It would be funny if it weren’t so sick. Anyone criticizing this administration is automatically labelled un-American. What’s un-American is what Bush is doing to this country.

This is not funny: Jon Stewart and his hit Comedy Central cable show may be poisoning democracy.

Two political scientists found that young people who watch Stewart’s faux news program, “The Daily Show,” develop cynical views about politics and politicians that could lead them to just say no to voting.

Here’s a more intelligent interpretation:

It turns out that Stewart fans also trust their own knowledge of politics more than do network watchers. Young Daily Show viewers blame the elites who run the political-media system for the mess we’re in, not themselves. They think they really get what politics is actually all about. And, says the study, here’s an idea worth entertaining: “citizens who understand politics are more likely to participate than those who do not.”

The real problem is that the powers that be, both Democrats and Republicans, don’t really want an intelligent and enlightened electorate. Stupid sheep are so much easier to lead.

  1. AB CD says:

    He wasn’t just criticizing Tucker, though he’s the one who responded. Paul Begala was there too, and he’s no conservative. He tries to play at being a better journalist than the other guys, then when he gets called on it, he hides behind King Comedy.

  2. Gary Marks says:

    When Stewart went on Crossfire, the introduction to the piece indicated that the producers were expecting a rare (for them) bit of harmony and lighthearted humor with a popular comedic figure. Well, I guess the joke was on them. I thought it was quite a nice irony that the guest they hoped would really help boost Crossfire ratings turned out to sow the seeds for the demise of their show, pointing out how the show itself contributed to the increasingly poison political atmosphere in America and provided the perfect platform for partisan hacks and their talking points.

    Crossfire itself may actually have been the first problem that was ever solved on that show, and thanks to Stewart.

  3. xrayspex says:

    Stewart has the left leaning show and Colbert has the right leaning show

    You DO realize that Colbert’s show is a PARODY of the far-right viewpoint, don’t you? Colbert is actually pretty far to the left. John Stewart tends to show more of a libertarian slant; he’s certainly no bleeding heart.


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