The Hitler vs. Coulter Quiz
: Here are a couple sample quotes, can you guess who said them?

“Liberals have a preternatural gift for striking a position on the side of treason…Whenever the nation is under attack, from within or without, liberals side with the enemy.”

“These scum manufacture more than three quarters of the so-called ‘public opinion,’…To give an accurate description of this process and depict it in all its falsehood and improbability, one would have to write volumes.”

  1. Smartalix says:

    Frank IBC, malren,

    a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

    I stand by my accusation.

  2. Frank IBC says:

    forcible suppression of opposition

    As I’ve said before, it’s not the Republicans’ fault that the Dems keep nominating unelectable candidates.

  3. Smartalix says:

    Coulter has advocated death for those that disagree with the administration, and in one case said so very publicly. There was her infamous statement, made during a speech, that someone should poison John Paul Stevens.
    (For those who don’t know who Stevens is, he’s a Supreme Court Justice. She must desire that someone kill the most liberal vote on the court.)

    I still stand by my accusation. This woman is a fascist propagandist, a Leni Riefenstahl of our time.

  4. Gary Marks says:

    Coulter reminds me of one of Rush Limbaugh’s favorite words: “femi-nazi.” Barbie might have had an affair with Hitler.

  5. malren says:

    Smartalix, when you stretch fascism to include the president WHO WILL LEAVE OFFICE AFTER HIS TERM IS UP (thereby utterly and completely disproving your “dictator” criteria), you prove your own ridiculous partisan moonbattery.

    No one should EVER take you seriously again after this little display of willful stupidity.

  6. malren says:

    I love it. When Smartalix employs blown-own, over-the-top hyperbole to make his stupid, hackneyed political jabs, it’s OK. Coulter employs the same ridiculous technique to stir the pot and Smartalix is all up in arms and throwing around the word “fascist” like a first-year Poli-Sci major who just fell in love with his first ultra-liberal college professor and thinks every word out of the prof’s mouth is Gospel.

    Can you say “hypocrite?” I knew that you could.

  7. Smartalix says:

    I’m not the one advocating the murder of a Supreme Court Justice.


    PS: Fascism does not neccessarily mean a Dcitator-for-Life, it means a dictatorial leader. Bush still has two years to go, and the Democrats are in such disorder I can easily see the Republicans holding all three branches of government for the forseeable future. Fascism means blind obendience to the State, lead by a military-industrial complex.

    Fascism is an ideology. I did not call Coulter a worm,  heartless harpy, or any such thing. I likened her to a Nazi propagandist, and gave a specific role model. I did not insult her personally. For all I know, she’s a nice person to have a beer with.

     You called me a moonbat. Why not refute my arguments with logic? To simply say, “you are a wackjob because you are calling someone a fascist” is insufficient. Coulter spews the most hate-filled invective I have ever read. Can you defend her statement about Justice Stevens?

    I don’t hate Coulter. I’m not asking for her or any of those I disagree with to be silenced, for that would make me a hypocrite (and a Republican). But she has demonstrated that she hates quite a few people that disagree with her, and has said things that I would be ashamed to have attached to my name.

  8. Frank IBC says:

    Fascism does not neccessarily mean a Dcitator-for-Life, it means a dictatorial leader. Bush still has two years to go, and the Democrats are in such disorder I can easily see the Republicans holding all three branches of government for the forseeable future.

    You’re pathetic, smartalix.

  9. Frank IBC says:

    “He’s a dictator because… because… no one will vote for anyone else!” Yeah, that proves it, smartalix.

    It’s obvious that YOU, and not Bush, is the one who truly has contempt for democracy.

  10. JohnMo says:

    @#25 “And then what happened? I don’t seem to recall this conviction for slander. Apparently Moore was right. Your logic is nonexistent; you claim he is a liar because someone sued, and then fail to mention the conviction, thus showing you’ve nothing but someone bitching.”

    The suit was only filed recently. There isn’t a verdict at this point. Your logic is equally flawed. You really couldn’t conclude that Moore is right or wrong in general based on whether a court determines he slandered one individual anyway. You need to do your research and know what you’re talking about too.

  11. Gary Marks says:

    Must the President really declare himself dictator for life in order to qualify as a “dictatorial leader”? Does the premise that Bush will leave office when his term is finished totally invalidate any description as dictatorial?

    Don’t classified executive orders authorizing surveillance programs specifically forbidden by statute count for anything in terms of dictatorial leadership? It didn’t even become open to legal scrutiny until his secret was leaked by someone concerned about the violation of law. How about attaching “signing statements” to laws passed by Congress that effectively change the meaning of those laws, such as the most famous example with the torture law? And how about highly selective leaks of classified information to suppress opposition to a war that was virtually a fait accompli? I know, technically the definition of fascism requires “forcible suppression of opposition,” so we’re a little shy of meeting our full goal there, too.

    Some people seem to set the bar very high to qualify for “dictatorial leadership,” but even so, America just might get there. Wouldn’t it be funny for you if it didn’t become a full-fledged dictatorship until a liberal became president? Hahahahahaha

    Oh wait, that’s right. Liberals don’t believe in dictatorship. Praise the Lord for godless liberals! And let me be the first to make this prediction… before the 2006 campaign season is finished, “godlessliberals” will be a single word.

  12. George of the city says:

    John you shameless hack you have moved on from mac people to lib and conserves. not as entertaining but still bring out the smiles from your regs.

  13. Henrik says:

    First one must be this Ann Coulter person, I don’t expect Hitler to care about the subject. Second one could be Hitler.

