The Hitler vs. Coulter Quiz
: Here are a couple sample quotes, can you guess who said them?

“Liberals have a preternatural gift for striking a position on the side of treason…Whenever the nation is under attack, from within or without, liberals side with the enemy.”

“These scum manufacture more than three quarters of the so-called ‘public opinion,’…To give an accurate description of this process and depict it in all its falsehood and improbability, one would have to write volumes.”

  1. MQ says:

    Stop peeing your pants over Coulter and get a life, can you guess who said it?

  2. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    Ann Coulter, ha

    ha ha

    ha ha ha

    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

    oops, there goes my vasectomy incision

  3. Bryan K says:

    Why do you people have to give her a hard time. Come on how about a who said it, a mental retard or Michael Moore.

    Oh wait, that would be fair and ballanced, always attacking the Republicans. Ann Coulters new book rocks, my only regret is that I didn’t get an autographed copy.

  4. Smartalix says:

    When did Moore ever call anyone names the way Coulter does?

  5. RBG says:

    Hey, that was fun. Can we do one for Hitler and Bill Mahr?


  6. clockwork oranjaboom says:

    That was entertaining…and as with everything associated with Coulter, you have to read the disclaimer ‘ for entertainment value only’.

  7. RTaylor says:

    If you don’t like this woman, ignore her. Like other pompous windbags, they thrive on any attention, good or bad. As far as the invading other countries and converting them at all cost, that’s what the Apostle Paul would had advocated. Non-Chritians seem to forget that evangelizing is a keystone of that faith. In fact you can’t be a good Christian unless you do it.

  8. Johnny-Cakes says:

    Honestly, the more I hear her the more I’m thinking it’s just a character she plays…much like Steven Colbert. They’re both playing these ultra ultra right wing characters, only Ann takes it much further.

    And maybe she’s like Andy Kaufman who didn’t care if anyone else in the world got what he was doing because let’s face it, the joke was all on us and it was HIM laughing at us for his own amusement. I think Ann is the same way now.

  9. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    #9, j-c

    If only that was true. Unfortunately the right wing believes her words as semi-gospel.

    #4, Why do you people have to give her a hard time. Come on how about a who said it, a mental retard or Michael Moore.

    When has Michael Moore blurted out such slanderous bull crap like Coulter. Other then minor errors, which any documentary film contains, Moore’s films are accurate. Other then minor half truths, Coulter’s books are filled with exaggerations and lies.

    Or would you care to provide some Moore quote that is as over the top as claiming the 9/11 widows who pushed the 9/11 Commission wanted to benefit from their husband’s deaths?

  10. gquaglia says:

    Who cares about Ann Coulter. She is a big windbag. She makes us conservatives look bad, as if we need any help 😉

  11. Gary Marks says:

    The most disturbing thing about Ann Coulter is her popularity. It tells me there are a lot of people, some of them probably even my neighbors, who actually think like she does. Her message and tone is even resonating enough to put her book on the Times bestseller list. This seems to portend a further coarsening of political discussion in America, as if we needed that.

    I’m not sure she’s convincing anyone of anything, but she sure brings people who already think like her scurrying out of the woodwork, and they are legion.

  12. Frank IBC says:

    It’s been said that those who bring up Hitler lose the argument (”Godwin’s Law“). Yet, there are times when someone truly IS a fascist

    What exactly do you mean when you say “fascist”, smartalix? You sound like someone from the other side of the political spectrum throwing around the label “communist” to describe ideas which they find distasteful.

    We have to wake up and impeach the man befouling the oval office.

    Why do you want to see Cheney become President, smartalix?

    And how do you plan on impeaching him? There’s no provision in the constitution for impeachment by popular referendum.

  13. RBG says:

    Coulter & Dvorak: Separated at birth?,1895,1978729,00.asp


  14. Bryan K says:

    @#5 – Moore just likes to tell flat out lies. Never in my life have I seen someone pull bits and pieces of an interview out to make it look the total opposite. That fat tub of lard should do the world a favor and go play a human game of frogger on the 495 interchange


    Hmm, Michael Moore was sued on more than one occasion on using people’s interviews out of context. For instance, a wounded soilder in Iraq that was portrayed as hating the President.

    That man, later sued Moore for slander of character.

    @#11 – I agree with you on that one

  15. Awake says:

    Ann Coulter: Nazi with nice boobs.

  16. Improbus says:

    I thought “Ann” Coulter was a tranny … was I mistaken?

  17. Frank IBC says:

    Well, I take back what I said earlier. There is indeed “impeachment by referendum”, it’s called the presidential elections. And of course Bush won the last election by a greater margin than any Democrat had won since 1964.

