Public Relations News, Features, and Analysis – PR Week — This is getting more interesting by the minute. Like it has made any difference. Read the entire interview. It is quite interesting.

PRWeek: Why do you think this wasn’t covered heavily by major media directly after the election?
Kennedy: I think the mainstream media took up the Republican echo chamber, and just echoed the right-wing talking points.

PRWeek: Why didn’t the Democrats themselves pursue this?
Kennedy: Well, there was a lot of complaining; there were a lot of lawsuits. But it got very little traction in the media. But you know, the Democrats on this issue have been abysmal as well.

PRWeek: Your story wasn’t based on any secret information, correct?
Kennedy: No, that’s the whole thing. This was not a secret conspiracy. This was done openly and shamelessly. Across Ohio, there were people who did everything they could to stop this.

  1. Gary Marks says:

    #30 AB CD, thanks. That’s a very good article, and it puts the question of electronic vote tampering back into the court of the people making the charges, to rebut the rebuttal if they can. The article also makes more charges about Blackwell’s conduct that I hadn’t even seen before (the paper-weight issue was quite telling). A fair vote can be difficult to achieve, and every once in awhile, we see how many ways there are to try to undermine it. It’ll be interesting to see if Blackwell can win his governorship. I did a quick search, and his poll numbers don’t look so good, so maybe there’s justice after all.

    But when someone as reasonable-sounding as Mark Hertsgaard says the votes just weren’t there for a Kerry win, he has a way of making you believe it. If nothing else, he certainly raises the bar for Conyers and Kennedy to make their case.

  2. Gary Marks says:

    #32 joshua, you should really read AB CD’s linked article. It disagrees with your claim of such a limited role for the Secretary of State (as do other sources). Blackwell oversaw the reorganization of the precincts, which caused confusion, and made some other unfair rulings that even fellow Republicans backed away from supporting. Some of your assertions of county-level autonomy are flat-out contradicted by this source and others. According to another source, Blackwell himself blamed part of the voting machine shortage on too little federal funding through HAVA (Help America Vote Act), so your implication that county election people could just buy more machines doesn’t make sense. The county people also complained that machine allocations were based on data from Blackwell’s office that was 6 months old, further complicating existing problems. Read up on Blackwell — he wasn’t the figurehead you seem to think.

  3. GregAllen says:

    >> Sour grapes, move on and nominate a democrat who can actually win.

    For the last two elections our democratic candidate DID win but were denied office by cheating.

    You’d be pissed, too, of the tables were turned.

  4. Frank IBC says:

    GregAllen –

    Have you read the section of the US constitution that specifies how the President of the USA is elected (hint – it’s not by direct popular vote).

    And even the New York Times admits that Bush won Florida.

  5. Frank IBC says:

    And it wasn’t the Republicans who designed or implemented the infamous “butterfly ballot” and other atrocious ballots.


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