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  1. rickbrick says:

    i thought that was good. like the land of the giants!

  2. Mike says:

    ha, that’s pretty cool.

  3. DBMwS says:

    i had good laughs 😉

  4. Max Bell says:

    Neat. Dunno how comfortable I’d be if my imagination attacked me in similar fashion, but figure if it didn’t get me when I was taking all that acid, Adobe wouldn’t be much of a handicap, either.

    Definitely looks like it would be more entertaining than the 60th iteration of Quake.

  5. GregAllen says:

    This is another site blocked by my country! This is incredibly irritating. They block everything on Flickr and MySpaces, too.

  6. Dan says:

    The Websense goblins have categorised that link as ‘Sex’ and blocked it.

    Thank goodness for unfiltered home broadband!

  7. Duncan says:

    Oh dear – the security at this place is intense – access denied I’m afraid. I’ll have to look when I get home…

  8. Chris says:

    I hate when this happens to me.
    HINT: Don’t even think about printing them off!!
    -Chris from NL

  9. Danijel says:

    The animation was originally posten on Albino Blacksheep. This link seems like its been stolen from there.

  10. Jim says:

    That was hilarious. How cool would a game like that be? You could be the cursor or the victim. Is there a sequel? Who make this?


Bad Behavior has blocked 8248 access attempts in the last 7 days.