  14. Smartalix says:

    “He’s a dictator because… because… no one will vote for anyone else!” Yeah, that proves it, smartalix.

    Maybe no one will vote for anyone but the oligarch’s choice because the votes are fixed, or the opposition is tarred by false press, or voters are illegally removed from the rolls, maybe.

    You’re the pathetic one. You defend someone who wishes death to dissenters.

    You are a coward. You are a weak-minded yes-man to a bunch of arrogant oligarchs that don’t care about this country or its people. You put stupid words in my mouth and then attack the ridiculous position you think you’ve created. Too bad I won’t let you get away with it.

    (Yes, I’m insulting you. But you did it first.)

  15. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    #32, Malren, Just who is the idiot? Maybe you should check out your facts before making such an ass out of yourself.

    Some Iraqi vet was recorded as saying “You know, they say they’re not leaving any veterans behind, but they’re leaving all kinds of veterans behind,” and has had second thoughts about it. So he sues. The case doesn’t stand a chance because there are no grounds to sue. Moore didn’t invent anything, he used the guy’s own words.

    Larry Stecco successfully sued for his portrayal in Roger and Me, but apparently didn’t win any money.

    He won the lawsuits for Bowling For Colombine.

    Ann Coulter is a fascist lesbian.

  16. Frank IBC says:

    John Kerry was “tarred” by nothing more than his own pathetic record. And in his case no one needed to make fake documents like the CBS TANG memo. The American people saw Kerry for what he was, and voted accordingly.

    The only thing preventing the Democrats from winning is the fact that they keep nominating pathetic candidates. On the occasions where they have nominated candidates who are not utterly pathetic, they have actually won elections. And the fact that they’ve done nothing to abolish the electoral college, which led to the Bush victory in 2000, doesn’t help their cause either.

    You’re the pathetic one. You defend someone who wishes death to dissenters.

    Wrong again. As I said previously, I find Ann Coulter’s adam’s apple to be truly scary.

  17. Frank IBC says:

    Mr. Fusion –

    Ann Coulter is a fascist lesbian.

    Ah, an open-minded, tolerant liberal who uses the word “lesbian” as a smear.


  18. Smartalix says:

    Who says I support the Democrats?

    Coulter’s speech is scarier than her adam’s apple, BTW. Her sex , appearance, and what you think of it has nothing to do with her ideology.

  19. Matthew says:

    Anyone ever read this, it is funny as heck and definitely NSFW.

  20. AB CD says:

    I have a little more respect for Ann Coulter nowadays. With the media selling national security secrets, I no longer object to her comments that the military should be shooting journalists, and that terrorists should have blown up the New York Times building instead. Many other comments I still object to like killing a Supreme Court justice(or was that Pat Robertson?)

  21. userclue1 says:

    I love it that liberals are peeing their pants over Coulter. The only defense is to call her a Nazi. Who is more of a Nazi…those who support the first ammendment of free speech, or the losers that want to stifle her opinion? Keep it up libernazis!

  22. Sounds The Alarm says:


    I suppose you feel that the G tells the truth all the time, right?

    Thank god for the media and shame on them as well AND Congress AND the rest of us for not standing up and saying “NO! No more!” to this rich nothing in the White House and his evil controller Cheney.

    History will show that they have endangered the country far more than any newspaper or reporter.


    No I call her a liar. Free speach doesn’t cover lying, but I’m all for letting her talk. She hurts you Neocon-facists more than anyone else.

  23. Frank IBC says:

    you Neocon-facists


  24. Gary Marks says:

    #55, it seems a tad hypocritical when the same people who support an administration that surveiled the anti-war protests of a group of Quakers and other war protest groups NOW support the free speech of a woman who has publicly said that certain people here in America should be killed. Glad y’all finally came over to the side of free speech — America needs your help against leaders who fight free speech at every turn..

  25. AB CD says:

    The media have been big war profiteers. Only they are making their money by helping the enemy, while Halliburton, Lockheed, and Co are help[ing America win the war.

  26. Frank IBC says:

    I’m not a fan of Coulter, but I’ll take her over the so-called “anti-war” (translation: “pro-other-side”) groups that are being surveiled, any day.

  27. Smartalix says:



    Who is more of a Nazi…those who support the first ammendment of free speech, or the losers that want to stifle her opinion? Keep it up libernazis!

    Once can decry what another says without advocating silencing them.

    Read the message string next time you think to say something stupid.

  28. Sounds The Alarm says:


    I was directly addressing the “Keep it up libernazis!” quote. I get to use names if called names. In fact like my president I reserve the right to preemptively call someone names if I have faulty intel about a proposed name calling plan.


    “The media have been big war profiteers. Only they are making their money by helping the enemy, while Halliburton, Lockheed, and Co are help[ing America win the war”.

    Yeah right. Particularly Halliburton – who has been mentioned in just about every corruption and waste probe done by the CBO.

    AB CD I am now officially convinced you smoke dope.

  29. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    AB CD I am now officially convinced you smoke dope.

    Actually, he likes to smell his feet. That way he gets to smell the real lowdown on a dope.

  30. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    Mr. Fusion –
    Ann Coulter is a fascist lesbian.
    Ah, an open-minded, tolerant liberal who uses the word “lesbian” as a smear.
    Comment by Frank IBC — 6/26/2006 @ 5:35 am

    No, for her it is a compliment. If you think it is a smear, then that shows where your pathetic mind is at. Besides, there is no need to smear her, she does well enough all by herself.


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