[UPDATE] — Apparently this vid is now hot to watch as CoasttoCoastAM and other big sites have discovered it. Enjoy.

  1. Larry Bentley says:

    The video made it clear that the planetoid was on the verge of breaking up before impact.

    Now assuming the worst case scenario. That a planetoid this size actually made it to that point in one piece. Taking into consideration the speeds involved. And doing some quick mental gym on calculating the amount of heat that would be required to reduce that ball of rock into so much slag. If, and I say if something like that were to strike the earth it would be like shooting a golfball struck by Tiger Woods with a .22long rifle firing randomly in any direction. So im partial to the celestial omlet theory if it did happen. Im also partial to the same chances of hitting that golf ball as a planetoid of that magnatude hitting the planet. It’s outta my control therefor I do not worry about it.

  2. We The Penquins of Madagascar say ” You cannot deny the Truths that are Written in the Book of Revelations Chapters 8 – 9 Seek the Truth and Sybolism for yourself before you post your own idiotic Theorys.
    God, Save the Penquins

  3. We The Penquins of Madagascar say ” You cannot deny the Truths that are Written in the Book of Revelations and the Prophecy of End Times which was Written over 2000 years ago and are all coming ture in our Generation. Infinite Love is the only Truth, Everything Else is lllusion. God Save The Penquins / Reco

  4. JimR says:

    #92 Mad Penguins, …….. oh never mind.

  5. Gbonga says:

    The object is way bigger than the usual objects of nature falling from heaven.
    The angle of impact is way too perpendicular to the ground.

    I too believe that, as stars die, so do the planets with the difference being the methods of death. Cataclysmic disasters happen like the one that wiped the Dinosaurs. In such cases even if you stalk tons of food and build underground bunkers, will not save you from death on this earth, unless miraculously some of us are rescured and taken to a different planet as the bible refers to as heaven.

  6. Randy says:

    I think that we are just to take the video as it is presented, without being able to understand the language I would say the hell with storing five years worth the food and all the traditional servival programs. Just say goodbye to as many of your friends as possible, The vidio did not leave me with the hope that there would be anything left to come home to and if there was I’m not sure I would want to.

  7. Max Bell says:

    Geez. Obviously, its unthinkable that the earth would actually be wiped out by a SECULAR asteroid/planetoid/burnt marshmallow.

    Clearly, the instant such a body is identified, it will be imperative to dispatch a team of clergy to inquire after its religious affiliation.

  8. C.S. Clifton says:

    “So long–and thanks for all the fish!”

  9. M says:

    To bILL (comment #4):

    The video DOES show distortion of the asteroid before impact. Did you not notice the frames between 1:02 and 1:06 where you clearly see the efforts made to show the heating of the asteroid right before impact?

  10. Rich says:

    I think that even if we came up with a way to deflect any object 100m to 1000m across all the nuclear weapons on earth couldnt stop a billion tons of galatic mass coming at us. I say we tip up our drinks put on some sunglasses, set up lawn chairs, bend over and kiss each others arses…it’s been a long haul for mayhem. We ain’t stopping anything that big. Period.

  11. Dean says:

    Wow, and Wow again .. Like Wow .. umm .. Wow

    Where was the moon when all this was happening ?

  12. Pterocat says:

    To All The Worried Chicken Littles:
    It’s interesting to look at the most recent history of actual terrestrial impact sites on land that are still uneroded. Meteor Crater in northern Arizona is apparently the most recent relatively large one (1.5 miles in diameter…it’s an interesting place, btw, I’ve been there). That one is estimated to have happened 34,000 or so years ago. The next oldest (and larger) one is Wolf Crater in Australia, which hit several hundred thousand years ago. Before that it goes into the millions of years for older ones. It’s perhaps safe to assume an equal frequency of such impacts in the oceans. So, to quote Meher Baba’s famous last words:

    “Don’t worry, be happy.”

