It’s supposedly moored in and around Ft. Lauderdale. I think this would be a great boat to have an event around. Apparently it’s not seen that often for some reason.
kudos to Chet Heath
Wow, and it apparently hovers just over the water leaving no impressions or wakes!
“In the event of an emergency, the bottom of your barstool can be used as a flotation device.”
its down here. you can see it docked.
I like how the outside pictures are all taken from the Stbd side, to avoid showing the air conditioner monted on the Port side [just to the left of the bar].
The outside & “cockpit” are interesting, but the rest of the interior needs a makeover.
That thing is so gaudy it’s beautiful.
There are shots of it moving. It does leave a wake.
What ever happened to Joe Merchant?
need to look up who on it as a plane lol and how it re4aled to the spruse goos
There’s ton’s of old fuselages in the desert that’s not been salvaged because it’s not economical now. I’ve read proposals to use them to stack together as housing or commercial space. This of course would be for the novelty value, since renovation costs would exceed conventional construction.
Ok great John C. but where do you play shuffle board? -;)
I was trying to remember if I’ve seen this vessel, or just seen pictures of it before. I really can’t remember which (I know, a mind is a terrible thing to waste). Anyway, I can tell you that the first picture is on the New River downtown Ft. Lauderdale, which redevelopment to look like this only began in about 2000. This picture must have been taken in 2001 or later. This is the precise spot we docked the night we went out to dinner with Mary Noel. The second picture is much older. That is the old 17th street bridge that has now been replaced with a much higher bridge. Construction on the new bridge began in the late 90’s, so this picture is before that. Anyway since this “Cosmic Muffin” has been cruising Ft. Lauderdale since the seventies I may be remembering “it” not just pictues of it. And by the way, on the side that has the air conditioner on it, it is all but invisible…
I love the way it looks. The designer had a real original idea when deciding to make this little boat. I would really enjoy go someday and try it on my own. I am sure that the atmosphere is unique. Congratulations to the ones who designed it.
if you go on google earth or MS earth just do a search for “citrus isle 33315” You can see the boat moored along the canal behind the owners house. I sure wouldn’t want to be one of his neighbors having to stare at that piece of shit
We saw it yesterday from the Jungle Queen boat tour in Fort Lauderdale in a side canal from the New River.