  18. Allen McDonald, El GalloviejoÂŽ says:

    #1, Âż Y’ever notice that people who use the trite, overworked, juvenile phrase, ‘ Get a life ‘, are covertly admitting to being uncomfortable in their own skin ?

    It’s simply a vain attempt for them to feel more comfortable in their own skin by trying to make others feel ‘ less than ‘, not as good as, themselves and to make themselves appear as ‘ more than ‘, better than others.

    They are more to be pitied (and medicated) than censured and are a class action annuity for the psychiatric profession.

    Allen McDonald,El GalloviejoÂŽ

  19. Frank IBC says:

    Her adams apple scares me, though.

  20. GregAllen says:

    I got 10 right but was pretty distracted.

    The difference between Hitler and Coulter has more to do with vocabulary than actually the content of what they say.

  21. doug says:

    I got 13 right. I agree that comparing someone in contemporary Americn politics with Hitler or the Nazis is a pretty useless exercise and indeed serves to trivialize the Nazis crimes. (thank you, BTW, Jon Stewart for pointing this out several months ago)

    However, the similarity between Colter’s rhetoric and Hitler’s is striking.

  22. John Bryans Fontaine says:

    The quiz is unequivocal proof against the Orwellian, Right-wing LIE that Hitler had anything to do with Liberalism. And also chilling, yet unsurprising proof how closely Coulter’s loathing of Liberalism mirrors that of Hitler’s.

  23. catbeller says:

    @#5 – Moore just likes to tell flat out lies. Never in my life have I seen someone pull bits and pieces of an interview out to make it look the total opposite. That fat tub of lard should do the world a favor and go play a human game of frogger on the 495 interchange

    * Name one lie. And I don’t mean misstating what brand of toothpaste he uses. Coulter, on the other hand, uses the simple tactic, honed well during her tenure at the Arkansas Project, of lying so vouminously that no human agency can refute the sheer mass of her mendacity because she’s blurted out a hundred more by the time you’ve fact check just the one. She doesn’t just use the Big Lie technique, but a Big Lie loogie machine gun. And in all her time at the Arkansas Project, NOT ONE ACCUSATION AGAINST CLINTON put forward by her and the WSJ’s Fund for seven agonizing years was found to be true even by their hand-picked special prosecutor team. Not a single, solitary one, in that sad, sex-obsessed little piece of porn you call a report..


    Hmm, Michael Moore was sued on more than one occasion on using people’s interviews out of context. For instance, a wounded soilder in Iraq that was portrayed as hating the President.

    That man, later sued Moore for slander of character.

    * And then what happened? I don’t seem to recall this conviction for slander. Apparently Moore was right. Your logic is nonexistent; you claim he is a liar because someone sued, and then fail to mention the conviction, thus showing you’ve nothing but someone bitching. You smear by half-truth. Moore investigates liars, to the best of his limited resources, because Kaite Couric won’t. He has crucified them. Next up are the HMOs; I hope he pulls their steaming guts out for the murder they have done.

    Moore backs up everything he says with research, and documents the facts he states. He just draws the obvious conclusions no one else dares to. Coulter just, as her friend Mahr said to her stunned face, makes shit up.

    But you Limbaughites occupy your own special parallel universe. Nothing will get through to you, not even the (yesterday admitted) 60,000, up from 30,000 previously admitted, dead civilians killed by gunfire, white phosphorous rain, and bombs you’ve murdered in Iraq by lying to us and each other.

  24. catbeller says:

    And, oh yes: Godwin’s Law is dead.

  25. Frank IBC says:

    bombs you’ve murdered in Iraq


  26. Bryan K says:

    @#25 “white phosphorous rain” — I love the smell of shake and bake in the morning, smells like … victory ….

  27. Sounds The Alarm says:


    Great Bryan K. A quote from a movie about a war we lost started by another moron from Texas.

  28. Dusty says:

    So from this we can determine that Hitler was a conservative since he was always attacking Liberals?

  29. malren says:

    Smartalix, do you have a clue what fascism actually is?
    Peddle crazy somewhere else, this blog is all full up.

    catbeller, you’re an idiot. Moore lost one judgment to the lawyer in Roger & Me. He settled two other suits from BFC, and is now in a fight over F911. Pretending Moore never lies is like Pretending Bush is really intelligent.

    You want just one lie? OK. Pantagraph. I win.

  30. Gwendle says:

    At times I wonder who is more annoying, the right wing or the left. Bah to hell with it, time for a our own French Revolution. Gotta clean out the whackjobs sometime.


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