    (of course Tunguska was pretty spectacular but didn’t leave a crater… or do much else)

  13. Miguel says:

    Here’s what she’s saying, in ‘Engrish’ – you can get it in youtube or wherever the file’s being hosted by clicking on ‘more’ to the right of the video —

  14. Madagascar Penquins / Reco says:

    Kill all the Humans
    God, Save The Penquins
    At least we can Swim


  15. kris2pe says:

    This is so FF7 ish!!!

  16. Roc Rizzo says:

    Not too unbelievable… Since smaller bodies have impacted the planet at least twice before, that we know about. Both large bodies that impacted the earth, caused major catastrophies, and mass extinctions.

    But on the bright side, those who managed to survive, might have a cleaner planet, and try to not let the same thing happen.

    Do you think that that’s why last week Stephen Hawking said that we should get off this rock if we are to preserve the species?

  17. wink says:

    Yawn. This is nothing compared to what the Zeta Reticulians are going to do to Earth when they discover we’ve reverse engineered their zero point interdimensional transmat under the Great Pyramid of Gaza.

  18. MikePB says:

    Or worse…. the Goa’ould!!

  19. Mark T. says:

    Congrats to Uncle Dave for adding the DU post that has resulted in the most blog comments (at least from what I have seen to date).

    So, is this a record or what?

  20. The Madagascar Penquins / Reco says:

    We The Madagascar Penquins of This Earth Wish to say one Final Word. Were Pissed at all you Stupit Humans, For Taking Everything So Massive into your Puny little Minds , Do you Realize how Small We Really Are, Your 80 + Years Mean Nothing to Anyone Else, You Mean Nothing To The Universal Plan. Thats Already Been Planed Before All of us Were Even Born.
    Oh, By the Way The Madagacar Penquins are having a Big Backyard BBQ and Guess What, Your All inviting.

    Reco [iii]3 Cheers : )

  21. The Madagascar Penquins / Reco says:

    Think Outside The Box.
    Stupit Humans

  22. Madagascar Penquins / Reco says:

    Final Works
    We Penquins of Madagascar are Pissed at all the Stupit Humans of the World.

  23. Uncle Dave says:

    Mart T,
    While it’s far from having the most comments (the ghost car vid — http://www.dvorak.org/blog/?p=3008 — had nearly 500 and STILL growing), it’s second only to that one in number of people viewing it because other blogs and websites linked to it.

  24. rory says:

    Well everyone might as well wipe their ass and go to bed!!!

  25. Alison says:

    What WOULD happen if earth was overrun by a colony of 700-foot tall chinchillas (comment 21)? I bet someone here could put together that video. If you are up at 4 in the morning posting comments about bullshit, you should be able to make me a chinchilla video. GET TO IT! Just make sure you stick to Newtonian Physics.

  26. Alison says:

    To Reco and the Madagascar Penquins (comment 111) – I shall bring the noodle salad. And Zima… I think penguins drink Zima? Someone’s drinking that stuff… maybe its the penguins….


  27. jimbo92107 says:

    I’m getting so sick of Al Gore and his global warming doomsday scenarios. Get over it, Al, Bush stole the election fair and square.

  28. The Madagascar Penquins / Skipper says:

    Pesident Bush didnt win the election, he was already chosen to be president. He’s and others like him are just a puppets for the real ones that run the world. Have you Notice All the Symbolism and the Secret Owl on your 1 dollar bill yet. Check it out here
    This is all some kind of Whack out Conpiracy.

  29. RY says:

    Overexaggeration a bit on some parts, but there has already been some impacts on earth that size that have been discovered. It won’t throw Earth out of orbit or shatter Earth into billions of pieces, or crack it open. What it would do, is exactly as the video depicted, with all the fire and ash falling down on Earth, mass tsunamis, as well as a long time, perhaps several months of darkness due to the ash and smoke in the sky, including the smoke from whatever burns due to the fire falling from the sky.

    Do some research on End Time meteors/asteroids like the one that could hit Earth in the very distant future. Also, look for some stories on the place near Centeral America which are possible impact areas that started the Ice Age with ideas on how dinosaurs were extinct. The same exact scenario as this video is similar to the ideas some researches have.

    Google it….. you’ll find something.


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