“Television — teacher, mother, secret lover!”

I’d hate for anyone to think we sold out to DirecTV, but their new Titanium offer is just too bizarre to ignore. You’ve read the subject line. You get more TV content than any person could watch PLUS 10 DVRs for the stuff you miss. All for a nice little lump sum of $7,500 a year. Any takers?!

  1. John Wofford says:

    I get the basic DirecTV, and I’m going to toss that when I move in favor of the high tier DSL plan offered by my telco, but even that’s too much TV for the average brain. My math skills are not Einstein level but that deal comes out to over six hundred a month. For that to be cost effective your house would have to be full of grownups, kids, dogs, cats and stuff that would make me cringe in horror.
    Not a bad deal for DirecTV, they are sucking in tremendous amounts of subscription revenue and still get to charge for commercials (on the Basic channels). I just find it hard to justify watching commercials for something I’ve paid a subscription to watch.

  2. Eideard says:

    Another great reason to have a TiVo, John. I absolutely NEVER watch anything real time.

    Even, today, watching World Cup matches — I give the match a 15-minute head start. Skip half time commercials and finish the match in parallel real time.

  3. Cognito says:

    Isn’t it just a good marketing scheme?
    Got them some (lots?) of publicity, job done! even if no one take up the offer.

  4. James Hill says:

    Great threads on this over at the satellite websites. This has to be aimed at businesses and the rich. Wonder what percentage of D*’s business those groups equate to?

  5. forrest says:

    I think it’s a great idea.

    Think of all the frat houses that would sign up…at $625 a month, split between 10 people in the house, that comes to a grand total of $62.50 per a person for all the TV they can watch in a month, including all the premiums, PPV, sporting events, etc.

    If I were in college and living in a house with 9 other people, I’d jump in on that offer…

    Not bad, not bad at all…

  6. Mark T. says:

    I bet all the networks sign up just so they have instant access to every program available. Too bad they can’t do this with a video-on-demand option, instead.

    I guess I will have to move so I can get Verizon FIOS in my neighborhood instead. That option would probably be cheaper in the long run rather than subscribing to DirecTV’s package.

  7. Carl Trimble says:

    Free to air anyone?

  8. Bruce IV says:

    I just think its funny that Homer is hugging the TV playing CBC … the CBC stinks – all it plays is lame Canadian shows – its good for news, and for pre-schoolers, nothing else – some not bad comedy on it too, but even when I watched TV, it was very rarely CBC

  9. no one important says:

    I think they did this so when they start suing pirates they can put an inflated value on the programming that was “stolen” from them.


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